
  Chapter 2073 Cleared

But servant girl does not understand this question, Princess is clearly because she does not want to marry Why did you change your mind in such a short time?

"Are there any other legends?" Xiao Guoguo put a mouthful of fruit into his mouth while asking. He didn't know which varieties tasted weird.

"It is said that Great General does not like women." Servant girl said a little shyly, after all, she is also a girl.

"Don't he like men?" Xiao Guoguo asked with some gossip.

"That's not true, and I have never heard that I like men. No, the slaves mean that everyone said that the Great General assigned the beauties that the officials gave him to his subordinates as daughters-in-law. "

Xiao Guoguo: "..." These people are really idle and do nothing. Can this be a shortcoming?

"What else?" Xiao Guoguo continued to ask, the servant girl is speechless, is this not enough?

"There is nothing except these." The woman shook the head honestly, and looked at Xiao Guoguo a little bit about her thoughts.

"Everyone talks about it, and everyone talks about it. There is nothing wrong with this statement. This Great General doesn't know who has offended him. He was vilified so badly." Xiao Guoguo waited while eating. The servant girl seemed to see hope and asked: "Princess, do you want to marry Great General?"

Xiao Guoguo: "..." When did she say that?

"How is that possible? Am I like the kind of person who will sacrifice myself to perfect others?" Xiao Guoguo asked, the servant girl shook her head, really not thinking too much.

"But Princess, the king has already made a decision, and now it is absolutely impossible to change. If Princess is unwilling, it won't work, Great General is our pillar, if he gives him a rebellious heart, Then the whole dynasty is in danger."

The servant girl wanted to hug Xiao Guoguo's thigh, but she didn't dare to move, she always felt that Princess was not right.

"I don’t marry, of course, there are reasons why I don’t marry, but it doesn’t mean that the Great General has opinions. If there are really opinions, forget it." Xiao Guoguo said very easily, servant girl face deathly pale, I don't know when Princess became like this.

Xiao Guoguo didn't have much time. She left the palace immediately after saying this. Although she didn't have a cultivation base, Divine Consciousness was still very strong, and she walked straight out of the palace gate and no one dared to stop her.

Xiao Guoguo found his way under the leadership of the servant girl. Looking at the majestic General's Residence, there is really a solemn killing aura. She looked at the people here as if they admired the general very much, and the gate was filled with vegetable baskets, all of which were given away for free.

The arrival of Xiao Guoguo made people didn’t expect. The legendary general who was tall and dark also didn’t expect. He looked at Xiao Guoguo and looked a little at a loss. This It was Princess, and that was Jinzhiyuye. He always stayed away, not because of anything else, but because he was afraid that he would bump into each other and cause trouble.

"I don't know what happened to Ninth Princess today?" Great General asked, looking at Xiao Guoguo with respect and curiosity in his eyes.

"What is your sweetheart in Great General?" Xiao Guoguo asked directly, and a certain general who was drinking tea choked and blushed.

No one told him that Princesses speak so directly. Is this still Princess? How do you feel like a wild girl? But the style of that life is indeed something that others can't imitate.

"No one at the end." Great General's answer really makes people think that he is a sincere person. Xiao Guoguo likes sincere people, so he went on to say: "Everyone is a general. Your people will not be able to live and work in peace and contentment, and the dynasty will be destroyed."

Only when Xiao Guoguo said this, Great General looked shocked, I don't know how to answer? If the person standing in front of him was the king and not Princess, he guessed he would kneel down.

"Where did Princess hear such words?" Great General asked, holding the teacup, with an urge to do it.

"No matter where you heard it from, Great General, don’t worry. There is a high level of merit, but you are indeed the key to the stability of the current era. Therefore, it is safe for you to be safe from outside strong enemies. Yes."

Xiao Guoguo finished saying that, Great General didn't know what expression he should face this Ninth Princess. It really feels too strange. If my counselor had said this, or a court official had said it, it would be fine. It was a Princess who had said this to himself.

"What does Ninth Princess really mean?" Great General had to ask.

"The king intends to marry you and choose a wife from Princess. What do you think about this?" Xiao Guoguo asked, the general was speechless, what could he think? Is this Princess chosen? It doesn't feel good.

"If Princess is unwilling to come, if she wants to come to the king, she won't force it." Great General said that, Xiao Guoguo he he he smiled, and then said solemnly: "That can only show you You don’t know enough about your own king."

Great General: "..." Can a daughter say that about his Royal Father?

"I'm here to show the general a clear path, not only do not need to marry Princess, but also to gain the trust of the king." Xiao Guoguo's words are too tempting, this is how many years Great General The goal of hard work.

"Princess, please give me some pointers." Great General's attitude is very sincere. Xiao Guoguo smiled without saying a word, and then whispered in his ear: "You only need to tell your true thoughts, you don't like women. What's the shame? Like men will not make you jealous, and may even give you a minister's daughter as a wooing."

Great General: "..." The key to the problem is that he doesn't like it. Man!

"Don’t feel wronged either. Now you are in your prime of life. If you want to be a biological child, it’s okay to wait a few years. But my Royal Father shouldn’t be able to wait that long, and the new emperor will obviously You need your support, when the time comes, you will be able to save your life."

What Xiao Guoguo said was a bad idea, but it was a useful idea. Great General has no family support but a commoner background. If it is Without offspring, how could he turn back?

Such a person has no burden to use, so whether it is the current king or the new emperor, he will only reuse him. Although the idea given by Xiao Guoguo is a bit despicable, it is very effective.

The servant girl originally thought Xiao Guoguo was trying to find anyone or anything in a crisis, and Great General would definitely not follow it, but within a few days, Great General came out. I really like it. Rumors of men.

And as expected by Princess, the king pointed a minister's daughter to the Great General. Although there are a lot of Princesses in the king, they were born with him. He was reluctant to win people's hearts with his own Princess, so he used the minister's daughter. Xiao Guoguo had to say that the minister's daughter was lucky.

Things are as expected by Xiao Guoguo. The Great General has stabilized its position without worrying about life, and is working harder to protect the territory for the people. For more than ten years, the people have been able to live and work in peace and contentment. Everyone knows that this is the Great General. Credit.

And Xiao Guoguo has been waiting, waiting for the opportunity to go back.

(End of this chapter)

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