
  Chapter 1786 Inquiry

At this moment, Xiao Guoguo looks at the people coming, people going outside, and he knows for sure It was the army of kings who had arrived, and now it was also time for them to leave. Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan looked at each other and returned to the cell one after another. Juli clansman looked at them with expectation in their eyes.

"We should go." Xiao Guoguo said so, everyone was taken aback, then ecstatic, and finally it was time for them to leave.

"I will kill with you." Wenwen said so, Xiao Guoguo shook his head.

"You are still safer in the space, and we don't have to go in a hurry. We have to find out where those people are locked up."

Xiao Guoguo said that, they don't know what the situation is now outside, they only know that no matter what, the three Saint Realm can be rescued, or it is better to be rescued. After all, that is Peak's battle strength.

And there is one more thing Xiao Guoguo remembers in the heart, that is, the Saint Realm man.

Seriously, she is not a woman with a small belly, but she is a woman who has revenge. When they entered the seabed abyss, this guy got in, if it weren’t for them to run fast , It is estimated that it will be dangerous at that time.

After this person came down, he was still chasing after him. He is still present on the site of Sea Clan. It is certainly not a coincidence. Xiao Guoguo has to go and see what is going on.

Why did they want to take Huya? In the past, Xiao Guoguo thought that they were just for treasure, but they suddenly appeared on the Sea Clan site, and they looked like they were cooperating with Xiugai. I am afraid that the purpose of catching Xiuya was not for treasure, and I didn’t understand Xiao Guoguo. I think this man will become a scourge.

So, she and Chi Xuan looked at each other and moved towards the First Prince's palace. They knew that the man was inside the palace.

At this moment, there is no one guarding the palace. The war outside has begun. Instead, the palace is empty, with only a few guards. They didn't think much about seeing Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan wearing Sea Clan escort clothes, and let them pass.

Just walking further in, it is a delicate yard. Inside the yard are the black clothed persons of Human Race. They saw Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan frowning, these two people What is it for?

"What do you do?" The black clothed man asked, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan stopped.

"The fighting outside is fierce, the king sent us to ask the adults to help!" Xiao Guoguo said, his face was anxious, the black clothed person had no doubts.

"My lord won't go!" The man refused directly. He had already ordered that the Lord simply would not participate in any Sea Clan battle.

"But the king's order, if we can't take the adults back, the king will kill us." Xiao Guoguo said pitifully, his voice improved a bit, which made that The black clothed person's face suddenly changed.

"get lost! Otherwise, I will kill you first!" The man's words made Xiao Guoguo face turned cold. He looked at the man with cold eyes.

Next moment, the man felt a pain in his mind and fell directly to the ground, simply unable to make any more noises. The man suddenly fell down, and the black clothed person in the yard realized that the two Sea Clan actually started to fight with them, and they wanted to fight back.

However, it was only after this movement that their bodies were out of control, as if they had been penetrated by the Divine Consciousness by who, and fell to the ground one after another, falling into a deep sleep.

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan walked directly inside, and they saw the black clothed man sitting inside of the Divine Consciousness of the two, who was the one who held the spaceship and refused to let down last time. Sure enough, they didn't guess wrong.

At this moment, the man also slowly opened his eyes, looking at the two Sea Clan who opened the door and was very surprised. How did these two Sea Clan get in? Going to look inside the yard again, all his men have fallen down as expected.

"Who the hell are you?" Although Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan are still seapeople, but I don't know why, the Lord of Disorder thinks that these two people should be the cultivator of Human Race.

"It's really hard for an adult. The both sides of Sea Clan suffer outside. You can sit here with peace of mind, my lord." Xiao Guoguo said, the man frowned and looked at Xiao Guoguo.

"You should be Human Race." The Lord of Disorder looked at Xiao Guoguo and said such a sentence, Xiao Guoguo smiled.

"Holy Lord, where am I like a Human Race? Actually, I am also very curious, what do you do with a Human Race at our Sea Clan?" Xiao Guoguo asked, still wearing Curious, but knew in his heart that this man would not answer at all.

Although he didn't know the identity of Xiao Guoguo, the Lord of Disorder, it was the first time he saw such a madman in front of him. The Lord of Disorder looked at Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan so rampant but did not move, as if he was patient.

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan glanced at each other, and sure enough, he couldn't move now, but he didn't know why he couldn't move, so he didn't figure it out. Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan shot suddenly, sword qi shiningly turned towards the Lord of Disorder. This was a temptation. They wanted to see if he would fight back.

"Sure enough, it is Human Race, or two sword cultivators!" The Unordered Lord said so and stared at the two, and saw that the sword qi fell on the array in front of him one by one. Above the barrier.

"Hiding the array is not easy to break." Chi Xuan said, Xiao Guoguo nodded.

"How long will it take to get rid of it?" Xiao Guoguo asked, obviously trusting Chi Xuan's ability. Chi Xuan glanced at the array that had already appeared.

"One hour." Chi Xuan glanced at the array that had already appeared before answering.

These words made the opposite Lord Chaos laugh: "One hour? Haha, do you say that you can destroy my guardian array with one hour? You are really arrogant. It turns out that the juniors are not so bad now. I know the depth."

The Lord of Disorder laughed because he felt that Chi Xuan simply impossible to break the array within one hour, and he would not give the opponent this opportunity.

With just one finger, he can kill them. It's just that he doesn't want to move now, and doesn't want to hurt himself for these insignificant people.

"If you can't do it doesn't mean that others can't do it, you are old!" Xiao Guoguo said, and the Venerable Disorderly's eyes narrowed fiercely.

This woman really doesn't know whether she lives or die, she dare to say that he is old! No one can leave him safe and sound after humiliating him!

"Okay, very good! I must kill you!"

Because of being so excited by Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, the Lord of Disorder is already angry, although he knows that the other party is Deliberately, deliberately angered him to seek a weak spot, but the Lord of Disorder still did not hold back his anger.

"You don't need to talk like gnashing teeth, you have already done it, but unfortunately it didn't work." Xiao Guoguo said with a smile, the Lord of Disorder squinted his eyes and didn't understand what it was. mean.

"When have we met?" The Lord of Disorder has a feeling that things are out of his grasp.

(End of this chapter)

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