
  Chapter 2070 Feather

"If you lead the way, don’t blame you if something happens. If you really I'm timid, I knocked you out, just take it over. When you wake up, you will find that there is nothing." Yuemu's words made Luo Zhen even more afraid to faint easily. He has also discovered the character of Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan during his time of contact. Once a decision is made, he will never change, even if he knows the danger ahead, he has to make a breakthrough.

Luo Zhen knows that it’s useless to say more, but he still couldn’t help being persuaded: "Masters, you have to be careful. People dare to pass, because all the people who have been there were won but never returned!"

"What the hell is a won but never returned, you tell me clearly, I'm very curious, can it be What a horrible story, right?" Yuemu asked with a look of excitement, he likes listening to stories the most.

Xiao Guoguo looked at Yuemu also very speechless, how old this guy is, he is still messing around like a teenager. But having said that, I also like to listen to stories, so I didn't stop it.

"This is a long story. There was no such river here before..."

"How long was that? Can you give me a specific time? Thousands of years ago or tens of thousands of years ago?" Luo Zhen just started, and Yuemu raised a bunch of questions.

Luo Zhen: "..." Can people tell the story well?

"It should be tens of thousands of years ago. I don't know the exact time. Such legends are only spread by word of mouth. Maybe they can't be verified, and maybe they are not so dangerous." Luo Zhen continued. Said, Yuemu didn't interrupt at this time, he could only continue to speak.

"At that time, this place was still barren, and there were no plants at all. People said it was a barren land. But I don’t know how long it took. Suddenly someone saw a dazzling rays of light one day. The light flashed, and a long river appeared on this land. It was the one in front of me."

"It might be that someone used to see it smooth out. I don’t know about other people. My boss will definitely be able to Do it." Yuemu said so, and no one would accept it, just accept him.

"Can you listen to the story well? If you have any questions, please come back later." Xiao Guoguo said so, and Yuemu became honest, and Beibei looked like a baby before listening. At the beginning, she also didn't like that Old Mu was annoying.

"Perhaps there is a cultivator that can draw a long river, but you should not know that this river is not as long as you see it right now. It actually surrounds the entire continent, it seems to be A circle is drawn in the center. It should be guarding something and isolating the two sides."

Xiao Guoguo heard the Divine Consciousness outside here, and it turns out that the river is circular. , And on the other side of the river, her Divine Consciousness could not penetrate! This is really an unusual experience for Xiao Guoguo. Her Divine Consciousness is very powerful, and there are not many cases in which it cannot be penetrated.

"So, there must be some treasure on the other side!" Yuemu's eyes lit up, and he likes treasure hunting the most.

Luo Zhen: "..." Sure enough, this group of people always have different ideas. When others hear such stories, they can't wait to leave. They are good, they are eager to have a try.

"A lot of people think the same way, so the treasure hunters have been constantly in these years. But it's weird here, no one lives out of it.

At the beginning There may be thousands of people going to hunt for treasure, but after that, everyone slowly gave up, because life is more important than treasure. I know that you have extraordinary skills and a profound cultivation base, but we don’t need to take this risk, no. Is it?"

Luo Zhen finished speaking. Looking at Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, he felt that the most rational among this group of people were these two people. If they objected, these people would definitely not Past.

"Boss, don't you want to go?" Yuemu asked, looking at Xiao Guoguo expectantly, and simply didn't look at Chi Xuan's face.

"This... I still want to go naturally! But before we go, we have to discuss it. After all, we all act together and we must bear the risks together."

Xiao Guoguo Thinking, the bracelet rays of light actually pointed to the front, it must be past, but if everyone opposes, you can stay some people, so that you won't get into danger and no one will rescue you.

However, what she didn't expect was that everyone agreed, except Luo Zhen. Luo Zhen felt that he was very pitiful. He was the only sensible among a group of people. In the end, a few had to obey the majority, because he couldn't beat them, so he could only follow.

"It's just that the river is not so good. It can't fly over and swim in the water. If you want to go in the past, you need to find a very precious material."

Luo Shock pulling strongly against a crazy tide, but without effect, I can only give up. At this moment, I have to follow up and make suggestions, and my heart is not ordinary.

"As long as you can tell anything, I will definitely find it!" Beibei's face is determined, but she likes treasure hunting the most.

"A kind of monster beast feathers, only its feathers can pass. But this kind of monster beast is very rare, some people say it is extinct, and this monster beast has a high level and is not so easy to deal with That’s right."

Luo Zhen finished speaking, it’s up to Yuemu and Beibei to start to come up with ideas, and Xiao Guoguo’s method is the simplest. She asked Chi Xuan to prepare the barbecue rack and take the The monster beast meat was taken out, placed on the rack, and sprinkled with cumin powder and chili noodles.

Luo Zhen: "..." Is this for them? Or for what attracts that monster beast?

Even a monster beast, wouldn't it be so mindless, right? Taking a risk for a bite? Isn't it a bit silly? Luo Zhen was not optimistic about this approach until he heard a bird song, which was sharp, exciting, and urgent.

Luo Zhen looked at the huge black shadow in the sky, and then looked at the constant tremors on the ground, feeling very distressed in his heart. Who would have thought that a delicious meal would attract more than one monster beast, right?

"Hurry up and see which one it is. There are seven or eight monster beasts here, and there are three that can fly." Beibei said that Luo Zhen really wanted to ignore it, but he was still very honest and stretched out. Pointed at one of them.

"It's the fattest one, the fastest flying one."

Before Luo Zhen's finger fell, Beibei rushed over, the monster flying at the front. Beast seemed to finally understand that she was fooled and hurriedly wanted to turn around and escape, but it was too late.

Beibei shot down the monster beast. It was so huge that a single piece of hair could stand next to a person. Beibei patted the wings of the monster beast and said: "Don't be afraid, I just want your feathers."

(End of this chapter)

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