
  Chapter 2388 Let go of

The red carp tries to reduce his sense of existence, now he is a bigwig After fighting, it's better for it to be a little carp. At this moment, everyone can see that Lin Lang and Sun Qianq must not to be trifled with.

"Two seniors, I don’t know if the senior is offended here." One of the Sect Masters stood up and said, his identity is just right to apologize, if Sect’s Old Ancestors are allowed to go, That would be a shame.

However, Lin Lang didn't even look at him. Instead, he pointed to the old man with the highest cultivation base among them and said, "That kid, come out."

Everyone : "..." That kid? This senior doesn't know how long he has lived, how can he be called that way!

The old man who was named was also very angry. Everyone called him senior, Old Ancestor. It was a long time ago that he was called a kid.

"Fellow Daoist, you are too arrogant like this!" The old man said so, and then reported to his family: "You just refuse to call me Gaofeng Daoist, but also call me Fellow Daoist Come on!"

"Your name is Gao Gao? Gao Gao boy!" Lin Lang continued to shout, the Gao Feng Daoist's face was extremely ugly. It's been so many years, no one dared to call his name directly, this guy looked young, how could he be so rude!

"Who the hell are you!" Gao Fengdaoist endured his last breath. He decided that if the two of them refused to give way, then he would take action.

Although they seem to be very difficult to deal with, they are only two people after all. They are a group of people, there are many people, and they can kill the old Master with random punches! So he didn't intend to make himself so aggrieved.

"It doesn't matter who we are, the important thing is that everything here is ours!" Lin Lang's attitude was very hard and he didn't give face at all.

"Okay, if that's the case, there is nothing to talk about, everyone!" After that, Gao Fengdaoist took a step back quietly. At this time, he thought it was whoever did it first and died first. Ah, so he will never be the first to do it.

In addition to the high cultivation base, the most important thing for people who live to this age is to be cautious. If they are not sufficiently cautious, the most talented aptitude and even the highest cultivator may be impaired in their growth. On the way.

But no one, or almost no one has discovered the little action of Gao Daoist. Only a few Old Guys who are familiar with him know what his character is. After all, after so many years of contact, they are not For nothing.

It is precisely because of this that when the peak was retreating, a few of them did not take action. It can be said responsibly that the first batch of shots were Sect Masters of several sects.

How did they not think that it was Sect’s Old Ancestor who pitted them, and they would not have thought that it is not that people are afraid of death when they are older, but that they are more cherish their lives.

"hehe." How could Lin Lang fail to understand their tricks? Because of this, he didn't really kill him. He felt that these Sect Masters were unlucky enough, so he didn't find a few reliable Old Ancestors.

Lin Lang looked at their attack and didn’t take seriously. He just shook his sleeves casually. Those Sect Masters who charged into the battle found something wrong, because their attack was swayed by others. The sleeves are blocked.

Is that a sleeve? That is more powerful than the most powerful magic weapon!

And they are cultivators, they are Sect Masters, even if they are stupid, they will understand that these two people can't be beaten by relying on more people.

No matter how good the magic weapon is, it must have a powerful cultivation base to control it. They looked carefully and then looked at it again. It was obviously an ordinary piece of clothing, simply not a magic weapon. It is almost impossible to stop all of them from attacking with an ordinary piece of clothing.

So, these two can't afford to offend them!

And don’t think they didn’t find out. Those Old Ancestors just didn’t take action. They must have found something wrong, so they took them as pathfinder stones. It’s too much, I don’t know how to take care of it. Junior?

"Senior, or seniors are angry, this is a misunderstanding! Just now a few juniors are impudent, please don't be angry with seniors, they don't understand things, don't care about them."

One of the old men with a higher cultivation base said so, and the action of shaking the pot was neat and fast. Several Sect Masters have misfortunes in their hearts. This day is really impossible, but they don't have any good points. The scapegoat is theirs.

"I don't care about it, after all, they are too young, what do they know." Lin Lang looked magnanimous, and the Sect Masters were relaxed. It seemed that they really didn't mean to be angry.

"Thanks Senior, magnanimous." The old man is about to go downhill, but Lin Lang wouldn't just leave it alone. I heard Lin Lang continue to say: "However, it does not matter that Juniors are not sensible. You have lived for so many years, and you still have so many ignorances. It is really time to teach you a lesson."

He flicked his sleeves directly at a few elders, and everyone saw the lake sway violently, as if it was being pushed by some huge force, and directly rushed towards them with the force of Wanjun.

Several Sect Masters are stupid, they just stood together, why the lake only attacked the Old Ancestors, but did not cause them any harm? So now should I go to rescue the Old Ancestors, or should I stay here obediently and honestly?

"If I were you guys, I wouldn't be nosy." When Lin Lang said this, several Sect Masters immediately lowered their heads, and they didn't dare to make any trouble.

And Lin Lang just so suddenly, Gao Fengdaoist found that they were all fanned outside, and they were still following the lake. In other words, they were hit in midair with almost one third lake, and now they have fallen.

Several Old Ancestors were very embarrassed. They felt that not only their bodies were injured, but also their fragile self-esteem.

But now they also understand that these two people simply are not better than them, but they are not even better than others. The two cultivation bases, they are afraid of guessing.

"What should I do now?" An Old Ancestor asked, and the remaining few people looked at each other's helpless sighed and said: "What else? I can only go back. Do you think we can run? "

"I don't think I can run, but I have to say that when I go back, I can't fan out people again, right?" The man said so and looked at Gao Feng Daoist.

Everyone suddenly realized that this matter seemed to have been caused by the daoist from the beginning to the end. In that case, if someone is to bear the responsibility, then it must be him.

"Gao Daoist, it seems that we can only count on you in this matter."

"Yes, as long as you apologize and admit your mistakes, our life will be saved."

Gao Fengdaoist is also very depressed, but he knows very well in his heart that he has no choice, because no matter from which point of view, that person does not like himself, not for them, even for his own life. , Also have to serve softly.

(End of this chapter)

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