
  Chapter 1966 Separation

The status of monster beast king is based on their strong enough foundation. Because I couldn't beat it, I had to give in. Any monster beast king in this monster beast world speaks with his fist.

Because of this, many monster beasts in the monster beast world are not convinced. They have no concept of respect, only the ambition to replace them. Therefore, the monster beast king will cultivate his own power and continue to consolidate it.

But even so, there are always some powerful monster beasts who do not obey them, always thinking of provocations against the law, and now this time is their opportunity. So a few monster beasts stood up and said, "I think you were bought by Human Race, maybe they have become Spirit Beasts? Otherwise, why are they on the side of Human Race, they just caught You guys, let it go so soon?"

Although this is straightforward, the effect is very significant, because for the monster beast clan, the biggest humiliation is to become the Spirit Beast of the Human Race. Spirit Beast means that they will obey the Human Race from now on, and no longer have freedom.

"Nonsense! We are not Spirit Beast!" The golden wings monster beast king shouted angrily, something guilty in his heart.

Although it did not become a Spirit Beast, it was not because it was unwilling, but because it was simply confiscated. The remaining three monster beast kings also felt fortunate at this moment. Although two of them were marked as Spiritual Imprint by Xiao Guoguo, they were indeed not the Spirit Beast of others, and this was tenable.

"If you say no, it is not? I think it is. Otherwise, how can you help them so resolutely? Since you have become the Spirit Beast of Human Race, you are no longer suitable for being the monster beast king, or It's good to give way early, and I will naturally lead the monster beast clan to glory." Another monster beast also stood up to provoke, and there are many followers behind him.

These two monster beasts are equivalent to the post-cultivation base of Xianzun. They are suppressed until now. This time I took the opportunity. Moreover, several monster beast kings knew very well that it must have a demonic cultivator behind them to support them to dare to be so impudent.

They haven't seen it in the past. Now it seems that this is already ready. It seems that everything has been laid out since the demonic cultivator has been in the monster beast world for such a long time. If they have a bit of remorse, then these monster beasts will find a way to replace them.

"Are you trying to provoke the throne I am waiting for?" Golden wings Monster King asked with resentment, but the few monster beasts who stood up didn't even mean to be afraid, on the contrary. Coldly smiled and said: "Why not?"

"Why not? With your current cultivation base, do you think there is hope of victory?" Another monster beast Wang coldly sneered. At this moment, their monster beast kings are one, and they have long abandoned all the previous barriers, and naturally they want to support each other.

"Whether to challenge the monster beast, Wang Zhiwei, that is our business, dare to challenge that is your business." A few monster beasts are very arrogant and laughed heartily after they have finished speaking, it seems that they are OK. Dare to fight in general.

Xiao Guoguo can see clearly from a distance, she glanced at Chi Xuan, and Chi Xuan said: "It seems that the other party has been prepared for a long time, just to guard against these monster beast kings. If it were me That’s right, the Earth Demon clan is afraid to pull up the monster beast clan by the roots this time."

Xiao Guoguo thinks what Chi Xuan said makes sense. If he really wants to seek cooperation, then How can they divide the monster beast clan and intervene so deeply. But ashamed to say, such an idea was not the Human Race cultivator thought of, but the Earth Demon clan.

"If they want to come back, we have to adapt to the situation." Xiao Guoguo said, Wenwen looked into the distance, and the battle had already begun over there.

The eight people were fighting at the same time and it was very lively, and it seemed that there was no way to tell the outcome for a while. Because of this, those monster beasts did not act rashly, but this was not the result they wanted to see. Xiao Guoguo wanted to do it quickly to buy time.

"Boss, why don't we help?" Wenwen suggested, Xiao Guoguo shook his head and said: "This is the monster beast family's own business. If we go to help the other party, we will naturally intervene. This is not a A wise choice will only delay time."

Xiao Guoguo's words made everyone understand that the other party is delaying time, and if they act rashly, they will inevitably anger those monster beasts. When the time comes, facing hundreds of thousands of monster beasts, I will definitely not be able to get out for a while.

"Then what should we do? This is not okay, that is not okay, it is really aggrieved." Yuemu said so, he also understood that he was plotted against, but there was nothing good in his heart. Method.

"Didn't they just say that the people of Sword Sect are locked in the plane closest to the realm of Transformation. Let's just go and find it." Xiao Guoguo finished speaking and looked at Wenwen. Wenwen seems to understand.

"I'll open the tunnel, let's go straight!" Wenwen said that everyone was nodded, this is indeed a good way.

"The four monster beast kings, we don't care?" Beibei felt a pity, after all, they were four powerful monster beast kings.

"We will leave enough mechanical beasts."

Xiao Guoguo is not very concerned about the four monster beast kings. They can be mixed to this day. Impossible has no means of life-saving. If it hadn't been for the previous lesson, the four monster beast kings would have won, and they would have won nothing.

On the one hand, she left the mechanical beasts for deterrence, and on the other hand, to give the monster beast king's confidence. One hundred golden mechanical beasts are her confidence for them.

Hearing Xiao Guoguo's words, it was obvious that the plot against was done, so everyone was nodded and opened the Space-Time Tunnel directly and disappeared in place.

This scene is very sudden that night, the Lord Bong shook his heart, no matter how they didn't expect Xiao Guoguo, they would disappear under the eyelids. He delayed a few monster beast kings, and even let their vital people escape.

"It's broken! Go and blockade!" Ye Feng ordered the Lord so, ordered his men to chase, and did not expect them to bring people back, as long as there is an accurate location.

But they simply don't know that at this moment Xiao Guoguo and the others have reached the plane of monster beast, and they are the last plane. It's just that this plane is very unique, it looks a little barren compared to the previous ones, and there are even few trees.

"Boss, look for a location quickly, so we can save people." Wenwen only tore this plane apart, but didn't know the specific location, and had to rely on Xiao Guoguo's positioning of her talents continue.

Xiao Guoguo didn't dare to delay at all, and quickly released Divine Consciousness outside, covering the entire plane. It took half a quarter of an hour to find the correct position. ,

"Three thousand miles away on the left." Xiao Guoguo said that Wenwen opened the space tunnel again, and the entire group disappeared in place again.

After Xiao Guoguo disappeared completely, the two monster beasts got out of the dune. They looked at Xiao Guoguo where they disappeared and they couldn't believe it.

"It was a cultivator just now?" One monster beast asked, and the other monster beast nodded, replied: "It should not be wrong."

"Then should we report it quickly? "

The monster beast continued to ask, feeling that his head was given to him for a while, and his companion said very upset: "You are stupid, dare to ride in such muddy water! Human Race Why does the cultivator get here?"

The monster beast is the same when I think about it carefully. What does the battle between the cultivator and the monster beast actually have to do with them? They just want to cultivation, these messy things, let the monster beast kings worry about it.

(End of this chapter)

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