
  Chapter 1782 Selection

The attitude of the king made Fifth Elder unexpected. He thought the king was coming tired. , Must be very surprised and puzzled by his appearance. But he didn't expect that the king was not surprised at all. On the contrary, he had a calm face, full of fighting spirit and murderous aura. He hadn't seen such a king in a few years.

"Let's go, let your people lead the way, let's kill it back." The murderous-looking king, Fifth Elder didn't even have the opportunity to open his mouth to explain anything, only nodded.

It's just that Fifth Elder's heart is a little surprised. Does the king know everything? But who is it that sent the news to the king? Moreover, how did the King follow so many Sea Beasts? From this point of view, the King really didn't seem to have come back suddenly, but it seemed that he had made sufficient preparations for the fight.

But the king did not give Fifth Elder a chance to ask anything. Instead, he sat on the huge Sea Beast and moved forward quickly, as if he was invincible. This kind of king made Fifth Elder's heart beat wildly, and he quickly went to the camp to follow.

This walk is one day, and when everyone sees Fifth Elder's men and horses, they are cheering excitedly, because after Fifth Elder is the army of kings.

Everyone looked at the king sitting on the huge Sea Beast, full of golden armor full of chill and killing intent, everyone cheered, their king is back, this rebellion should also be over.

"King, you finally came back." Great Elder saw that the state of the king was also heart startled. The king did not see any anxiety at this moment, but was very calm. Even looking at him coldly, Great Elder felt a chill in his heart.

"Go in and talk about it." The king didn't talk nonsense, and walked directly in. Behind him were two Princes who looked like murderous aura, which seemed to have become too much.

"King, do you know everything?" Great Elder sat down, and there were four other Elders beside him.

"I just want to ask, how is the Queen and First Prince now?" the king asked. Great Elder looked at Fifth Elder in amazement. It was because he talked about First Prince and Queen. Something?

Fifth Elder shook his head quickly, he didn't dare to talk too much! He didn't say anything along the way, just following behind the king, why the king knew everything.

"I'm asking you something." The king solemnly asked again, and Great Elder hurried back to his senses.

"The queen and First Prince are both in the hands of Xiugai." Great Elder replied helplessly. This was also their mistake and failed to protect the First Prince and the queen.

"You are inside, but you have left someone to protect it?" The king's anger has obviously increased and a lot of anxiety, but what can he do, his relatives are in the hands of others.

"We deployed manpower to rescue, but First Prince and their guards are very strict, they have damaged a lot of people, they really can't be rescued." Great Elder said so, the king stared at his expressions all famous.

"How many guards are there! Why can't they be saved!" The King asked, but Great Elder didn't know how to answer.

"The king, there are tens of thousands of horses between us and the palace. Even if you kill out of the palace, you can't kill this kind of encirclement!" Great Elder lowered his head and said. Feel oppressed.

"Can't kill it? Then I will go personally!" The king stood up abruptly, simply ignoring the current situation.

"King! King, you can't do this, you have to take care of the overall situation!" Great Elder quickly got up and grabbed the king's cloak. He is not afraid of many enemies, not afraid of the strength of the opponent, just afraid that the king will be like this.

He also knows that the Queen and First Prince are now in the hands of others and the king is uncomfortable, but if the king is in danger, they must be defeated!

"Let go!" The king rose in anger, his face flushed, and his eyes looked at Great Elder with fierce light, but Great Elder just didn't let go.

"The king, now Hugh Kai has rebelled. If you have a bit of tenderness, then not only will you lose the position of the king, but we will also be killed! The safety of the queen and the First Prince is of course important , But isn’t Sea Clan’s future important! Please think twice about the king!” After Great Elder shouted these words, the king was silent for a moment, but did not move this time.

"What do you want me to think twice? Do you want me to ignore the life and death of First Prince and Queen?" The king gritted his teeth and asked Great Elder. Great Elder shook his head quickly. He didn't dare to stimulate the king so much.

"Not so! I believe that they dare not touch First Prince and Queen easily, as long as they find a chance, my people will come back with First Prince and Queen!" Great Elder said, listening to yes Feeling comforted, there is actually no credibility, after all, he has failed so many times.

But the king at this moment is like a balloon that has been poked, and his expression sinks suddenly. He seemed to want to understand, even if he couldn't rush over, he couldn't save people, and he might fall into a more passive situation.

Therefore, the king slowly walked back and sat down, with a decadent expression on his face, as if he was several years old all at once. At this moment, such a king, Great Elder, felt bitter.

If Xiao Guoguo were here, he would really praise the king, this acting, this emotional expression, everyone was deceived. Even the two Princes controlled the expressions on their faces, and didn't dare to say a word, for fear that the drama would be untrue if they said the wrong thing.

However, they have always maintained the same emotional steps with the king. They were angry just now, and now they are helpless. I have to say that life is like a play, and it all depends on acting.

"King, please take the overall situation first." Great Elder persuaded, the king waved his hand: "Go down, I want to be quiet."

Commanded, everyone did not dare to hesitate, and they did have a lot of things to make arrangements. When to fight and how to fight, these things can't make the king bother.

Only Fifth Elder is a bit hesitant, the king has become too fast like this, which makes people feel completely unprepared. Is he sincere to the Queen and First Prince? If you are sincere, how can you say that you can't save it if you don't save it? If it's not true, can First Prince still become a threat to the king?

"Great Elder, do you want to do something with First Prince?" Second Elder asked, and Great Elder glared at him fiercely.

"Shut up! Don't talk about this again! If you dare to do it, the king will not forgive you! Let's take a step and look at it." Great Elder said that, Elder dare not say anything.

Although they all know that only when the queen and First Prince are dead, the king is no longer bound and can concentrate on revenge, but seeing the king just now, they really don't dare to mess around. If the king collapsed, so much of their efforts would be in vain.

They admire the king, and they follow loyally. Therefore, such a thing cannot be done without as a last resort!

When the dawn of the second day appeared and the seabed was wrapped in soft rays of light again, the king walked out of the tent. This time they are going to fight.

The two Princes are young after all, and they each bring a Saint Realm guard by their side. Everyone can see that this time the king does not want his family to have any damage.

"Kill the enemy!" The king raised up golden lance and shouted, everyone followed, and their king finally returned. And Great Elder believes that the king has made a choice, obviously he chose Sea Clan.

(End of this chapter)

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