
  Chapter 2072 Test

Such a big tree Xiao Guoguo recalled in detail, he was watching Is it three or four times? Think about it, three times? Four times?

The tree looked at everyone, but their expressions were too calm. It was silent for a while. Why is the current human cultivator so arrogant? Don’t know if it’s asking questions?

"You are who? Why are you here?" Dashu asked again, everyone looked at Xiao Guoguo, Xiao Guoguo came back to his senses.

"We heard the story of this land, and came here to see if it is the same as the rumors." Xiao Guoguo replied, and the tree was stunned.

There are so many people here, these people are not the first batch of people, they will not be the last batch if they want to come, but this answer is really awesome, Dashu even has some doubts about what he will hear in the future Could the answer be less reliable than this

"Then you are not here to hunt for treasures?" Dashu asked again.

"No, no, we don't have a treasure, and we are not so greedy." Xiao Guoguo replied. Luo Zhen didn't look at the tree, he was afraid that his eyes would betray the true thoughts in his heart.

Although several of the cultivation bases are high, is it not persuasive at all to meet a big talking tree? He could still open his mouth in all kinds of ways, and he was impressed by his indescribable mood at the moment.

But looking at Xiao Guoguo side, the expressions of the few people are as usual, as if Xiao Guoguo said what they were thinking in their hearts. Seriously, he was surprised. Is this group of people boldness of execution stems from superb skill? Or is it that people have seen more worlds?

"Hehe, it is so, I have nothing to give you here." Dashu said with a smile, unexpectedly very kind.

"Then we will say goodbye. It is really sorry to disturb you." Xiao Guoguo said that he was going to take people away, and he was heading into the depths of the woods.

"Wait a minute, you can leave, but you can't go inside. If you want to go inside, you have to pass my test." Dashu said, Xiao Guoguo looked at Dashu The tree asked: "Did you just say that there is nothing for us? Isn't it a test?"

Dashu: "..." Suddenly there was a feeling of speechlessness.

"Cough cough, this test is of course not counted. Test is a test, treasure is treasure, not to be confused." Dashu is fighting for his own face, so he can only make excuses for himself.

"Why? We just want to walk inside, not to take the plants here, so why bother to test." Xiao Guoguo said, suddenly remembered, Lingyue senior said There is no confidence in these words. Someone really took her with a tree back then.

"This is a rule, no one can violate it. If you still want to go inside, there are still several tests like this." The tree did not give any impatient explanations, but was very patient. Talking.

"That's right, if that's the case, please give me a question." Xiao Guoguo also wants to see what the test is.

"Don't worry, what do you think this is?" said the big tree, and everyone saw its canopy shaking, and then one after another yellow leaves fell.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Could it be the shedding of leaves caused by pests and diseases?

Xiao Guoguo thought so, but didn't dare to say that, and then felt that Divine Consciousness moved, as if the leaf was very unusual, and there seemed to be people on the leaf.

It looks like a person, but Xiao Guoguo is very clear in his heart that that person will not be as big as dust! But really not? Is a dust impossible hiding a world? Didn’t she believe in a cultivation world before?

Xiao Guoguo was thinking this way, feeling that she was sucked away by a strong suction, and she felt as if she had miscalculated. Hey, I got caught in it after all.

Xiao Guoguo still remembers a concept, that a floating dust may also be a world, now it’s fine, she is in this world within the realm, it can even be said that it is actually her The Divine Consciousness is within the realm.

speaking of which Divine Consciousness It is very dangerous to leave the body. They are now in the unfathomable woods. If something goes wrong, what can she do!

"Princess, Princess, you finally woke up!" A woman knelt at her feet and wept with a heartbroken expression on her face.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." This identity span is a bit big!

"Who, you stand up first, let's have something to say." Xiao Guoguo felt a headache. Originally Divine Consciousness was separated enough to cause headaches, and she was still crying.

"Princess, slaves and maids will die." The woman said in horror, Xiao Guoguo was speechless, she would never die.

Besides, there is really no Royal Clan Bloodline in her kinship. This identity setting is very contradictory! Xiao Guoguo rubbed his head and did not speak, the woman knelt on the ground and did not dare to say anything.

"Is something to say directly." Xiao Guoguo felt that the speed of receiving the plot was too slow and she couldn't stand it. The risk outside was so high that she didn't have time to play the guessing game.

"Princess, please take care of your body, and you will never think again. If you are gone, the servants will not have to live." The woman said, Xiao Guoguo paused, is there a code for thinking?

"Why should I think about it?" Xiao Guoguo asked directly. The woman looked up at her with a look of surprise, thinking in her heart that she really didn't remember it, or was she pretending to be?

"Answer." Xiao Guoguo's eyes moved, and the pressure on his body made people shudder. The woman didn't dare to hesitate any more, and hurriedly lowered her head and said: "Third Princess is unwilling to marry the Great General. I don't know how to convince the king. Here, let you marry Great General instead. Great General looks ordinary and rude by nature, so Princess can't think about it."

The servant girl couldn't help but tears fell, and they didn't want Princess. Marrying to Great General, the rules of General's Residence are too big.

"I want to marry?" Xiao Guoguo asked, servant girl nodded, yes, I want to marry, otherwise why can't I think about it?

"I really want to marry someone? Hehe."

Xiao Guoguo's hehe made the woman feel that the whole body is not good, Princess is still thinking about it! If so, what would she do.

"Princess, although Great General looks ordinary, but he is the pillar of our dynasty, maybe not as bad as the rumors!" The servant girl said, Xiao Guoguo glanced at her and asked, "What is the rumor? ?"

"The rumor has it that the general is killing without blinking an eye!" the servant girl said fearfully.

"General, is it possible to do business without killing? Then he is a general. Is it useful to be a general who can't guard home and defend the country?"

Servant girl: "... "Hey, it seems to make sense.

"Some people say that Great General is very rude, doesn't understand poetry, nor is it gentle. And with great strength, a slap can kill a cow!!"

"General What needs to be accomplished is to know how to do it right away, and it is difficult for you to know how to sing poetry. Besides, it’s a bit exaggerated to slap a cow to death."

servant girl: "..." Hey, it's like Princess no The Great General is rejected.

(End of this chapter)

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