
  Chapter 2386 found it.

Naturally, someone in the forest saw this situation. They were in this forest. Monster beasts are hunted inside, but subconsciously people will avoid this lake.

Because everyone here knows that there is a very powerful monster beast in this lake. This monster beast is a red carp. Although this monster beast has never taken the initiative to injure people, it is powerful.

And the reason why they knew it was because of the idea of ​​someone hitting this lake and red carp back then, and they tried to catch this monster beast.

Finally angered this monster beast. Not only did it take these guys away, but it was also very powerful in reaching the sects of these people, almost destroying the whole sect.

From that time on, this lake and this monster beast became taboos in everyone's mind, and no one dared to provoke them anymore. So even if this is the case in the lake now, no one has come to take a look because of curiosity, everyone is very sorry.

At this moment Xiao Guoguo saw the rays of light in the crack, and Chi Xuan shot directly, and saw that with the spiritual power package, the group of rays of light was brought up.

It looks like a stone, this stone is three or four meters high, it is actually very huge. It's just that this huge stone is covered with a hard shell, and the rays of light are emitted from the shell.

"This is really big." Lin Lang sighed, but they all felt that this energy group should not be that big because the energy fluctuations were not strong enough.

Xiao Guoguo's speed was very slow this time. He directly hit the rock with a fist and saw that the hard rock was hit by this impact, so the uneven shell began to fall off.

It’s like someone holding an incomparable gigantic hammer and hitting the boulder fiercely. Therefore, the boulder all split up and in pieces, the shell fell off layer by layer, and then the inside appeared The treasure.

Everyone has guessed that the real energy group should be in the stone. It's just that no one knows how big the energy group found this time, until this moment, he saw it clearly.

Everyone was surprised, because this energy group also condensed into a ball, but the ball is much smaller, only two fist sized.

Xiao Guoguo looked at the energy mass in Chi Xuan's hand, and carefully touched it. It turned out to be really solid, it looked hard, and it felt soft, like a jelly. .

"Since I have found it, I will quickly absorb it here, lest there will be many dreams in the night." Sun Qianqian suggested that she was really good for Chi Xuan, because no one knew they were here, but Wang Chen was that The guy is rigorous schemes and deep foresight, I'm afraid it shocked him.

"Okay." Chi Xuan also took a look at Xiao Guoguo, and made this decision after Xiao Guoguo agreed.

Lin Lang is very satisfied with this, because now Chi Xuan respects Xiao Guoguo no matter what he does. This respect is not superficial, but from the heart. So no matter what the result is, at least this feeling is very sincere.

Chi Xuan sat in the same place and began to absorb. Their three people can only wait here, but the three are not idle, and they also start cultivation. Know that the situation is urgent now, and they have no time to waste.

However, this time Lin Lang and Sun Qianqian believed that a part of Chi Xuan's energy was really retained, and more importantly, the unvoiced sound can really help Chi Xuan find this energy! If this goes on, I don’t know how far Chi Xuan will be.

Chi Xuan sat in place to absorb energy, and the red carp did not dare to move. These people are the real murderers. They can't afford to offend anyway, so it's better to hide.

It is looking forward to one thing now, they are leaving, what are all these people waiting here? How uncomfortable it is to stay underwater, can’t find a place on land to absorb energy .

However, at this time, Red Carp suddenly heard something outside. Divine Consciousness looked outside and was taken aback, because there were so many cultivators gathered outside.

And these cultivators are not ordinary cultivators. Many of them know it. They are Sect Masters of several sects on the plane. But at this moment they are not standing in the front, they are standing respectfully at the back, what does this mean? This means that the few people in front of them have a higher status, and several Sect Masters dare not make a second.

This also means that the heads of the most powerful sects on this plane have all come. This is not to find it to eat and relive the old days. It must be nothing. Kindly.

It doesn't understand, why has it caught up with one day? Before the fierce group had left, a group of troublemakers came here. Is it because their character is too bad?

"The bold monster beast hasn't come out to see us soon!" one of them shouted, the voice penetrated the lake, and the red carp heard clearly.

It looked at this group of people. Although it was arrogant, it distinguished clearly. It really couldn't beat this group of people. Even if it wanted to fight, it had to rush to perish together.

Why bother, it is living well under this lake, there is no need to save face, the momentary loyalty dispute lost its life.

So the red carp is very calm. Once it has made up its mind, it will not go out under the lake. They have the ability to get down! If they dare to come down, it will run to the group of people, just sitting atop a mountain to watch the tigers fight.

Red Carp thought so, it was really a good idea, so slowly moved towards Xiao Guoguo in the direction they were. It felt that it was lucky today. If only one of the two groups came, it would have suffered a big loss today, but now it seems that this group of people has become his life-saving straw.

Xiao Guoguo naturally heard the movement above and saw the group of people, she just didn't bother to pay attention to it. But she also didn't expect that the red carp did not say anything, so that the group of people continued to clamor, and if this continued, she was worried that it would delay Chi Xuan cultivation.

But fortunately, after a while, the group of people calmed down. They seemed to see through that the red carp simply wouldn't go to the challenge, so they were discussing countermeasures.

Xiao Guoguo No matter what they think, as long as you don't disturb Chi Xuan. But I didn't expect these people to go down to the lake after a while.

Xiao Guoguo only then discovered that these people are clearly determined to win. She had no interest before and did not pay too much attention to them, but now it seems that why they came back so coincidental?

Yesterday, they discovered this energy group, so many people came today. Is it because they saw the rays of light?

The more I think about it, the more I feel that it is possible. This red carp can offend people, and it would not be so coincidental to rush for these two days. Xiao Guoguo thought so in his heart, but didn't mean to do it, but wanted to see what the group of people wanted.

At this moment, red carp dared not hesitate anymore, and quickly reached the bottom of the lake where Xiao Guoguo and the others were. It's just that the array has appeared at the bottom of the lake at this moment, obviously set up by Xiao Guoguo and the others.

Red Carp is very depressed, because it thinks Xiao Guoguo will not let themselves in. This group of people has a high cultivation base, but they don't seem to be so kind and don't like to be nosy.

(End of this chapter)

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