
  Chapter 2124 Changes

Xiao Guoguo thinks, you always think it’s wrong, you tell me what I think. ? She didn't know how she was hanging up in her previous life, she didn't think there was any problem, and she couldn't guess why.

Although this is a little bit unconcerned about his own life and death issues, Xiao Guoguo has always felt that the previous life has passed, even if the flowers are found to be unable to go back, it is more important to live well in this life.

Of course, the premise is that she can't be killed, otherwise she will find another enemy and she will be very tired. But no matter how tired she was, if someone harmed her in her previous life, the account would have to be settled. In those years, she looked at Xiao Guoguo, and the two of them were actually getting along well.

"What do you think is so messy. Shall we continue to talk about how you died in your last life?" Dashu asked, and then I opened a topic, this girl's thinking is so messy .

"Let's talk, you don't think I died without Transcending Tribulation in my previous life." Xiao Guoguo said. She thinks Big Tree might have some ideas.

"Yes, you think those few have reached the late Saint Realm stage, and a few others have reached the late stage of Wuwei Realm. Your aptitude is better than them. Why they have all passed by? You Can’t the Transcending Tribulation succeed!"

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Can we chat well?

"Maybe it's because I'm lazy?" Xiao Guoguo replied, think about it, and look at Xiao Guoguo again. It's not like such a lazy person.

"In short, I think someone has harmed you. If you want to ask clearly, I know who you can go to!" Dashu said very mysteriously, Xiao Guoguo hurriedly looked at it with curiosity. Just satisfy the mysterious sense of this big tree, she doesn't worry that the big tree has no sense of accomplishment.

The big tree who can hear Xiao Guoguo's heart is very helpless. This person is a transparent person, so you can't fool it!

"It's Lu Shan, the Junior Brother of your last life, he may know the inside story." I'm not in the mood to play a riddle with her, this girl who doesn't know what's wrong.

"What! Is Lu Shan still alive? Didn't he fall!" Xiao Guoguo was a little surprised, it should be said that he was very surprised.

I'm afraid that the sect back then doesn't exist anymore. Master should have fallen, too. Is this guy still there? Where is he! Should she go to him?

"I'm alive, but I don't know where it is now, you can go and find it." Dashu laughed, and then Xiao Guoguo felt like he was sent out.

She still wants to ask more about Lu Shan, why did it come out? Looking at everyone's caring eyes, Xiao Guoguo laughed and said nothing, his mind was still a little confused.

"Okay, there is only so much I can help you. You can go your own way in the future, so you can do it yourself!" As the tree said, everyone saw the road open.

"Thanks Senior, many thanks for answering our questions, helping us so much, without retribution, we can only remember it." Xiao Guoguo said, saluting the tree, Everyone is like this.

"Hehe, you are welcome, go ahead and do what you should do." The tree looked high and graceful, and everyone saluted again, and then moved on.

The tree said that they passed the test, and they really passed. No one blocked the road. They proceeded smoothly. The trees also made way for them. Compared to the test before entering here, it is really much happier.

And Xiao Guoguo still don't know the road. They naturally follow the clues to find the ancestral land. The bracelet on their arms still illuminates the way forward for them, and everyone follows the light.

They felt that the woods are here, and so many difficult tasks have been completed. It must be a smooth journey!

However, it turns out that they are still too young. They walked for an unknown amount of time, and the river after the woods passed once again. That is why everyone was very lucky that they brought all the feathers, otherwise how come they come here!

After walking through a mountain, I finally stopped in front of the mountain gate.

A mountain, soaring into the clouds, they must be thinking about flying past, but the light is going down! It means they are going to the mountains. Xiao Guoguo look at the mountain, and then at the location of the woods. It seems that you can come here without going through the woods!

"Is this kidding us?" Xiao Guoguo asked, Lingyue thinks it is impossible.

"This is what Old Ancestor left behind. How many generations have passed it over, shouldn't it be?" Lingyue thinks it should not be.

"Hehe, that must be it." Xiao Guoguo felt that the legendary Old Ancestor was definitely not an ordinary person, he must be deliberate.

This bracelet looks like a bracelet, but in fact, people are a map, a map of activities, and the map decides where they want to go. That's why they were so miserable.

But then again, they wouldn't know so many things without going to the woods, and they have gained a lot. Now it's hard to complain.

"I think the Old Ancestor of Lingjia is really amazing. It always makes us dísciple want to complain but can't say it." Xiao Guoguo sighed so much, and Lingyue felt very agreeable.

As a dísciple, she must not think so well, but she can't help but want to think so! So what to do, she can only say that she also has the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of an ordinary person, and she feels uncomfortable to be fooled all day long.

"By the way senior, you and Lei Hao senior..." Xiao Guoguo asked halfway, and saw Lingyue looking at her with a puzzled expression.

"We are fine, what's the problem?" Xiao Guoguo laughed when Lingyue said that. There is no problem. The real problem is himself

Although she didn't do much, she did it right. Lingyue senior looked much better than before, and Lei Hao senior also looked happy.

"Where is the spiritual family dísciple housed now?" Xiao Guoguo asked the worry-free elderly, and the worry-free elderly looked very surprised.

"Naturally it is in the Spirit Family! Although the Spirit Family is not the largest family now, nor is it a powerful sect, you have to think about it if you want to provoke the Spirit Family, patriarch don't worry!"

Xiao Guoguo felt a headache for Xiao Guoguo's patriarch voice. She didn't want people to notice, she just gritted her teeth and endured it, but Chi Xuan discovered something was wrong with Xiao Guoguo and could only call everyone to rest.

Everyone doesn't understand why they are taking a break now, but since Chi Xuan wants to take a break, they just need to take a break.

Chi Xuan looked at Xiao Guoguo worriedly, but Xiao Guoguo only smiled faintly: "I just think of a lot of things, how did I grow up, how did I find the spiritual home, my father and mother's frustration between them."

Xiao Guoguo said so, her heart was very sad. Now there are two memories in her mind, the previous and the present, some of these memories overlap Yes, they are completely the same, and there have been changes in some places, and she can clearly know what has changed.

"Don't think about it. If you are not happy, forget about it." Chi Xuan said, Xiao Guoguo nodded, what else can be done besides forgetting.

There have been some changes in the past between them, but fortunately, they still love each other so much, and father and mother are still her relatives.

(End of this chapter)

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