
  Chapter 1784 The Black Hand

The silence of Third Elder and Fourth Elder made Great Elder even more angry. He pointed to the two people and asked this, just to hear what they had to say, but they were so silent.

"I'm asking you! Why not speak! Are you guilty of conscience!" Great Elder was very angry, looking at the two people at the moment, wishing to kill them by himself.

"Great Elder, we..." Fourth Elder tried to explain a sentence or two, but was stopped by Third Elder.

"The third one, you still don't let him say it! You still feel shameless to say it!" Great Elder asked. Third Elder has been silent, but Fourth Elder couldn't help it.

"Great Elder, I honor you Great Elder. Don’t push people! Why are we betraying the king? It’s not because he has done everything right." Third Elder said. Great Elder sneered.

"How about the king these years, you know well, how well the clansman of Sea Clan has lived, everyone knows! You are embarrassed to say that, what do you want to say about the king? "

Great Elder was very angry. The king never watched them quarrel, only stared at the First Prince and the queen in the cage. At this moment, the First Prince was unconscious and could not see how his face looked, but only the undulating chest proved that the person was still alive, and the queen's face was awe-inspiring, as if life and death had already been ignored.

The king cooperates with this female guard, no matter how he lives today, he will reward her well for her loyalty.

And at this moment, Fourth Elder was in a hurry. He watched the commotion among his men, obviously in a very unstable mood. They actually didn't understand why they wanted to betrayed! Not only Third Elder and Fourth Elder, but also many aristocrats participated in it. What is it for?

"For the pink crystal! Great Elder, you dare to tell everyone how many pink crystals we have in Sea Clan!" The sentence of Fourth Elder, Great Elder heart startled, didn't expect, It turned out to be for this.

"You, you turned out to betray the king for this!" Great Elder couldn't believe it.

"Isn't the pink crystal important? A thousand years ago, ordinary clansman can also use the pink crystal, why can't it be used now? Great Elder, do you dare to tell everyone the truth?" Third Elder also After speaking, Great Elder fell silent suddenly.

Although there is still anger in my heart, how can I explain this matter? He looked at the king, but the king was still silent, and the Xiugai over there giggled strangely.

"How dare they say that if they let people know Sea Clan's pink crystals It’s going to be exhausted. Who else will support this king?” said Xiu Kai. Great Elder looked at him very resentfully. How could this kind of news be revealed to clansman? Causes Sea Clan to shake. Thinking of this Great Elder smiles bitterly, isn't this already shaking? For the sake of the powder, the people and nobles of the Elder Council have rebelled!

"The pink crystal is gone! That is the source of the spiritual power of our Sea Clan!" Someone said this, very shocked.

"Yes! If there are no fans, how can Royal Family be cultivated in the future?" Someone asked that they hadn't used powder crystals for hundreds of years. They were all for Royal Family. It seems to have acquiesced to this result, but I never thought that the pink crystal is gone.

"It doesn't matter how the Royal Family cultivation is, what matters is the future people, how will the Sea Clan cultivation in the future? Is it necessary to use the Sea Beast inner core?" Someone asked the same.

What they say can be regarded as people who have used Fanjing, but a few hundred years ago, the Royal Family suddenly said that Fanjing belonged to the Royal Family. Although they had also made troubles, they also recognized that in order to cultivate a powerful Royal Family. Up. But no one didn't expect that the pink crystal was gone.

Now, Great Elder looks at the panicked crowd below, and finally understands why they want to release the news at this time. They are going to mess up the military's mind, and at the same time, it is also to weaken the prestige of the king, I am afraid that what they want to say below will cause greater fluctuations.

"Don't mess around, the exhaustion of pink crystals is simply nonsense!" Great Elder absolutely can't admit it, otherwise it just gave the other party a handle.

"You don't want to admit Great Elder until now, but you dare to let everyone see the real situation of the pink crystal mine!" Then Third Elder asked, Great Elder looked angry.

"That is the Royal Family mine, how can an ordinary person enter?" Great Elder replied, and Third Elder smiled.

"Everyone knows the truth, I didn’t want to reason with you. If the pink crystal is gone, the strength of Sea Clan will be weakened in the future, and we may even be inferior to the Sea Beast clan. , Don’t talk about the king of the sea, that is, Sea Clan’s life and death will be a problem!

And what did the king do? He ignored it, and even directly denied our opinion! He is scared, he is a Coward! Can such a coward be our king?"

The words of Third Elder made everyone look at the king. They wanted the king to give them a real answer, and at this moment the king withdrew his gaze , Staring at everyone.

"Let's talk, there is who support behind you. It's just that you two, plus a useless thing, won't attract so many people."

The king said so After seeing everyone, their majestic gaze made everyone tremble. After all, they are betrayers, and this will not change.

"There is no one else!" Fourth Elder said, and the king shook his head.

"No, there must be other people." After the king said this, he felt a wave of power coming behind him. It was an Annihilation Power, facing his waist.

The king's body twisted sharply and saw Fifth Elder. No one had thought that it was him!

"Fifth Elder!" Great Elder was very angry. He stretched out his hand to pat Fifth Elder, but Fifth Elder was so fast, it only took one blow to stop, and people quickly went to the middle.

Everyone did not look at Fifth Elder, but stared at the king. If he died, nothing would make any sense. They insisted on the king until now. If the king died, what would they say?

"I'm fine!" The king put down the cloak without letting people look at it. His expression was normal, as if he was not injured at all.

"Impossible! You are clearly injured!" Fifth Elder yelled. The stabbing he had just now was clearly a stabbing.

"Fifth Elder really didn't expect you to be one of them." The king's expression was very indifferent, looking at Fifth Elder with cold light in his eyes.

"Yes, I am one of them too, and you are no longer the king today! A person who does not take the future of Sea Clan seriously, does not deserve to be our king!" Fifth Elder said. At this moment, the king tilted his head as if thinking.

"I just ask you, what benefits have they given you, so that you are so desperate and reckless, what benefits I can't give you?"

Asked, the three Elder heart trembled, why is the king so sure, someone must have benefited them, did he know what?

(End of this chapter)

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