
  Chapter 1798 promises

This time the attack is very powerful, and only a few Saints can move at this moment. Realm and Wujian Old Ancestor, they dare not neglect to join forces with City Lord directly. Although they are not as good as Earth Demon clansman, they are Saint Realm after all.

Sure enough, the strength of a dozen Saint Realm should not be underestimated. They stood in a row and mobilized spiritual power at the same time, and they formed a spiritual power shield in an instant, blocking the black fog. Outside.

Everyone did not dare to neglect, and even tried to exhaust the whole body of the idea of ​​cultivation base to stop this attack. The Earth Demon clan coldly snorted in this scene, if his body is here, these dozens of Saint Realm are definitely not his opponents.

And the Earth Demon clan still wants to make a move, but Chaos can't hold it anymore. He still needs help from disorder, so naturally he can't abandon him, so he can only bear it.

The Lord of Disorder sensed the meaning of the Earth Demon clan, and did not dare to disobey the slightest bit and ate the medicine pill. At the same time, he began to absorb the Spirit Stone. He wanted to recover as soon as possible. Only when he recovers can they kill them. This group of people.

Suddenly the two sides are in a stalemate. The black demonic energy surrounds everyone. Saint Realm powerhouses can only support it, but they can't make it out. And the Lord of Disorder has also stepped up time to restore the cultivation base, so as to support the existence and attack of the Earth Demon clan, no one can take a step back, no one can go further.

Xiao Guoguo's inside of Dantian is in chaos at the moment, but the situation of the beads is not very good. The white beads were entangled by huge branches unable to move even a little bit, and those few Nascent Souls were all sitting on the spot, so that the beads could not break through.

This is something Xiao Guoguo didn't expect, and fortunately, she has enough time to restore her cultivation base. Although this bead is constantly absorbing her spiritual power and life force, what she lacks the most is spiritual power, and life force... She is also a little stronger than the average person, so she has no worries for the time being.

Therefore, such a strange scene appeared in everyone’s eyes. Xiao Guoguo's complexion was very bad for a while, and even gray hair appeared, and there was a trend of aging, but after a while, her complexion It's getting better again. The gray hair gradually faded, his face turned ruddy, and no wrinkles were seen.

"This is... what's going on?" The worry-free old man asked, his face a little tight.

"This is the boss fighting against the bastard beads." Wenwen said so and stared outside, and the black demonic energy didn't know if it could dissipate.

"Sure enough. She has such a strong life force and recovery ability, it is really rare." The worry-free old man finished saying this with a smile on his mouth, very pleased.

Yuemu has no energy, nor is he willing to listen to the worries of the worry-free old man. All his energy is concentrated on Xiao Guoguo. If Xiao Guoguo does not wake up for a moment, Yuemu cannot be at ease for a moment. .

And Wenwen is still looking at Chi Xuan. It seems that his appearance should not be a big problem, but it is not easy to wake up. Chi Xuan’s Divine Consciousness seems to be damaged. .

"Wenwen, the boss continues this way, I am afraid it is dangerous, can you give the green stone... to the boss." Yuemu stared at Wenwen and asked, Wenwen immediately nodded.

She can give Chi Xuan a life-saving use, and naturally she is more willing to give it to Xiao Guoguo. The green spar was given to Wenwen by the golden carp last time, and now he gave it to Chi Xuan one third, and Wenwen divided the rest into half and gave it to Xiao Guoguo. Actually speaking of which, Wenwen is naturally more willing to help Xiao Guoguo.

"Wenwen, thank you." Yuemu thanked him very sincerely, but Wenwen gave him a sideways look. This is also her boss. Whose lines are you robbing?

In today's situation, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan can save their lives. This is the most important thing, and the rest will be discussed later. And those three tribesmen have been directly abolished by the second tribe as punishment. Because of his temporary negligence, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan suffered such severe injuries. The second tribesmen felt very guilty in their hearts.

The tribe veteran did not expect that the second tribe veteran had acted so ruthlessly and directly abolished his cultivation base. Obviously, he would be rescued only a little bit, so why is his luck so bad!

"You treat me like this now, and you will pay it back a hundred times after I go out!" The old tribe said so, and the old man gave him a faint look.

"You still want to go out, who gives you the confidence?" The frigid irony and scorching satire of the second tribe can naturally be heard by the tribe.

"The stone dye has been defeated. It is only a matter of time for the Earth Demon clan from outside to attack. Do you really think that with your Saint Realm's cultivation base, you can resist him?"

"I don't know if he can resist me. I don't know what kind of cultivation base he is, but no matter what kind of cultivation base he is, he doesn't mean to save you. It's so difficult that you can't see it now, he I'm going to kill you!"

The second clan elder felt much more comfortable after saying this. This bastard caused Sea Clan such a big trouble, and he even tried to collude with the Earth Demon clan. It was really angry. people.

"This is impossible! They promised me, as long as I am willing to help, he will help me break through Saint Realm!" The old tribe said so, the old man frowned.

No wonder it was bought by others. It turned out to have given such a good promise. Saint Realm goes a step further and that is Wuwei. They retreat for so many years to break through Saint Realm and achieve Wuwei.

But how many can reach Wuwei in this world? Shiran senior may be one, but he is not sure. The Earth Demon clan itself is powerful, and he doesn't know the level of the opponent, and the extent of the existence of Wuwei. But even if the Earth Demon clan in front of him is innocent, can he break through, surely he can help others and break through?

So it is good to have pursuit, but daydreaming is not very good.

"It seems that they are going to repent." The second tribe said coldly.

The old gnashing teeth of the three tribes are impossible, he must be lying to himself. He did so much for the breakthrough to reach Wuwei, otherwise why would he betray Sea Clan, why should he start this fight!

At this moment, Xiao Guoguo's Divine Consciousness is surrounding a white bead, because it is coiled by a huge tree root, although the bead can absorb spiritual power, it is not so crazy anymore.

And what Xiao Guoguo has to do is to subdue this bead. It is said that beads are actually this can be considered a magic weapon, since it is a magic weapon, it can be refining! This is what she learned from Master Xiao Ying, her artificial space can be refining, and this bead can naturally.

Xiao Guoguo can't get this bead out, so let it be for your own use! Life-Source Magical Treasure that the three tribes can give up seems to be fighting hard with them, but unfortunately he didn't know that Xiao Guoguo is an Artifact Refinement Master.

Refining beads is naturally not easy. After all, it is a high level magic weapon. However, no matter how time goes by, Xiao Guoguo knows that as long as she has the bloodline of the spiritual family, she will not die, she will follow this hateful bead It's consumed!

Yuemu looked at Xiao Guoguo and didn't know how many days had passed, but Yuemu found that the interval between Xiao Guoguo's appearance changes was getting longer and longer, and the time of aging became shorter.

(End of this chapter)

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