
  Chapter 1800 text disappears

The Disorderly Lord is struggling to support it, but the Earth Demon clan is very dissatisfied. This person didn't find what he wanted, and he couldn't stand it after only 70% of his skill was used. It was really a waste! Otherwise, he can use all his power to deal with these people directly.

Shiran obviously felt that the opponent increased his attack and felt strenuous at the moment. He was originally injured and has not recovered. Under such an attack, the repaired mechanical arm immediately heard the sound of breaking. , Because he almost endured all the attacks of the Earth Demon clan alone, and the rest of them just helped support.

"Senior." The king is very close to Shiran, and he naturally understands what his situation is, and he is very worried.

"Don't make a sound!" Shi Ran reprimanded in a low voice, and the king immediately closed his mouth. In this case, no matter what, it would not be able to attract everyone's attention, and it could not dispel everyone's confidence.

However, everyone still saw that black demonic energy immediately swallowed their barrier. And everyone felt meridian's pain, as if it was about to break.

Some low-cultivation base spurted blood directly, Qingyun daoist spurted out blood, but he couldn’t remove the spiritual power because simply couldn’t remove it, and his hands seemed to be stuck on it. Unable to move Even a little bit, meridian is getting damaged. Wenwen's eyes were red when he saw this scene, and he didn't care about anything else, so he slapped the Qingyun Daoist from the barrier, so that he wouldn't hurt his roots.

"Earth Demons are really powerful, but we also not to be trifled with!" The white City Lord also had blood on the corners of her mouth, but she did not admit defeat in her heart. She had such a temperament and hit the south wall. Don't look back.

Xue Shu's eyes were wet from a distance, and he knew she was worthy of his liking. They really understood each other during this trip, and he would never leave her for a lifetime.

And Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan side Yuemu didn't move. No matter what happened, he guarded Xiao Guoguo. He didn't dare to take anything lightly. Other people seemed to have nothing to do with him.

"No way!" Great Elder said so, seeing the black demonic energy rushing over, this time their barrier is about to break, it seems that they will all be destroyed.

Wenwen watched Qingyun daoist sitting there with more and more blood in the corners of her mouth, and her hair started to appear white faintly. She felt distressed. Then she looked at Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan unconscious, she seemed to be unconscious. There is no other choice.

"Qingyun." Wenwen shouted Qingyun daoist. Qingyun daoist looked up at Wenwen. At this moment, his internal organs were in pain, but he still heard Wenwen's call.

"Wenwen." Qingyun looked at Wenwen with gentle eyes. He knew that they might not be able to escape this time, but he was very thankful that Wenwen was by his side. They were at least living together. died.

"If I'm still alive, marry you." Wenwen said that Qingyun Daoist was taken aback, his mouth was slightly open, not knowing what happened. In the next moment, Qingyun daoist saw Wenwen disappear.

Everyone was stunned. Now no one can remove the spiritual power. Why is it possible to write text? She not only slapped Qingyun Daoist, but also left.

"Where is she!" Qingyun Daoist looked flustered, only feeling scared, Wenwen disappeared.

"Outside." Han Meng took a deep breath and Wenwen was out there.

Wenwen actually walked among the black demonic energy, and the demonic energy didn't even dare to touch her, so they evaded one after another, as if a black river was split in the middle, which made people I was dumbfounded.

Don’t say Qingyun daoist, they don’t know what happened, but the Earth Demon clan was also stunned. Who is this woman? How is it possible to let the demonic energy back down!

"Who are you?" Wenwen asked, enduring physical discomfort. Although the black demonic energy has given way, the effect on the body is really terrifying. Although she is of the Juli clan, the muscles and bones in her body are also painful like a knife cut, but she wants to know who this person is and who it is!

"I am one of the three kings of the Earth Demon clan!" The Earth Demon clan man said so, because he couldn't see through the text, and the power of the text shocked him and made him He was a little frightened.

"Very well, if I am not dead, I must find you to take revenge!" Wenwen said, opening his palm to the Earth Demon clansman.

Everyone doesn't know what Wenwen is going to do, but Qingyun Daoist's heart is raised. He knows that if he doesn't get Wenwen, he won't be able to come back again. He doesn't want to do that.

"Wenwen!" Qingyun daoist shouted, and the rays of light flashed in Wenwen's palm. The Earth Demon clan seemed to be sucked in by some vortex, and the huge silhouette was twisted. , The yelling disappeared unexpectedly.

And the Lord of Disorder screamed, as if being caught by someone's lifeline, he kept roaring. He was originally one with this Earth Demon, but now that Earth Demon is absorbed away, he seems to have been taken away from all his vitality and age rapidly, and the cultivation base is dropped a thousand zhang in one fall, and then by the black The cave was also sucked in.

Everyone realized that Wenwen had actually accepted the Earth Demon clan.

Only after this, the black demonic energy also went to the entrance of the hole, forming a huge black vortex, and the text was right in the middle of the vortex.

"no!" Qingyun daoist screamed and flew away. Now he can finally pass through the barrier, he moved towards Wenwen and rushed without hesitation.

And Yuemu stood up abruptly, he couldn't imagine what happened to Wenwen, what would he and Xiao Guoguo do? It's the feelings we have been together for so many years, I can't give up. Yuemu flew away, but still fell behind Qingyun Daoist, and was grabbed by the arm by the king, he couldn't watch them go to death.

"Don't go there, it's useless." The king saw that the vortex would devour everything around him, including Wenwen and Qingyun Daoist.

"Go back! Quick!" Shiran didn't dare to neglect, leading everyone back quickly.

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan were also picked up by Han Meng and the worry-free elderly. They dare not have any doubts, because the vortex is absorbing everything around them. Yuemu watched Wenwen disappear in front of his eyes with Qingyun Daoist, and the vortex became smaller and smaller, as if to be closed, he hated that he was not strong enough.

"no! It shouldn't be like this!" Yuemu held his head with red eyes, as if he was surrounded by flames.

The king was stunned when he looked at Yuemu like this. He never knew the true identity of Yuemu, and at this moment, Yuemu did not seem to be a Human Race. His silhouette became taller and taller, the flames became thicker and thicker, and finally, a pair of huge red wings appeared on Yuemu's back. The red wings seem to be formed by flames.

"What's wrong?" the king asked, Shiran's face solemn.

"He is not Human Race." Shiran's answer made everyone stunned. Yuemu was not actually Human Race, and he didn't even notice it.

"Then he is from the monster beast clan?" The king is not stupid and understands this inference. It is possible that Yuemu is a member of the monster beast clan.

"It's possible, but I'm not sure." Shiran's answer was fresh.

At this moment, Yuemu stopped in the air. He didn't know why there were so many scenes in his mind, but these scenes weren't his own experience, as if they were memories of others. He didn't know what happened, he just felt heartache, what should he do if Wenwen is missing, and how to explain to the boss.

(End of this chapter)

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