
  Chapter 1762 Negotiations

The king originally thought Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan would lion’s big mouth, after all, they saved For the Princess of Sea Clan, how much treasure he needs as the king and father, can’t be said.

However, Xiao Guoguo's behavior is far beyond his expectations. She actually took out an account directly, and it clearly stated how much Spirit Stone was spent to photograph Fei Zhuo. , How much did it cost to get to the abyss of the deep sea.

In addition, there is the medicine pill for Huya and Fei Zhuo, as well as their food... and there is even food! After reading this account, the king felt very complicated. This girl is really no ordinary person.

"I will return the Spirit Stone on this. If you have any requirements or want, you can ask them now." The king's face was slightly red, this kind of person owes the Spirit Stone. It's the first time I feel it.

"Requirement? There is no requirement. You can just give me the Spirit Stone that I spent. I don't like owing others, and I don't like others owing me not to pay them back." Xiao Guoguo said. , The king looked at her, trying to determine whether this was true or false.

"As long as these Spirit Stones?" The king confirmed again.

"As long as these are enough, I saved Huya for Human Race, not for Sea Clan. You don’t owe us anything. In other words, I think Huya will be saved until the end is pleasing to the eye, and it’s not For your gratitude."

Xiao Guoguo said, no matter what, she has already made a profit this time, and it was the Secret Realm that Huya helped her find. She really shouldn't ask for anything.

"If this is the case, don't regret it. I just want to tell you that I can agree to what priceless and unique rare treasure you want, as long as I have it. But this Secret Realm, I can't let you continue Go down."

What the king said Xiao Guoguo looked at him, Chi Xuan took a step forward slowly, and the two stood side by side, looking at the king of Sea Clan on the opposite side.

"In the cultivation world, treasures always belong to whoever finds them. We don’t care about whose ancestors left the treasure, as long as we can come in and get something, it’s our own Ability. Please forgive us for not agreeing to your request." Xiao Guoguo replied, no matter how the king didn't expect, Xiao Guoguo was so hard-hearted.

"You know, this is Sea Clan's treasure!" The king said angrily.

"I know, so I'm going to divide the treasure I got into half of Sea Clan. In fact, if I can't beat you Sea Clan, I can take away all these things." Xiao Guoguo replied. The king didn't know what to say for a while, and he had never seen such a straightforward person.

"What you said... is a truth." The King of Sea Clan wanted to be angry, but he didn't know why he was in a calm mood, instead of feeling angry.

“Of course I’m telling the truth. If it’s not for Sea Clan, if it’s not for Sea Clan, then a fool would give the treasure to others.” Xiao Guoguo thinks she this can be considered

"It's not a question of how much to allocate to Sea Clan, but the things in this Secret Realm can't be moved, and shouldn't even be taken out." The king said so, there is also his last resort.

"I can take the liberty to ask, you know where Secret Realm is and how to pass it, why have you never sent someone to explore it?" Xiao Guoguo asked the king so much.

"How did you know?" The king stared at Xiao Guoguo, looking at her suspiciously.

"You simply don't need to doubt us, I just inferred it." Xiao Guoguo replied, but the king didn't believe it at all.

"Then tell me how you inferred?" the king asked angrily.

"This is very simple, the most important thing is because Huya's blood can unlock the picture on the shield. Simply put, Huya knows the way to try, I don't believe you don't. And, if you don’t know, where did Yinjun know about it? An ordinary seapeople has found Secret Realm. You are the king of Sea Clan."

Xiao Guoguo has to say very much about this. It makes sense, even the king himself can’t refute it, because Xiao Guoguo is telling the truth, and he really knows about this Secret Realm.

"You don't understand, if the things here are really taken out, it will cause an uproar and even terrifying consequences!" The king said that Xiao Guoguo was silent for a moment.

"Don’t you start looking for Secret Realm, don’t you think no one is looking for it? Isn’t Yinjun just one? Isn’t there anyone other than him? As far as I know, this Sea Clan’s Secret Realm is more than one."

The words of Xiao Guoguo made the King of Sea Clan look depressed. He didn't expect Xiao Guoguo to guess it, and he guessed so accurately!

"Yes, you are right, so I will stop! I will not let this happen." The king's attitude is very firm.

"Perhaps, then you will send someone to guard Secret Realm and keep an eye on it from now on. It's just this one, we have already arrived here, it must be impossible to give up like this, Shiran senior promised us as long as we can take it away He will never stop things here."

Xiao Guoguo's words are very reasonable, but the king is still hesitant. He also knew that it was impossible to let them out now, and he could feel that the Saint Realm man kept staring at him.

If his men are here, he naturally doesn't have to worry, but they are now trapped outside, and he alone is a bit dangerous. In addition, he has to take care of Huya, and the opponent has three powerful mechanical beasts in his hands.

Xiao Guoguo saw the king's appearance, knowing his hesitation in his heart, so he waited patiently. They have an advantage now, and if they don't talk about it now, I'm afraid it will be difficult to continue in the future.

"Okay, but, I only give you one month! One month later, we will leave here together!" said the king, Xiao Guoguo faintly smiled, nodded.

"A month later, we will leave together." Xiao Guoguo agreed, and the king is sighed in relief. What can they do in a month!

The king didn't know that Xiao Guoguo and the others were eager to explore the entire Secret Realm, and they didn't put those mechanical beasts on the Divine Consciousness Imprint, otherwise they would not agree so much.

Everyone didn't expect Xiao Guoguo. They actually succeeded. The king actually promised to let them stay. Although it was only a month, it was enough.

And Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan looked at each other, they won't delay time, they still have a lot of things to arrange.

Everyone walked into three layers again. This time, not only Xiao Guoguo, but also the king was surprised. There were all kinds of ores stored here.

These all are important materials for refining mechanical beasts, just being placed on the ground at will, the king feels distressed when he sees it. Of course, if you don't know the preciousness of these materials, you don't think so, it's like moon wood, you only think that these ores are too ugly, and the luster is dim, a little disgusting.

(End of this chapter)

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