
  Chapter 2125 Dread

Xiao Guoguo in this brief moment seems to suddenly understand what I just discussed with Dashu problem. I really fell by myself back then.

Because you know the consequences of changing the past or the future, you dare not use the power of your memory anymore. After a good cultivation, you may find that you have changed the future, so you don’t want to continue?

Thinking about it this way, Xiao Guoguo feels chest pain. If so, she will be unhappy in the end!

"What's wrong, is it uncomfortable?" Chi Xuan asked Xiao Guoguo, but Xiao Guoguo shook his head and said, "Not for himself, but for a friend."

Xiao Guoguo Looking at Chi Xuan, I also understand at this moment the terrifying point of Xiyuezhong. It is indeed very powerful, but every change will bring about consequences that some people cannot bear. Xiao Guoguo is very scared. If it really changes the past, can she and Chi Xuan still be together?

Do her friends still exist? Will father and mother still be her relatives? When I think about such a problem, I feel a lot of fear in my heart.

Xiao Guoguo even felt that Xiyue Clock could not be used at this moment, so it was sealed!

Xiao Guoguo felt a lot of pain while holding his head, and they couldn't move forward, because Xiao Guoguo couldn't control himself. They all didn't expect Xiao Guoguo to be suddenly ill, and it seemed to be heart disease.

They all fed her all kinds of medicine pill, but they didn’t see any improvement, and people were always groggy. Chi Xuan refused to leave a step beside her. Everyone could only accompany her around. I don't know what happened to Xiao Guoguo.

It wasn't until ten days later that Xiao Guoguo gradually woke up. She looked at everything in front of her and only felt that she had figured out a lot of things.

"I don't think I'm ready to go to the ancestral land. I need some time to relax." Xiao Guoguo said to Lingyue. Although Lingyue doesn't know why, Xiao Guoguo is them. Lingyue’s future is also the current patriarch, and her request Lingyue naturally agreed to her as much as possible.

Therefore, everyone repaired on the spot again, and they stayed outside the ancestral land for a whole year, and Xiao Guoguo entered the space, as if thinking about something.

This year Xiao Guoguo seems to be inferring something, often frowned. At the same time, Chi Xuan's mind is also chaotic, because he can feel Xiao Guoguo's mind is chaotic.

Xiao Guoguo didn't appear in front of everyone until the retreat was about to end. They waited outside for a year, but Xiao Guoguo spent ten years inside. Looking at Chi Xuan Xiao Guoguo, he felt like he was born again.

"Let's go in, I have made a decision." Xiao Guoguo said. Although everyone does not know what decision she has made, they know that they have to support Xiao Guoguo.

"Boss, no matter how you decide, I will follow you in the future!" Yuemu said.

"Yes, I am willing to follow you too." Beibei is the same.

"There will always be me by your side, no matter when or where." Chi Xuan's promise is more solemn and more romantic.

Yuemu feels that he is a lot worse than Chi Xuan, and this guy's face is getting thicker recently.

"Thank you for your support." Xiao Guoguo seemed to have the courage, went straight to the entrance of the mountain, took the bracelet down, and put it into a depression at the entrance of the mountain!

If this depression is observed carefully, it is the size of the bracelet on Xiao Guoguo's hand. It seems that this ancestral land was really designed for the disciplines.

If they don’t have a bracelet, they can’t find a place. Even if they get to a place, they still can’t open the door here without the bracelet. It's just that the door is really opened, but there is still a test in it, and the bloodline needs to be verified.

Xiao Guoguo has verified it before, but now in order to pass the test, it can only be so.

So Xiao Guoguo once again forced a few drops of blood out of his fingertips, and the blood fell on the opposite stone, a burst of rays of light shone, and then the door slowly opened.

After the door was opened, Xiao Guoguo saw a huge array, which seemed to be very complicated, and it was not easy to want the past.

"I beg you to break the formation." Xiao Guoguo said while holding Chi Xuan's body standing up. Chi Xuan patted her hand soothingly. He is indeed very good at breaking arrays.

Xiao Guoguo asked him for something, Chi Xuan was very happy, although this array was really miserable, he studied for three days, and did not know how many calculations in his mind. Everyone walked into that array.

The array is huge, and there are many traps inside. Xiao Guoguo doesn't understand it. It's worth it to deal with his family! As for it!

But this array is indeed very difficult to deal with. Not only does it have traps, but everyone in it is separated. Xiao Guoguo felt at the time that if he had the opportunity to meet this Old Ancestor, he would definitely complain in person, and an Old Ancestor would not do as one pleases.

She was originally a road idiot, her heart was trapped in the array, and she couldn't find Chi Xuan. She was in a certain mood, but at this time, she saw an array of stones.

Is this what Chi Xuan said? Xiao Guoguo thought about this, and saw an old man holding a tool in his hand and he was carving a stone. Under his carving, the stone gradually gained some charm, as if it were completely different.

"Everyone talks about stubborn stones, but I think anything and everything is useless as long as you are willing to work hard, what do you think?"

Ask Xiao Guoguo, Xiao Guoguo really wants to answer him, can you help me show the way? She really has no time to comprehend who!

"I think you are right!" Xiao Guoguo felt that this was okay, her artistic conception was okay, and she didn't want to think too much, it was okay.

"No, you answered me without serious thinking, this is too insincere!" The old man said so, Xiao Guoguo replied with a look of surprise: "Look, you can answer questions quickly It’s not enough. I’m still afraid that I won’t take my heart. If I say you’re wrong, you’ll be happy?"

The old man feels that he is speechless. Is the youngster so difficult to deal with now? ? This is too deceptive! Say it respects the elderly?

"Cough cough, why are you here in my broken stone formation? Find someone, or learn art!" The old man continued to ask, Xiao Guoguo didn't follow the routine, he couldn't follow the youngster Bad learning.

"I'm here to find someone. Did you see other people passing by or being locked up?" Xiao Guoguo asked. The old man really didn't want to talk to her.

"You are here to learn art, so good, now there are not many youngsters like you who are as easy to learn and patient as you." The old man each minding their own business said.

"I'm here to find someone, not to learn art, look at the shape of my mouth, don't pretend that my ears are not good!" Xiao Guoguo is very depressed, this is obviously to deliberately follow the routine. She has said that she is not an art student.

"Hehe, don't look at me. This seems to be a simple carved stone. In fact, it can comprehend a lot of life principles. You must learn it carefully."

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Come on, it seems that I don't understand.

(End of this chapter)

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