
  Chapter 2122 asks again

Xiao Guoguo thinks about it, the tree has a point, asks the spirit She didn't know who to ask about the family, but the origin of Xi Yuezhong must be inextricably linked to the Ling family.

"Then senior, what does Xiyuezhong have to do with the spiritual family?" Xiao Guoguo asked. The tree pondered for a while, as if reminiscing, and thinking about how to answer.

Xiao Guoguo is not in a hurry. She has waited so long and doesn't care about waiting so long. She had thought about it hundreds of years ago, what must Xi Yuezhong have to do with the spiritual family? It's just this question. She hasn't found the answer until now. Since Dashu is willing to tell her, it doesn't hurt to wait.

"You should know that some people are born with cultivation, and their extraordinary natural talent is very extraordinary. And this kind of aptitude is what we also admire. After all, we just take advantage of the long-term cultivation. Hundreds of thousands of years between Heaven and Earth has many advantages."

Dashu said, Xiao Guoguo thought about it and replied seriously: "I have seen a few such people, if I can One-hearted cultivation, don’t go the wrong way, want to achieve success is not small."

"Yes, it is the word achievement, what a cultivator pursues is also an achievement. Some people are simpler, just thinking about it." Cultivation, thinking of Dao.

And some people are more powerful. They can not only improve the cultivation base, but also pill concocting and refine tools. I have seen a few such people, among them the first in the spiritual family Old Ancestor is one of the best."

Xiao Guoguo didn't ask much after hearing this, but waited. Dashu knows a lot, and it may take a while to find it.

"Old Ancestor, the first generation of the spirit family, is a man. His aptitude is the highest among so many people I have ever seen. Even you are much inferior to him!

Of course, I am not saying that your aptitude is not good, but you are still a bit worse than him in perception. He was proficient in pill concocting and refining by himself, and his level was extremely high. The Xiyuezhong you have to ask is his Hard work."

Xiao Guoguo felt like this in her heart after hearing this, but she didn’t know this Old Ancestor or why he found herself, so she finally had to Is this treasure for yourself?

"Hehe, he also came to us back then, it is said to find himself a Feng Shui Treasure Land burial. You also know how big the rules are here, we must all members to approve it. .

But who would have thought that he did it? Although it took many years, he not only passed the test and got the beads, but also took away the two big trees at that time.

Of course, the tree that was taken away hadn't developed spiritual wisdom back then, but it was also extremely powerful. They followed him willingly because of their conviction."

Xiao Guoguo listen After this, I understand, what I'm talking about now should be the two big trees that followed Lingyue and Lingjia patriarch. The old Ancestor of the spiritual family is really amazing. Not only has he passed other people's territory, but he has also taken away his younger brother.

"You don’t know that these two trees have been guarded by the spirit house. Even if the spirit house was temporarily lost, they have always guarded the spirit house, and finally followed the two outstanding dísciples of the spirit house. "

Xiao Guoguo said this to tell Dashu that the two trees already have owners, and they are going well. But the tree shook his head, hehe said with a smile: "What you said is wrong, who is the best dísciple of the spiritual family? It should be you!

Why did he let you go back then? At the gate of Renjiashan, why not take you back to the spirit house? In the end, why give you the soul of your favorite Xiyuezhong!"

"Hehe, what you asked me? Naturally, I don’t know, and I don’t dare to guess indiscriminately, just thinking that maybe I have something in common with that Old Ancestor?"

Xiao Guoguo asked, the tree thought for a moment. "I shouldn’t tell you these, and the person should tell you these, but I can be sure that you are the best dísciple of the spiritual family, and you are the most like his dísciple! I think why he chose you One of the reasons."

Dashu's words made Xiao Guoguo think seriously, he is the most like that person, so where does it look like?

Is it because I know how to pill concocting, or because I know how to concocting!

But I don’t know why, Xiao Guoguo always feels that this is definitely not the reason. Of course, her Bloodline Power is also very difficult to deal with, and the wound heals very quickly.

The speed of wound healing! Is it because you think your Bloodline Power is so powerful that it is the most suitable for studying Xiyuezhong? If you have to say that, it's not impossible.

"Senior, do you know the life and death of the Old Ancestor? Although I have asked, this is not the second question I want to ask. If the senior doesn't want to answer it, it's fine."

Xiao Guoguo has a very sincere look. Although she wants to know, it is obviously not cost-effective to waste an answer for this question, so she said the ugly thing to the front and reminded it.

"I can tell you, because I happen to know the whereabouts of this guy, he has already fallen, Divine Soul should be in the ancestral land of the spirit family. If you can successfully enter the ancestor this time Land, then it will be of great benefit to you."

After the big tree has finished speaking, Xiao Guoguo is more concerned about the matter of entering the ancestral land of the spirit family. It seems that whether it is for Lingyue or for herself, or to meet the Old Ancestor of the spiritual family, she must go once.

Xiao Guoguo thought for a while. She is still a full spirit root. Did the Old Ancestor choose herself back then, but now she still chooses herself, also because she is a full spirit root?

Besides, her biggest secret is the spiritual power tree! But this secret must be kept. It cannot be known to many people. I just don't know if this big tree can guess what the next question is?

"Your second question, have you thought about it?" Dashu asked. Although Xiao Guoguo hesitated, he still asked: "Do you know that there is a cultivator, they Inside of Dantian, a tree will appear. The tree grows bigger and bigger, the spiritual power on the tree grows stronger."

After Xiao Guoguo finished speaking, he was very worried, and told such a secret. In fact, Dashu is not safe, but she just wants to ask this question when she gets here.

She is no longer a newcomer who has just entered the cultivation world. Many things are very clear. She has never heard of someone growing a spiritual power tree in the dantian during the cultivation, and she is the only one. share.

Since I can't suppress it, it's better to ask, maybe the tree can know.

"Your dantian has grown a spiritual power tree!" The tree asked, and Xiao Guoguo hurriedly shook his head: "I said this is the case, not necessarily me!"

Dashu: "..." At this level, it still has to cover one's ears whilst stealing a bell, it seems useless, right?

But thinking about my responsibilities, I still laughed replied: "Well, it’s not you, but I really happen to know this situation."

(End of this chapter )

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