
  Chapter 1763 Impossible

Everyone does not know what is the use of these minerals, the worry-free old man and the king are both People know some, they look at these ores on the ground, and a little envious of Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, it is really rare for them to find such treasures.

"You come to collect, I'll look at the next door." Chi Xuan said Xiao Guoguo nodded. They have limited time now, and division of labor is the best choice.

"I'll protect the law for you!" Han Meng took the initiative to protect the law for Chi Xuan, because she knew that Xiao Guoguo would not be able to get away from collecting ore here, but Chi Xuan couldn't be less.

"many thanks Senior Sister." Chi Xuan said so, Han Meng patted his shoulder and said: "It's okay to be polite, remember my water ball, and quickly make it for me That's it."

Chi Xuan and Han Meng leave together, Wujian Old Ancestor will not stay, but will go with Han Meng. Xiao Guoguo was completely relieved when he met, and began to collect these ores in different categories.

Xiao Guoguo can be regarded as an Artifact Refinement Master with very rich theoretical knowledge. From the performance of these ores, it can be concluded that these all are very rare.

"Look, these minerals are hard to see outside nowadays." The Wuyou old man said so, he couldn't see it by himself, and he had to drag the king together.

"Don't hesitate, I'm regretting it." The king said so badly, and the worry-free old man laughed.

"It's not that, that girl is not a stingy person, and will definitely divide you." The worry-free old man knows Xiao Guoguo very well, so he said that.

"hmph, you are still facing them now! People who don't know think they are your offspring." The king couldn't speak harshly to his best friend for many years.

"You are wrong about this, I also think there are two such powerful juniors, but unfortunately there is no such blessing." The old man Wuyou sighed, the king thought, he poke Wuyou The old man's waist is up.

This guy doesn't know why. After so many years, he hasn't found a Dao Companion, and there is no child. The king is a bit sorry, but the worry-free old man is not serious, and he continues to look at these ores.

While the king feels distressed, he is also very happy. These ores are indeed rare, and they are all genuine products. Using such ores, you can find a skilled Artifact Refinement Master, and you can indeed create a batch of powerful ones. Mechanical beast.

But thinking of this, the king's face became nervous. If these ores are really obtained, will they really create a group of powerful mechanical beasts! Then when the time comes, the peace of Sea Clan will be broken.

Xiao Guoguo didn't know the king's inner thoughts, she collected these ores in different categories as quickly as possible. Moreover, there are too many materials here. The area of ​​these three layers is exactly twice that of two layers, and four times that of one layer!

So Xiao Guoguo knows that at this moment, I am afraid that I won’t be able to finish it. And Chi Xuan has already sat down there, he doesn't need to worry about other things now, he just needs to concentrate on opening the door in front of him. It's just that this door should be the hardest in the entire Mechanical City.

"Go, let's go see the excitement." After reading the ore, the worry-free old man said to the king.

"I really want to see, how powerful is the discipline that senior was fond of!" said the king, and went to see Chi Xuan with the worry-free old man.

At this moment, Chi Xuan has already started. His Divine Consciousness covers the entire gate, and this gate surprised the worry-free old man and the king.

This is not a gate, a more practical description should be an object! According to the king’s guess, this should be a six-sided cube, but this thing was erected obliquely, half of it was in front of them, and the other half should be behind, that is, Chi Xuan simply can't see it!

"How do you open such a door?" The worry-free old man asked the king. The king gave him an angry look, how did he know.

This is too difficult. It is because the king has learned the art of mechanics since he was a child. He also feels that this kind of test is too difficult. Simply can't see it, how can I get rid of it?

At this moment, the king saw Chi Xuan's Divine Consciousness retrieved from the door. The king guessed that Chi Xuan had learned mechanics since childhood and was impossible to open such a door, so he should have given up.

Thinking about it this way, the king feels a little more comfortable, at least the treasure of the four layers has not been found. This can be considered to save Sea Clan a little loss.

However, he did not expect that Chi Xuan in front of him did not stand up, but took out a bunch of parts. It was a bunch of very small parts, with various shapes, just floated around Chi Xuan.

Everyone didn't understand it, only the king could see it clearly. What Chi Xuan used was what they had trained since childhood. Some weird parts come in all shapes and sizes, but they need to find the most combination of them.

"He can do this!" The king was very surprised.

"It seems that Shiran senior taught him a lot." The worry-free old man said with a smile.

The king did not speak, but he was very curious, what can this Chi Xuan do! This door is not ordinary. Are there enough parts here?

Chi Xuan is not in a hurry. Instead, he does his own thing holding his breath, occasionally stopping to think, and then covering the entire gate with Divine Consciousness again.

Everyone can’t understand, but the king knows that Chi Xuan is thinking backwards. Through the half he can understand, he wants to guess the other half that he can’t see, and the three sides to the end. What structure should it be.

This is crazy too! This impossible success!

The king always thinks like this in the heart, but he sees Chi Xuan splitting and combining these parts again and again, as if they are becoming more and more decent and more accurate.

In ten days, everyone didn't know how many times Chi Xuan had to disassemble these parts. They were all waiting, and Xiao Guoguo had already packed all the ore and walked over.

She never disturbed Chi Xuan, but looked at Chi Xuan's combination of parts and found it very interesting. This gave her almost the same refinement, without any error.

Finally, this time Chi Xuan successfully combined a new cube, and this time he slowly opened his eyes.

'Impossible, so he found it! 'The king thought so, but found that Chi Xuan put the cube beside him and it was still floating, and he actually started to cover all three sides of the gate with spiritual power.

This time, everyone was watching with breathlessness, and they knew what a mechanic was. Seriously, mechanics are really awesome!

"How the hell did this happen! Very awesome!" Han Meng exclaimed, but Wujian Old Ancestor didn't say a word. Perhaps Chi Xuan does have innate talent in this respect. Anyway, he found it really difficult, but he didn't have the confidence to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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