
  Chapter 1964 Gratitude

"No, this is impossible, you must be lying to me!" Qingyi Monster King said so but didn't dare to come up and test it. He cherished life especially when he lived at this stage.

"Then I will prove it to you." Yuemu said, waving her wings slowly, and flew to in midair, looking at Qingyi Monster King condescendingly.

Then the rays of light on his body flourished, and the metal feathers fell like rain and sharp, even if the monster beast touches it, it will instantly leave a terrifying wound.

Originally, monster beasts always had the upper hand by virtue of their strong defense, and this Qingyi Monster King also thought that Moonwood was basically impossible to break through its defense and could not do anything about it. But he couldn't imagine that this change completely lost his chances, and Yuemu's pressing step by step made his injury worse.

He was wounded originally, but some fatal wounds were added in the course of the battle. Now Yuemu step by step is pressing him, there is indeed no other way to go except to admit defeat.

It is not shameful to admit defeat, especially for the sake of making a comeback to preserve your strength!

Although Qingyi Monster King is vicious and merciless, he is capable of bending and stretching. Seeing that he can't beat Yuemu, he immediately surrendered to Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, and even had to provoke a divorce and say a few words: " I am willing to surrender. From now on, I will only order to save my life."

Qingyi Monster King was able to flex and stretch, which Xiao Guoguo did not expect. Seeing that his subordinates were subdued by Beibei, Qingyi Monster King also seemed to realize that his life would not be guaranteed if this continues. It is better to avoid his edge temporarily and find a way.

He had already noticed that Xiao Guoguo was in charge of everything here, and it was that Yuemu asked this woman when he attacked him just now. So he divided them in the name of surrender, which is really hateful.

"This is not in my control. I have just promised to let him deal with you personally. Naturally, he will deal with your enemies."

Xiao Guoguo this The words are very reasonable, not giving this Qingyi Monster King any opportunity to take a few steps back, which means that they are just coming to join in the fun.

"It seems that you are going to pay the bill today." Yuemu said that and everyone didn't say anything. Thinking about what this person did to Yuemu, they didn't think it was too much.

"Hehe, the beauty you want. You are just a pawn in my hand. You want to betray the master and humiliate me! Dreaming!" The Qingyi Monster King said that he moved his whole body directly. The spiritual power is clearly self-destruct.

If Qingyi Monster King self-destruct generates energy, it is conceivable. Although Xiao Guoguo wants to keep this Qingyi Monster King, after all, it is a powerful help, but Xiao Guoguo cares more about the moon Wooden ideas. As for Qingyi Monster King, it's just a pity.

The formidable power generated by self-destruct is very huge, and Wenwen naturally cannot let it happen here, so with a light touch of the finger, a vortex appeared behind Qingyi Monster King.

The black vortex is very powerful, and the Qingyi Monster King is directly sucked into the vortex. I don't know if the explosion will continue, but they definitely can't see it.

"It seems that this product should not be able to return." Xiao Guoguo said directly, Yuemu turned back into shape and walked to the two of them with a look of relief.

"If you can't find your relatives, I don't think you care too much. Just think about it." Wenwen can't be considered comforting, but Yuemu felt very comfortable after hearing this.

He didn't want to find the so-called relatives and just figure out his identity. He is not from the monster beast clan, and has nothing to do with this guy, and his heart knot is undone. Therefore, Wenwen's comfort, Yuemu reluctantly accepted it.

"Yes, you will still be there if you can't find it. You and the boss are my relatives." Yuemu said that Wenwen patted him on the back, which was silent encouragement and support.

"Now, let's clean up this mess, do it quickly." Xiao Guoguo said that everyone was nodded.

Previously, I gave everyone time to let everyone know that this is a difficult battle, and they have to be prepared, because now, it has only just begun.

And now, it seems that the impression has been deep enough, Xiao Guoguo directly joined the battle in order to end this battle as soon as possible. With the help of Wenwen, Beibei, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, the other two monster beast kings simply have no chance to escape.

Two hours later, the other two monster beast king's men also fell. The two were seriously injured and could not get up on the ground. They were already exhausted.

"You guys, who is it!" One of the monster beast kings asked, and was forced to swallow a medicine pill. This medicine pill can dissolve its demonic energy.

The two monster beast kings and two medicine pills, none of which are left, is fair. Looking at each other's appearance, the monster beast kings understood that they had no other choice but acknowledge allegiance.

Because the previous Qingyi Monster King has given them the most direct and shocking warning, the only way to do not want to die is to surrender, and it depends on whether people accept it or not.

"We are from Sword Sect. Didn't you send someone to Sword Sect?" Xiao Guoguo asked. Then Ninglu, who went to Sword Sect, stood up and besides his side golden wings .

The two monster beast kings only now figured out that the person he sent out was actually subdued like this. But it's no wonder that if this group of people is so powerful, if they refuse to surrender, they only have a dead end, so they won't be wronged this time.

Only by temporarily saving their lives, they can say that in the future, if they fall now, then there will be nothing, and they will not be as stupid as Qingyi Monster King.

"This is the fault of my waiting. If I had known that Sword Sect said so much, I wouldn't provoke it." One of the monster beast kings said so, Xiao Guoguo thought this monster beast was also interesting.

There is a problem with the way of apologizing. Knowing that they are so good is not offended. It means that if they are not so good, then they deserve it? Do you really intend to surrender to tell the truth?

"In that case, can you tell us where the Sword Sect Elders are locked up by you?" Xiao Guoguo asked with a smile, and saw the tension on the faces of the two monster beast kings.

Xiao Guoguo is coldly snorted, even if she doesn't know exactly what the two guys are planning, she also knows a general idea. They think that the people of Sword Sect are still in their palms, and you still have room for negotiation.

"Sword Sect Elder, we have never heard of it."

The other one replied, Xiao Guoguo nodded, and when he stretched out his hand, the two disappeared in place.

Everyone knows that Xiao Guoguo carries artificial space on his body, but the monster beasts don’t know. Seeing that their two monster beast kings were taken away, one can imagine that those monster beasts who had to resist one or two attempts to break through all gave up and lost their magic weapon and surrendered willingly.

What Xiao Guoguo wants is this effect. She has no time to spend here. She needs to find the Master as soon as possible. The fastest way is to conquer these two monster beast kings.

Therefore, Xiao Guoguo included them in the artificial space and prepared to proceed directly to the Divine Consciousness Imprint.

(End of this chapter)

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