
  I have seen it in Chapter 2123

Xiao Guoguo was very surprised after hearing this answer. This question bothered her After so long, suddenly heard that someone knew that she could answer her, Xiao Guoguo was naturally happy.

"Then tell me something, I really want to know." Xiao Guoguo said, and the tree looked at her and said: "You this girl, you think I don't Through your cultivation base, still can’t see your situation? The big tree is probably inside your Dantian, right?"

Xiao Guoguo: "..." This big tree hits people like this It's not so good either.

"Let me tell you this, you are not an ordinary person, I said, that person must have his reason for choosing you. And you are so special as one of the reasons." What Dashu said, Xiao Guoguo understood that he couldn't hide anything from the big tree.

"In that case, you can tell me something." Xiao Guoguo looked open.

"Speaking of which this is your luck, especially this life your luck. The previous Xiao Guoguo probably didn't have this benefit. Now you are the most perfect look."

Although Xiao Guoguo already has a Xiyue clock, and probably understands that Xiyue clock has the ability to control time, but this big tree's words sounded something different.

What is her most perfect look? She was originally herself. She was born like this. Could anyone make trouble?

Thinking about it this way, Xiao Guoguo feels that this is really possible! What if Old Ancestor of the Old Ancestor used Xiyue Clock to see the future? So he really won't take precautions before they happen?

"Please tell me what is the use of this big tree!" Xiao Guoguo asked, with a very sincere attitude.

"Well then, let me tell you! I once heard that a spiritual power tree exists inside of Dantian, and this tree is the World Tree. It can absorb the host's spiritual power, but it can make the host powerful.

And more importantly, World Tree is also a tree of hope, which can bring hope, and you should be fortunate to be its owner. According to me I know that in the past so many years, there are no more than three people who have owned a tree of hope."

When the tree said that, Xiao Guoguo was amazed. Is it so powerful? That said, this is a good thing.

"Then what can this big tree bring to me?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and the tree shook his head and said, "youngster, you shouldn't be thinking about hoping that the tree can bring you What should you think about is, what can you do for this tree of hope?"

Xiao Guoguo was asked this question for a long time without responding, what can she do? What she has been doing all the time, let this hope tree grow up as soon as possible.

"By the way, the bead I gave you can also be absorbed by the tree of hope. If it absorbs this energy, it should grow faster."

Dashu finished saying that, Xiao Guoguo was speechless, this guy probably knew she had a tree of hope, otherwise, why did he give her this bead?

In fact, people have seen everything through it a long time ago, but they have been silly through the barriers. In fact, these things are sure to be given to them by a few big trees. Really didn't expect, the big trees who have lived for so many years will also deceive people.

"What if I don't absorb it?" Xiao Guoguo asked rhetorically, and the tree froze for a moment before repliing: "It doesn't matter, it just hopes that the tree grows slower. It's just in danger. It can’t help you well."

"I only know one thing, people have to rely on themselves. So I will be a good cultivation, as for the tree of hope, let it let it go. Naturally."

Xiao Guoguo just finished speaking, he heard the objection of the tree, and said directly: "No! You can't treat the tree of hope like this, that is the noble tree of hope, how can it be? Let it be so wronged!"

Dashu was very emotional, Xiao Guoguo looked at it, and then slowly smiled. Dashu's heart sank, and it felt as if its own secret had been discovered.

No, this girl impossible knows the real use of this hope tree!

"Hope tree is also World Tree, then I am very curious, what is the relationship between your giant tree family and this world tree?"

Just now Xiao Guoguo couldn't understand one thing. That is why this big tree gave itself a bead that can be absorbed exclusively by the tree of hope? She was so embarrassed to let her take care of this hope tree. It was obvious that they wanted to take care of it!

"This, I can't talk about this. I only tell you two questions. Now that the questions are finished, I can't answer them." Dashu replied. Xiao Guoguo was actually very dissatisfied, but now They can't beat others, so they can only bow their heads.

"If this is the case, then Junior will not ask. Does the senior want to ask me?" Xiao Guoguo asked, Dashu felt a move in his heart, this child is really smart.

"There is nothing to ask. You have been in the illusion for so many years, and you should learn what you should learn. You should hurry up and go to the ancestral land of the spirit family. Maybe you can find the answer. As for You must take good care of World Tree, it is really useful, maybe it can help you a lot."

The big tree has repeatedly explained that, Xiao Guoguo naturally knows the importance of this World Tree, nodded It was agreed, and it was very sincere.

Xiao Guoguo had to leave after asking two questions, but Dashu felt that she couldn’t hold back her face, and she didn’t want to let her go right away. Instead, he went on: "You don’t want to know how you fell in your last life. Is it?"

Xiao Guoguo is very tempted, she naturally wants to know, but will the tree tell her? Didn’t you just talk about two questions, can’t you ask more?

"Hehe, I can ask if I can ask, let's start with your fall back then." Dashu opened the topic and Xiao Guoguo listened carefully, although this is fickle Big tree.

From now on, that life was not her life, but after all, she was once herself. She actually wanted to know what happened in the end.

"In the end you fell because the cultivation base did not have a breakthrough. As far as I know, your previous reputation was very strong. Everyone called you the Lord of Time. You and the Lord of the Earth, Chi Xuan, there are other Lords of Light who are very famous.

Or because some of the characteristics in your cultivation base are outstanding, so the cultivation world has given you these titles, which is quite famous. Yes, I heard people say it for thousands of years.

But then why did you all fall or disappear one by one? I think it must be controlled by someone behind, so I paid special attention."

"What, someone is controlling from behind, are you serious?"

Xiao Guoguo thinks this is unlikely. With their current cultivation base, almost no one dared to provoke them. They were so powerful back then that they were easily harmed by others?

"I don't know who this person is, but this person should exist, otherwise you won't have accidents one after another. You are almost fallen next to each other, and the feeling of conspiracy is too strong. "

Dashu said that Xiao Guoguo felt that his head was big. If it was true, they would have a more powerful enemy in the dark, and they were in the light.

"During that time, I heard a lot of people discussing your affairs. It seemed that everyone was keen to talk about it, and I heard it too. According to what they said, other people fell for various reasons. But you fell directly because you didn't pass the level after Saint Realm. But I always feel wrong!"

(End of this chapter)

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