
  Chapter 1783 Confrontation

The Lord of Disorder stared deeply at the standing subordinates, he The king of Sea Clan mentioned earlier is back.

"How many people did he bring?" The Lord of Disorder asked faintly, with a nervous expression on his face.

"It is said that only a few thousand people were taken with him, but he was accompanied by a few Elders who had left before, and there were many people in their hands." The subordinate replied, and the man's eyes showed thought. .

"Well, you go down and continue to inquire about the news." The Lord of Disorder looked simply indifferent, and his subordinates stepped back.

Chaos looked ahead, thinking about the king of Sea Clan. It is said that he is also a Saint Realm, but there are many Saint Realm of Sea Clan, and he is also locked up in front of Saint Realm.

The room looked empty, but there was a hidden array in the middle, which contained three Saint Realm. These three Saint Realm were left by the King to Prince and Queen. The guards, only when they were forced to take the initiative to fall into the trap.

Even so, they have been trying to destroy this array ever since they entered. Therefore, the Lord of Disorder can only stare here, and he is motionless. No one knows that he is actually here. Absorb the cultivation base of the three Saint Realm powerhouses.

Because this array is really powerful, it absorbed most of the cultivation bases of the three Saint Realm. Therefore, the three of them clearly knew that their cultivation base had been sucked away, but they still had no choice but to carry it on.

Fortunately, the Unordered Lord outside can only sit like this. He can't stand up and can't leave, otherwise the array will be damaged. However, this is exactly what the Lord of Disorder wants, he simply doesn't want to help Xiugai, he has his own purpose.

Huo Kai simply doesn’t know that the Lord of Disorder is not to take refuge in him, nor is it to take refuge in Sea Clan. How could such a Human Race Saint Realm be willingly driven by seapeople?

At this moment, Hugh Kai is even more uncomfortable. Although he is protected by Saint Realm and protected by Third Elder and Fourth Elder, he does not feel confident enough.

Looking at the First Prince and Queen brought by his subordinates, Huo Kai's heart is calmer. The real trump card in his hand is actually the two of them. Because he knows how much affection his big brother has, otherwise he wouldn't be left behind, would he?

Xiu Kai's Sea Beast swims slowly to the top of the city wall. On the opposite side is the King of Sea Clan. Xiu Kai's face moved, revealing a mocking smile.

"My big brother, you are back!" Hugh Kai said so, looking at the king on the opposite side with a smug face.

"What about my queen and Prince!" The king simply didn't want to talk to such a sinister villain, he just wanted to see what happened to his family.

"Oh, my calm big brother will have such an anxious day! Hahaha." Hugh Kai said that he started laughing wildly, it is really a bit of a look at it. .

Few of the Sea Clan who followed him this time are his confidantes. They only felt that their hearts were sinking when they looked at this kind of Xiu Kai. Is such a king really worthy of their following?

But their leader, their patriarch, and their boss all follow such a guy, they can't betray someone they trust. Therefore, many people's hearts are contradictory, reluctant but there is no way to resist.

The king looked at such Xiu Kai silently, his eyes were like ice, which made the laughter little by little on the other side disappear, and Xiu Kai's heart was full of anger and embarrassment.

He never thought that just a look from the other party made him scared, and slowly suppressed the pride in his heart. Huo Kai wanted to laugh at the grievances and suppressed anger over the years, but it was only at this moment that he realized that he was actually scared.

Slowly pressing down some trembling hands, Humiliation felt that he was flying into a rage out of humiliation, and shouted behind him: "Come on, bring the Queen and First Prince up!"

When Hugh Kai said that, the king heard the sound of the iron lock, and then a huge cage was hung up, and there were two people in it.

Although the distance is far away, the king can see at a glance, who are the two people inside. The queen with a cold light face was sitting, holding the unconscious First Prince in her arms.

"You dare! You bastard!" The king shouted so angrily. He looked at this scene in front of him and felt very heartbroken and terribly painful.

Although he knows that the people here are not the real queen and First Prince, and not his relatives, but just think about it, if it weren’t for Xiao Guoguo to take the real queen and First Prince away, so The scene is real. What will happen to him by that time, the king is very clear in his heart.

He certainly can't watch his family suffer, even if he sacrifices his own life, so he will definitely give up, and the same is true for those who follow him and follow him!

"Xiu Kai! How dare you humiliate the Royal Family like this! They are also your relatives!" Great Elder shouted, he never thought that Xiu Kai would humiliate the King in this way. He treated the Queen and First Prince this way, he was humiliating the King.

"Haha, why don't I dare! I have been suppressed by him for so many years, just because I am younger than him, why should I not be the king of Sea Clan?! I finally have the opportunity to let him taste me The taste in my heart in the past few days."

As Xiu Kai said so, everyone looked at him with rays of light in their eyes.

People can become kings because they are powerful. What is the issue of age? There were not only two Princes in Sea Clan back then. There were also people who are bigger than the current king, but they were not selected. ?

So, this guy simply didn't grasp the point, and he didn't know his own strength. Now that the cultivation base is still so low, why does he become the king!

"Nonsense, you can't be a king, that's because you have no cultivation base, no virtue, no ability, this is what we Elder know, the old king has never considered you."

Great Elder's words are very heart-stirring, Xiujia's face is flushed, he doesn't know why, he is not reconciled, why don't he do it now? ?

"Haha, you old fogey, you are his side watchdog, do you think he really values ​​you? He values ​​his family!"

Hugh Kai said this, with resentful rays of light in his eyes. Don't think he didn't know that when he chose the king, these Old Guys also contributed to hindering him.

"haha. Whatever you say, you are just trying to provoke a divorce, and I will not fall into your tricks! Third Elder Fourth Elder, do you think so too? Are you really Think such a despicable little talent is the king? Who should you follow?"

The question of Great Elder ruthless made Third Elder and Fourth Elder look very ugly, why didn’t they know that this guy is not worth following? , Simply is the mud that can't support the wall,

But they have a bigger pursuit, so they have to abandon the king. They do this for the future of Sea Clan. Great Elder didn't understand their painstaking effort to ask this question, but what's the point of explaining now.

(End of this chapter)

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