
  Chapter 1799 Fight with one heart

Under the suppression of Xiao Guoguo, this bead has indeed changed. Xiao Guoguo slowly marked the bead with Spiritual Imprint, and he wanted to refining the bead. Xiao Guoguo can feel that this bead is not only absorbing its own cultivation base, but also contains a lot of spiritual power.

At the same time Xiao Guoguo also feels that a strange power is being incorporated into her body. It is not spiritual power but can improve the cultivation base and even her system.

Xiao Guoguo can't put Divine Consciousness outside, so he doesn't know that Wenwen divided the green bead into her part, and this power is inside the bead.

This situation continued for half a month, and the Disorderly Lord outside stood up. This time, he wants to eliminate all these people, so that they will never have a chance to disrupt his plan.

"Alright?" The Earth Demon clan sneered. This Disorderly Lord is too weak. It took so long to recover. If he recovers in three or five days.

"Master, let's take care of these people." The Lord of Disorder can't wait any longer. These people will not get rid of his uneasy heart.

"Alright." The Earth Demon clan also thought that apart from that Shiran, he also felt the strength of the other party. If he had a chance to turn over, then they might not be able to do their things.

This Earth Demon clan is right. At this moment, the stone dyed senior has repaired himself. Because Chi Xuan hasn't woken up until now, Shiran can only repair his mechanical generals by himself. But this process is very complicated, and now it is only repaired.

"Senior, then Earth Demon is standing up!" The king yelled, his heart tightened as he watched the Disorderly Lord in the distance. The Earth Demon clan is really powerful. All their Sea Clan experts have been exhausted, and they are all trapped in this vortex.

"Don't worry, I'm here." Shi Ran said so and walked out. Although he hasn't recovered well yet, he can't watch Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan and these seapeople have an accident, even if it is. It's not hesitating to fight to the death!

The Earth Demon clan did not expect that the stone stain would recover so quickly. It seems that Sea Clan's mechanical technique is indeed named is not in vain. But this time, he will inevitably destroy them in one fell swoop, because the Lord of Disorder is already in the best state at the moment, and he doesn't want to waste his energy, just destroy them directly.

"Really didn't expect Sea Clan still hides an expert like you, but unfortunately you have fallen, otherwise it will make Sea Clan more brilliant for thousands of years." Said the Earth Demon clan. , Shiran laughed.

"It's nothing to be a pity. Although I have fallen, I can still live according to my own heart. It is much better than you. Although you are also inaction, but now this body is not yourself Yes, it's not easy to control it." Shiran asked, the Earth Demon clan on the opposite side laughed heartily.

"It doesn't matter what is easy or not, it's the most important thing if I'm still alive." After the Earth Demon clan finished speaking, he stretched out his hand. Everyone saw that it was a powerful force. It was extracted directly from the sea water.

"Magic power, sure enough, he will use a lot of magic power this time." Shiran said so helplessly. The Earth Demon clan doesn't need spiritual power, but their magic power is just as powerful. There is magic power where there are people, and as long as the Earth Demon clan wants to use it, it simply doesn't take much effort.

"Be careful, everyone." Shiran said, all Saint Realm nodded, they have been supporting here, waiting for Shiran to recover. Among them, there is only this senior who can contend with the Earth Demon clan, and he is the only one who has reached Wuwei.

"Let's decide the victory at once!" The Earth Demon clan finished saying that. The black magic power is like a whirlwind wrapped in tide, and they are all involved in it.

And Shiran and Saint Realm powerhouse joined forces. They formed a barrier together. Now it's up to see who is stronger. This time they are working hard for each other as well. Whoever survives will be the last The winner.

And Wenwen felt hot on her forehead. She watched the black magic gradually engulf the spiritual power barrier, her heart beating wildly. If this person cannot be stopped, then all of them will be buried here.

Wenwen looked at Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, and then at Qingyun daoist, she took a deep breath and walked out slowly. Everyone looked at Wenwen and didn't know what she was going to do.

Although the text is very powerful, even able to beat Xianzun, but the opposite is a powerhouse without action, that is, Saint Realm will be behind, not to mention the text.

So, Qingyun daoist grabbed Wenwen and didn't know what she was going to do, but he could feel that it was definitely not a good thing, and he couldn't let her take risks.

"Wenwen, calm down, you and my cultivation base will not help." Qingyun daoist said so, Wenwen faintly smiled.

"If the barrier is broken, none of us will survive. The ending will always be the same, why not fight it?" Wenwen said, Qingyun Daoist was taken aback and looked at the number behind him. Hundreds of people.

They are all the closest to the fight, and they are also implicated in it. Their cultivation base is not high. If the barrier is broken, it is estimated that there will be no life. Therefore, Wenwen is right.

"If this is the case, how can you leave me alone?" Qingyun daoist asked so softly, holding Wenwen's hand, and walking over together.

When everyone saw it, they felt more certain in their hearts. They also stood up and walked forward one by one. They wanted to fight the Earth Demon clan together.

The Earth Demon clan didn't expect that these people would all come to resist him. However, he was just sneaked and simply didn't care about it. What do they think this is for? Is it more than people?

What they are fighting for is the cultivation base. It is strength. What's the use of passion? They don't have strength. Whatever they do is meaningless. So he doesn't take seriously at all, but continuously absorbs the surrounding magic. He is the only one of the Earth Demon clan here. The magic of this seabed has not been absorbed for many years. It is really strong!

And everyone poured their spiritual power into the barrier one after another, and they felt proud as they watched the barrier become stronger. They followed the fight against Wuwei, and their blood boiled after thinking about it.

"Hehe, it's naive!" The Earth Demon clan definitely can't let their vigor rise, so without the slightest hesitation strengthened the attack, and the spits out mouthful of blood of the Disorderly Sovereign came out.

He knows that this Earth Demon clan is very tough, but unfortunately his body and his cultivation base cannot accept such an attack of such intensity. But he could only endure it, even if he was hurt this time, he would have to kill this group of people, otherwise it would become meaningless if he finally got here.

"Hold on!" The Earth Demon clan gave a cold voice, once again increasing the intensity of his attack.

After hearing these words, the Lord of Disorder was very helpless, what else could he do besides holding on? Although this body belonged to him, he was simply not under his control at this moment, and he couldn't do anything he wanted to be disobedient, so he could only support it obediently.

(End of this chapter)

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