
  Chapter 1965 Provocation

There are naturally many ways to subdue the monster beast king, including the contract , Taking poison and Divine Consciousness Imprint.

In comparison, Xiao Guoguo chose Divine Consciousness Imprint because she no longer wants to subdue Spirit Beast. Every time she thinks of Spirit Beast Transcending Tribulation scenes, Xiao Guoguo feels that Spirit Beast is not too much but is refined. It makes sense.

Divine Consciousness Imprint is no worse than the contract for Spirit Beast, and the most important point is that the artificial space has been refined by itself. If you want to conquer these two monster beasts, the king only needs her thoughts move. It's okay. Unless they don't want life anymore, there is only one way to choose from submission.

Sure enough, after a while, the two monster beast kings appeared again. And this time the two monster beast kings are honest, they stand by Xiao Guoguo respectfully, but there is a trace of aggrieved and helpless expression in their expressions.

"Now, take us to save the people of Sword Sect." Xiao Guoguo said that the two monster beast kings would naturally not refuse.

But at this time, Chi Xuan discovered that the planes behind them were suddenly different, and groups of monster beasts flew into the air.

These planes are the territory of the monster beast world. Nowadays, most monster beasts live on several planes. Xiao Guoguo knew by looking at them that these were the monsters that escaped. Beast sent the message back, but the monster beast that didn't expect rescue came quickly enough.

"My lord, it is the demonic cultivators who are leading the way. They provoke the discord and let us attack the human cultivator." The golden wings hurriedly said to Chi Xuan, and stood very obediently. By Chi Xuan.

Ninglu's complexion is not very good, after all, he once belonged to the demonic cultivator side. It's just that now the demonic energy in him has been eliminated, and Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan will not dare to betray anymore.

So he not only stood in place, but also offered the message: "My lord, our demonic cultivator is a bridge between the Earth Demon clan and the monster beast clan. We also took the task to supervise the monster beast clan. Yes, they should also have a trump card in their hands, adults, please be careful."

Ninglu said so sincerely, Xiao Guoguo understood that even though they are both demonic cultivators, they have different tasks. . Ninglu should be playing the front line, and the latter ones should be responsible for the lineup. So Ninglu just guessed that they had a trump card, but didn't know what it was.

"My lord, I am willing to do my best to quell this rebellion." Golden wings hurriedly said so. The two monster beast kings who were comfortable by Xiao Guoguo also meant the same.

At this time, if you are not loyal, when will you have to wait? Now is the time for them to do their best. After all, they are still monster beast kings. These monster beasts should listen to them. When the time comes, the soldiers directly solved the problem this time, and the two will treat them better.

"Don't worry, let's see what they are going to do first." Xiao Guoguo said that the four monster beast kings were silent, and looked very obedient.

Xiao Guoguo just wants to see if the other party has any means, and these four monster beast kings are not easy to come by, and she does not want to be easily broken, so she should be more cautious for fear of any traps. .

They are cautious. They think that the other party is more cautious, maybe because they have heard what happened here, so the monster beasts of several planes did not come forward, and even stopped very far away from them. Coming down, it means I won't move.

Xiao Guoguo took a look, is this patience? There is a trap in 80% of this situation. Although they are not afraid, they are eager to save people and cannot be delayed for time... Suddenly, Xiao Guoguo thought divine light flashed in his mind. These guys would not just do it to delay time. Bar?

"Where are the people in Sword Sect locked up?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and a monster beast king hurriedly replied: "On the last plane of our monster beast world, that place is the most It’s close to...the Realm of Outer Transformation."

The Realm of Outer Transformation, that’s really a magical place. It seems that they are blocking their way to stop them from going there to save people, so at this time they are the one who can't afford to delay.

I am afraid that they have already sent manpower to deal with the people of Sword Sect, but the Master is not easy to bully, otherwise they will not be trapped, but directly captured, now as hostages Come to blackmail them. Thinking of this, Xiao Guoguo felt a little calmer.

Xiao Guoguo looked at the hundreds of thousands of monster beasts and the demonic cultivators in front of her. She was very sad. Now she is in a dilemma.

"My lord, let's go, after all it is a monster beast, they still have to listen to us." The golden wings said again, this time Xiao Guoguo nodded.

"Go and see if they will obey your orders." Xiao Guoguo decided to let them probe a thing or two, and see if these monster beast kings are really loyal.

Seeing the four monster beasts Wang Fei passed by, with thousands of monster beasts beside him, Xiao Guoguo moved his finger and saw the silhouettes of several monster beasts mixed into the army of monster beasts.

At this moment, the monster beasts on the opposite side are exuding black demonic energy. They were surprised when they watched the approach of several monster beast kings. Didn't it mean that the monster beast kings were destroyed? What's the matter with these few?

"Who asked you to come!" Golden wings asked with such a cold face, his voice was very loud, and the hundreds of thousands of monster beasts looked puzzled. Yeah, who made them come?

"Golden wings Monster King, I was waiting to hear that you were trapped and came to rescue. What is going on, why haven't you been trapped?" A demonic cultivator stepped up and asked, this The golden wings Monster King has a lot of dealings, and he is the leader of the demonic cultivator.

"The Lord of the Night, I have already abandoned the dark. You worked hard for the Earth Demon clan to confuse me. The monster beast clan is the enemy of the Human Race cultivator. What you fight is to let our both sides suffer, so you can benefit from it. Now that the few of us have fully awakened, you should be obediently surrender!" When the golden wings Monster King said so, the monster beasts finally reacted. Did the monster beast king suddenly decide not to cooperate with the demonic cultivator? So what are they doing so excited and working hard before? The change of the monster beast king is so fast that the monster beasts are unacceptable for a while.

"Dare to ask why the golden wings Monster King has such an idea? The combination of the Earth Demon and monster beast clan is clearly beneficial to both parties, don't you want to fight for more planes for the monster beast clan? Are you willing to watch the monster beast clan's territory become smaller and smaller, and watch your fellow clan being captured by Human Race as Spirit Beast, enslaved in every possible way?"

That night, the Lord said so After that, the four monster beast kings knew that the major event was not good. This guy was clearly instigating discord to buy people's hearts... No, it was buying monster beast clansman's hearts.

Monster beasts have long been dissatisfied with the current situation, and there have been many fights for this. Now this contradiction has been taken out to deal with them, and the effect is equally remarkable.

"I still want to ask a few more people, where did the problem go? Why did you suddenly change your mind?" The Lord continued to ask that night.

Yeah, what went wrong? Is there a problem with the monster beast kings, or is there a problem with these demonic cultivators? Monster beasts are not very clear in their minds, and if they are really clear, they can’t do such silly things as starting the demonic cultivator.

The monster beasts all showed disapproval expressions, looking at the monster beast kings with suspicion in their expressions.

The monster beast family is not Human Race cultivator. Their attitude towards the monster beast king is not like the attitude of Human Race cultivator towards sect. Because monster beasts have their own cultivation, there has never been any inheritance and sect, which is naturally not good. manage. Therefore, this demonic cultivator is so provocative.

(End of this chapter)

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