
  Chapter 2071 Another Tree

The monster beast knows he has been fooled, but there is nothing he can do about it. The cultivation base is too much, it is not an opponent at all. If you dare to make noise at this time, it is tantamount to ruin yourself.

It’s just that this monster beast didn’t expect. Beibei said that he really only needs feathers if he wants feathers, and he pulled out hundreds of them at once, which is not at all polite.

The monster beast's heart is very distressed. It doesn't matter if hundreds of feathers are plucked all at once, but the opponent only plucked one side, can't it be evened? How will it go out in the future? !

The monster beast that was let go did not dare to hesitate, and ran away quickly, while the other monster beasts did not have such good luck, and all of them were killed. Luo Zhen is very puzzled, why the other monster beasts are all killed and only one is released?

"You are pulling too much, right?" Yuemu asked Beibei, and she saw Beibei with a look of contempt and said: "Do you know how many times we are going to go back and forth? Get more. Be prepared."

"You are also a solid eye. It's impossible to grab it and pull it again. Why bother." Yuemu said, and still took a feather.

Luo Zhen: "..." Well, he now knows why the monster beast was let go. It turned out that they were planning to pull it out a few more times.

"Now in the past, the boss?" Yuemu asked Xiao Guoguo, Xiao Guoguo looked at the nodded ahead.

No matter what, you have to go forward. Since the spirit family was able to set the ancestral land here, there must be some mystery. She didn't believe that they couldn't make it through.

The monster beast feathers are very huge, and each one is more than enough for one person. Everyone can stand on the feathers to stand firm on the river without sinking.

In this way, several people do not need to be driven by spiritual power, but constantly adjust along the flow of the river. After one hour, they arrived on the opposite bank. The river is indeed very wide, and most people don't dare to come around at will.

But just on the river bank, Xiao Guoguo felt that he had reached a hidden land of peace and prosperity, because after the thick fog, it turned out to be a variety of plants, and it was very beautiful.

Since they came here, they have felt that this is a barren land, especially when plants are difficult to grow. They often see only some dead branches, and rarely see such bright green and bright red colors.

"This is pretty." Beibei told the truth, and Yuemu was nodded.

But everyone's minds became more concentrated, and they became more cautious. You also tell them that if something goes wrong, there must be a demon. There are so many unusual here, and it must not be simple.

"Hold your breath." Xiao Guoguo said, everyone closed their breaths and watched all around.

Sure enough, I saw a pair of pink smoke floating over, it was floating down from a pink plant, all around them. Everyone has already left the barrier, surrounded by themselves, this smoke can't get close to them.

"I don't know what's the use of this smoke." Xiao Guoguo finished speaking, and watched Yuemu threw a monster beast out of it. It was one of the previously arrested ones.

Everyone felt curious, so they all stared at it. Upon seeing this, they found that the huge monster beast swayed, and the body became completely unconscious.

However, this is just the beginning. Everyone is waiting patiently, waiting to see what else will happen, only a quarter of an hour later that huge monster beast lost its life.

However, this is not the scariest thing. The most scary thing is that there are countless tree roots on the surrounding ground without knowing where to climb out. It only takes a while to cover this monster beast. .

Luo Zhen saw his scalp numb. He felt that many things were beyond his tolerance, naturally including the monster beast being swallowed by tree roots.

It’s too dangerous, too terrifying, too scary, don’t play with them! This group of people is a bunch of lunatics, why on earth are they crying and crying to come and see in such a dangerous place!

"It should be similar to a neurotoxin. It takes a quarter of an hour to kill such a big monster beast, which is not that powerful." Xiao Guoguo commented that Luo Zhen felt that he really couldn't bear it. Isn't there a normal person?

"Look at the number of tree roots, the surrounding plants should have murderous intention." Chi Xuan analyzed this way, they had seen such a scene a long time ago, when they were still in the abyss, for Looking for Sea Clan’s Secret Realm, I have seen even more tragic.

"Leave him alone, let's just walk inside and see if there are any new tricks." Yuemu felt a little disappointed, this killing move was too old-fashioned.

"Can I not go?" Luo Zhen asked weakly, and Yuemu patted him on the shoulder said with a smile: "Are you going to stay here alone? Don't blame me for not reminding you Ah, the plants around here are all meat-eating, not to be trifled with, nor are they photosynthesizing."

Luo Zhen: "..." What kind of reminder you, you This is obviously to scare people.

Luo Zhen, as a person with long-term survival experience in the wild, has a very sensitive instinct. He was not wrong about the danger here before. At this moment, he also knows that what Yuemu said is true. He left behind. It's a little dangerous, so I can only follow it without spine.

The more you go inside, the more beautiful it is. Everything here seems to be crafted with great care. They even saw a red forest, where every tree seems to be glass , Crystal clear and near-transparent is very beautiful.

But Xiao Guoguo feels very curious, how did these plants survive? If it is said that the ones they saw before can kill monster beasts, but along the way, no plants attacked them.

And what’s even more amazing is that I don’t know how many years there hasn’t been a monster beast here, so what do these plants rely on to survive? Is it photosynthesis?

Xiao Guoguo wanted to find the answer, so he kept walking inside, and after walking for two days, they saw a huge tree. This big tree gives people a very familiar feeling.

Bai Ye looked at the big tree and took a step forward slowly, and Lingyue did the same. Xiao Guoguo thought that Bai Ye's little friend is also a big tree raised by Lingyue, which is very similar to this one.

"Did the big tree be taken away from here?" Bai Ye asked, Xiao Guoguo wanted to tell it, then who knows!

"It should be, but Baiye is not here." Lingyue said so, looking at the big tree, feeling very kind.

Xiao Guoguo dare not feel this way. Who knows when there will be murderous intention here. It is better for them to be cautious, after all, they are not easy to mess with.

And at this time, the big tree shook suddenly, as if it was about to wake up suddenly. Xiao Guoguo thinks this scene is quite familiar. The big tree was like this last time, and the dao fruit tree in the pagoda of the spirit family was also the same.

"Are you who? Why are you here?" Dashu opened his eyes as expected, and looked at Xiao Guoguo and their entire group. It was strange. No one has been here for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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