
  Chapter 2121 Questions

Xiao Guoguo is very grateful and knows that this is Lingyue’s Retreat, my heart is even more moved. But at this moment Beibei remained silent, and then glanced at Xiao Guoguo and said: "I have a question to ask."

"Okay." Xiao Guoguo agreed, she can't take all of it alone. Questions, so Beibei should ask one, and naturally he can't refuse.

"Thank you." Beibei is very grateful to Xiao Guoguo. This question may not matter to others, but for her, it must be asked.

"Then this little girl, ask first. Don't worry, no one will know what you asked." The tree said, and at the same time the rays of light shone, and the tree and Beibei could not see it. .

Everyone didn't expect, this big tree is so thoughtful and knows about privacy protection. In fact, they also want to know what exactly Beibei asked!

Beibei looked at the big tree in front of her, feeling very sorry in her heart, which is rarely shy for her.

"Don't be shy, it's normal to like someone. You have known each other for such a long time. Although he hasn't found out, you can tell him!" Dashu suggested, Beibei didn't expect The big tree I thought in my heart even knew it.

"Hehe, this is my spiritual space, I know what you are thinking about here. You like that Yuemu, I also know that, he likes that girl, and I can see clearly "

After Dashu finished speaking, Beibei's face became a little ugly. She knew that Yuemu liked Xiao Guoguo and was planning to give up, but the relationship is not that you can give up if you want to. She still couldn't do it if she gave up.

"Hehe, it's nothing shameful, it's normal to like someone! You didn't force him to like you, you didn't feel jealous of that girl, you didn't hurt anyone, don't feel guilty. But you want to ask. , Could it be the result of this relationship?"

Dashu asked so, and she saw Beibei nodded, what she wanted to ask was the result.

Dashu is a bit embarrassed. Although it has so many years of wisdom, although he knows a lot of things, it really can’t be answered as a result of a relationship. After all, it can’t be a Forecast Future.

"I don't know, I really don't know this. I can't predict the result of the relationship, but you can only work hard. No matter what the result is, it is your own choice. Don't regret it."

After Dashu finished saying that, Beibei felt a little unreliable. Didn't he say that he knew everything after he was done? Why didn't he know?

"Then I still have one more request." Beibei said. Dashu is very happy that this little girl still has a problem, otherwise he would be really embarrassed.

"Let's talk." Dashu dare not say anything this time.

"I want to see his illusion!" Beibei asked, and Dashu agreed without the slightest hesitation.

To tell the truth, Beibei didn't expect this big tree to actually agree, which is not so good! In fact, in the end, it was not that the tree was unwilling to show her, but that she felt sorry.

But this time should not be wasted. Beibei in the heart comforted herself so much, and it took a long time to comfort herself before she started to see Yuemu's illusion. In fact, Yuemu's fantasy is really simple, that is, he and Xiao Guoguo are two people.

Beibei felt pale at the first glance. It turned out that in his deep in one's heart, all he really wanted was Xiao Guoguo. He didn’t want to dominate the entire cultivation world. I never thought about exploring any secrets or revenge, I just want to have a happy life with Xiao Guoguo.

Of course, there are not only the two of them, but also texts, and their three people have returned to the past together. Beibei is a little sad, so where is she?

"Don't give up, keep watching." Dashu saw that Beibei didn't want to keep watching. She hurriedly advised me to do so, Beibei was puzzled, but she looked at Dashu with kindness, so she endured it. With distress, continue to look down.

Where did she think that after reading it, she actually saw herself! Although she has always been by Yuemu's side like a younger sister, although he often bullies her, he also takes good care of her, and she has always been there from beginning to end.

"I'm in his life? He hates me and doesn't hate me!"

Beibei's smile on her face, her smile is very sweet. At this time, Beibei realized that she really didn't want much, but Yuemu's care and love.

"So I said, the way to go in the future depends on your own choice, don't be too discouraged." Dashu said, and Beibei nodded immediately agreed, she didn't have any before. Confidence, but now I have it.

Beibei felt as if she had watched it for a long time, but only after she came out did she realize that it was only a moment. Seeing Yuemu in the crowd, he looked at himself with a caring expression, and Beibei grinned.

"What are you laughing at! What did you ask, do you know the answer? Don't waste this time!" Yuemu was a little worried, this girl was careless, don't ask irrelevant questions. That would be too wasteful.

"I asked, I know the answer I want." Beibei looked at Yuemu in great spirits, and she looked at Yuemu a little guilty. What's wrong with this girl.

"That's good! Just be happy if you are happy." Yuemu patted her on the head and was also happy for her. Beibei felt that her choice was right.

And Xiao Guoguo walked into the barrier and saw a pair of pictures. It was exactly the way she had returned to the past. Xiao Guoguo saw faintly smiled, and Dashu took the initiative to open the mouth and said: "Time is really a wonderful thing. If you master the power of time, you can even change the world."

"But time is also the power of very difficult to deal with, if you don't master it well , Then it may also destroy this world, so is this what you want to say?"

A rhetorical question by Xiao Guoguo made Dashu stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile: "Girl, you are very smart , You already understand what I want to say. So you didn’t interfere too much later. I think your choice was right."

Xiao Guoguo didn't expect, Dashu was like this Generous, told her the answer without asking her.

"Hehe, you found the answer yourself. You don't need to ask me, so it's not a problem." Dashu said directly.

"It seems that the senior can see through the mind of each of us here." Xiao Guoguo said so, and saw the leaves of the big tree shaking, obviously admitting this.

"Then the senior knows what I want to ask?" Xiao Guoguo continued to ask, and the tree pondered for a moment and said: "Do you want to ask about the spiritual family?"

Xiao Guoguo didn't expect Dashu guessed a lot. She didn't even think about asking first about her own affairs. She cared more about Lingjia and Xiyuezhong.

But Xiao Guoguo hasn't decided whether to ask the spiritual family or Xi Yuezhong. After all, the two seem to be closely related. So Xiao Guoguo feels that if she asks well, maybe she can get two answers.

"I suggest that you still ask Xi Yuezhong, so maybe you can get more answers." Dashu offered to offer, Xiao Guoguo froze, can I help you like this?

(End of this chapter)

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