
  Chapter 2074 Keepsake

Ninth Princess has always been a Legendary, because this Princess has never been married in her life, but she She was able to flourish in the palace, and even the new king respected her very much. Although they were not the sisters and brothers of the same compatriot, the relationship was even closer than their relatives.

Someone in the know once said that the reason Prince was able to become the heir back then was because Ninth Princess gave him advice and won the support of the Great General. In addition, there are more rumors about Great General and this Princess. They said that the person who was going to marry Great General back then was not the current general's wife, but this Princess.

It's just a pity that fortune plays with people. In the end, Wang didn't tell them to marry them. Instead, it made the current wife of the general cheaper. Whenever there are such rumors, Xiao Guoguo faintly smiled, it is not a matter of course. But what is the real situation, perhaps only their three people know.

"Princess, let's go back too, this time I have been out for three months, the Wang may not be too anxious." Guarding Xiao Guoguo side is still the servant girl who is crying and her brain hurts. In the past, I was stuck on the servant girl without chasing away. After taking care of it for so many years, I have become familiar with it. Therefore, Xiao Guoguo doesn't think she is annoying.

"How do you feel when you come to the south this time?" Xiao Guoguo asked, that servant girl, don't directly replied: "Although the south is rich, but the loyalty to Wang is not enough, it is not as good as the people in the north."


Following Xiao Guoguo these years, the vision of servant girl has become very broad, and ordinary men simply can't compare to her. This is also the reason why this woman is willing to stay on Xiao Guoguo side. There is really no better master than her.

"Then I have no way to gather people's hearts?" Xiao Guoguo asked. The servant girl pondered for a long time without an answer, and finally asked tentatively: "Are we going to use external forces?"

"What external force?" Xiao Guoguo continued to ask. The servant girl thought for a while before she made up her mind and said: "I've inquired, the water bandits in the south are very rampant. If it is done properly, it would be a buy-in. Good opportunity."

Xiao Guoguo looked at her, I'm afraid that some people also have this idea. She is a servant girl who is smarter. But this is not an election, and it is even worse if it hurts the people and money.

"What you said is a way, but it's not a good way, but a stupid way." Xiao Guoguo said, the servant girl smiled and didn't refute it. Princess said she was stupid. Just stay with Princess.

"Princess please enlighten me."

"This person's heart buys it. Speaking of which is easy and difficult, but speaking of which is difficult and easy. Now, although the south is rich, it has no real power. The local parents and officials are all transferred from the north, can they be convinced?"

Xiao Guoguo asked, of course the woman shook her head and couldn't be convinced. It is precisely because of this that the disputes between the two parties have become more and more frictional, and Wang is also very troubled by this matter, otherwise he would not let Ninth Princess come out to play... No, he came out to appreciate the sentiments of the people.

"Then give them the opportunity to take the scientific examination. It is just the content of this scientific examination... Loyalty and patriotism are indispensable."

Xiao Guoguo said that, the servant girl is natural Understand what it means. She is a person who can see through in one point, but she didn't think of it just now.

"In addition, the place to the south is large, but there are too few people. We should encourage the northerners to come and cultivate. This is good for everyone." Xiao Guoguo felt sleepy as he spoke. It may be just now. Too many snacks.

"Princess means I think Wang will understand." The servant girl put the blanket on Xiao Guoguo's body. I don't know why. She feels that Princess's body is getting worse and worse recently. You should tell Wang Shang as soon as possible to prepare him,

But Princess is in her forties, so why is her body so bad? Is it the result of so many years of hard work? The servant girl felt very distressed, but she was helpless. She ate a lot of supplements, and the doctor had seen it. It still didn't help, she just felt like she was empty in her heart.

When Xiao Guoguo returned to the capital again, she became more lethargic. She knew that it was her time coming soon. In fact, she had long been looking forward to going back. Back then, she thought it would be finished if she solved the silly plan, but who would have thought that she would have to clean up the stall here. This cleanup took so many years.

Xiao Guoguo in the heart thought, should it be considered qualified? She has been making an all-out effort over the years. The people and things in this Small World are properly arranged. There is hard work without credit, right?

Ninth Princess's body is getting worse and worse, and more and more people get news. The king is not dark and night, and after spending several days with her, she almost exhausted herself. But there was still no improvement, and the decoction was useless.

It's just that when everyone looked at Ninth Princess's face, they only felt that they were very ruddy. They couldn't see any sickness, but their breathing became weaker and weaker. In the end, it was the servant girl who persuaded the king, and Princess told him to put state affairs first, and the king left again.

And the Great General of General's Residence is now in his fifties, but he still holds the generals. Although he is married, he does not have a child. His wife is gentle and considerate, but never has Pregnant.

"I am sorry for you all these years." The Great General said so, the general's wife was slightly paused, but there was still a smile on her face, very happy.

"If it weren't for you, I would have nowhere to go. I have to thank Princess, I am not her guide, we impossible to meet." The woman is very gentle, but she knows that Great General does not have herself in her heart. .

Great General smiled bitterly. He couldn't see through a person in his entire life. It would be excusable for Ninth Princess to look down on him, but why has he been alone for so many years? If he had known this a long time ago, would he refuse? Wait more than ten years for her to talk about it.

However, he didn't know that the person he likes simply does not belong to this world, and for Chi Xuan, even the fake married Xiao Guoguo would never agree.

If it weren't for the test to keep this Small World from crashing, Xiao Guoguo simply didn't want to bother about it. Now that she is tasked with Perfection, she opened her eyes and looked at it. As expected, Chi Xuan stood by her side with a smile on her face.

"Are you married?" Xiao Guoguo immediately asked with eyebrows and eyes, thinking of his own test, worrying about Chi Xuan.

"With you here, how could I?" Chi Xuan was helpless. If he didn't want to make a mistake, how could he delay his awakening until now.

"Everyone is awake?" Xiao Guoguo looked all around, it seemed that only one month wood was still being tested, and the others were already awake.

No one has ever said what kind of illusion they encountered, but after they wake up, what happened in that world is completely forgotten. After all, this is their life.

And some people simply did not enter the test, for example, the five-ethnic elder, he is simply a mechanical general, to be honest, he is not afraid of anything except mechanical!

(End of this chapter)

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