
  Chapter 1785 Clan Elders

The three Elders were silent after hearing such questions. Everyone I don't know why the three Elder Councils rebelled, but it is sad that Sea Clan would have such a day.

"What nonsense are you talking about, if you refuse to give up the position of the king today, I will kill the queen and Second Prince!" Hugh Kai's goal is the most direct, what pink crystal, what Sea Clan's future, He doesn't care, what he wants is the position of the king.

"This is your choice, threaten me with the lives of my wife and children!" said the king, laughing despisely.

"If you don't want their lives, I'll serve you." Hugh Kai said so, and the black clothed person underneath pointed the crossbow at the Queen and First Prince. They have nothing right now. The power of counterattack.

The king's hand tightened, but still didn't say anything. Great Elder looked at this scene. Although he was nervous in the end, he was still a little more comforted. After all, the king did not immediately agree to the party's request.

"King! Don't compromise for us! We don't deserve it!" The queen who had been silent in the cage suddenly said this. Although she had shackles on her hands and couldn't move her whole body, she still shouted.

Everyone looked at their queen and felt very admired in their hearts. This is the kind of tolerance a queen should have!

"Queen! It's not that the king doesn't want to save you, but the life and death of the entire Sea Clan, so that the king can't save you! If the queen is killed, the old man will fight for this life. Revenge for you!" Great Elder yelled, admiring the queen sincerely at this moment.

"Many thanks Great Elder, please Great Elder avenge us!" The queen replied, with a smile on her mouth, as if she was not afraid of life or death.

Everyone’s eyes are moist, but in fact they look down on Xiu Kai very much and threaten them with their wives and children. What kind of a hero is this? at worst Everyone fights with a real sword, winning or losing depends on their respective abilities, how can you do such a despicable thing!

Even those who follow Xiugai feel unbearable in their hearts. After all, they still feel that they have chosen the wrong person, but they are helpless. Now that this is the case, there is nothing to say, they can't go back.

"Okay! You don't even care about their lives and deaths, I don't have to care about them! Kill First Prince now!" Hugh Kai gave the order, and everyone was silent for a moment, even those who aimed their bows and arrows. The people who got out of the cage did not move either.

"Are you trying to rebel? Ah!" Xiu Kai was very angry. This anger quickly made him lose his mind and shouted loudly.

And the king didn't say anything, just fiercely's grasping hands, the two Princes behind him also looked sad and indignant! Only Great Elder stood up. If he does not stand up at this moment, the king is afraid that he will regret it.

"Hugh Kai, you despicable villain, you really deserve to die!" Great Elder took the lead in attacking, and the king watched his side rushing towards the other side, apparently this battle It can't be avoided.

"Haha, you think I'm afraid of you!" Hugh Kai said so, and the three Elders on his side also rushed over, and the battle was about to start.

However, just as the two parties were about to fight, a voice came from behind. Everyone felt a roar in their ears. Even the Great Elder people were covering their ears. The voice should be red. The sea flute.

This red sea flute is Sea Clan’s treasure. Although Sea Clan with a high cultivation base can resist, those with a low cultivation base Sea Clan and Sea Beast can’t stand it. They start to cover it one by one. He backed his ears, wanting to leave the area affected by the sea flute.

Yes, this sea flute has an area of ​​influence. Therefore, despite the fact that in the battle, the Sea Clan with a low cultivation base started to run, and those Sea Beast who were caught also took advantage of this opportunity to flee quickly

They didn’t really want to come. Those who fought were only forced to come, and now they have the opportunity to run, how could they not run, the fool stayed and mixed with these things of Sea Clan.

And seapeople are now too busy to take care of themselves, no matter whether these Sea Beasts run or not, they evade one after another. It was just at this moment that suddenly an old man wearing black clothed appeared. He seemed to have been behind Xiujia, and he seemed to have just appeared, holding a green leaf in his hand and blowing.

I don't know what the sound is, but it makes people feel that the pain caused by the sea flute is much better, as if it offsets the impact of the sea flute. And this changed the king's look. He looked at the Second Prince who was playing the sea flute. It was obviously a bit laborious. Everyone didn't expect. It is not the king who is controlling the sea flute, but the Second Prince.

Great Elder was also surprised, how did the king give this treasure to the Second Prince? Wouldn't it be much better if the king himself controlled the effect!

But it’s not the time to talk about this. They watched the black clothed old man and couldn’t help sinking down. The man was wearing the clothes of the clan elder. It turned out that there was a clan elder. Behind the scenes.

And no one thought that when Second Prince was about to lose, Third Prince took out another sea flute and put it on his mouth. This makes everyone dumbfounded. Isn't there only one red sea flute from the Royal Family?

The effect of the two red sea flutes is doubled. Everyone felt that their heads were a little better and began to ache again, and several Elders were also surprised. They only knew that there was a red sea flute next to the king. How could they have thought that this Third Prince still had it on his body! This is really...very good.

Sure enough, the king is not an ordinary person, knowing that they have hidden a hand, this time they can concentrate on the enemy! And how did they know that the sea flute in the hands of Third Prince was the one that Shiran gave to Xiao Guoguo before, and Xiao Guoguo gave to Xiuya.

The clan elder wearing black clothed looked at the two Princes opposite and was also very surprised. He also didn't expect that there were two red sea flutes, as if he didn't really understand the king.

Everyone stopped watching the black clothed old man, and could only continue running with his head. They had heard that the red sea flute in the hands of the Royal Family could control seapeople, but they had never experienced it. .

After running through Haidi’s area of ​​influence, the army doesn’t look like an army anymore. They looked at each other and didn’t know if they should continue fighting. Obviously they didn’t want to start a war. Hesitantly confronted, no one was willing to do it first.

"The king is kind and never used the red sea flute to deal with clansman, but you didn't know how to follow the traitor, and you controlled the queen and First Prince! Now I don't know how to repent!"

Seventh Elder flew over, he was here to stabilize the situation. And he was accompanied by a Saint Realm guard. If the rebels dared to resist, they could only kill him!

Everyone looked at each other, and they all could see that they were worried. Their number was not as high as their cultivation base, and they naturally continued to resist and surrender.

And the black clothed old man who was irritated by Xiujiai was not anxious. He saw that everyone was not fighting, so he was relieved. Moreover, he didn't want to kill the king, nor did he want Sea Clan to fight inwardly. His purpose was simply different from that of Huo Kai.

(End of this chapter)

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