
  Chapter 1764 the younger generations will surpass us in time

If it is an array, there is no sword Old Ancestor It's just one point, but he really can't do the reverse mechanical technique. Therefore, this time Han Meng praised Chi Xuan Wujian Old Ancestor and did not mean to refute, but followed nodded.

Xiao Guoguo looked at Chi Xuan and smiled with pride. Everyone knew Chi Xuan's ability at this moment. She was very happy. The man she liked was already very powerful.

"Boss, don't smile so obviously, show off so much." Wen Wen slammed Xiao Guoguo's arm and said.

"I've never been a subtle person, and you don't know." Xiao Guoguo's answer is too sweet, the article In Literature there is something unacceptable.

"Come on, you just show off, we don't envy." Wenwen said so, let Xiao Guoguo take a look at her and said: "Every flower is in each eye, although your Qingyun daoist doesn't know mechanical skills , But the victory is obedient."

Xiao Guoguo said that, Wen Wen's face turned a little red, but he was still very calm and nodded. Not to mention, this is also an advantage of Qingyun.

"Yes, I admit that Qingyun's advantages are not comparable to others." Wenwen finished saying that, Xiao Guoguo saw that she laughed, it's so good that Wenwen also has emotional belonging, so there is only a single dog left. It's the golden retriever.

Yuemu looked at Xiao Guoguo in his eyes, always feeling a little harboring malicious intentions. Has he provoke the boss recently? Yuemu desperately remembered for a while, as if there was none.

But why do you feel that your back is cold and the survival index jumps up? No, his instinct has always been accurate, and the boss must be thinking about how to deal with him.

"Boss, are you hungry? I have something delicious here." Yuemu took out the fruit he treasured and handed it to Xiao Guoguo.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." This guy's desire to survive is too strong. She just looked at him and got the fruit.

"Are there any cakes? You can't get enough to eat fruits." Xiao Guoguo finished speaking, and seven or eight kinds of cakes appeared in front of him.

Chi Xuan can cook, Yuemu can't, but his pastry craftsmanship is good, so Yuemu has become Xiao Guoguo's exclusive supplier of snacks. Few people know this little secret.

"Golden Retriever, you are still single now, don't you feel in a hurry? Look at the text, people have solved their personal problems, you should hurry up? Even though you look good Not bad, but this is no longer the age of just looking at faces, it needs to be a little attractive and shiny." Xiao Guoguo stared at Yuemu with concern, and saw Yuemu's back clenched tightly, his face didn't. t know whether to cry or laugh.

He just said that something was wrong. It turned out that his boss was caring about his personal problems, but what should he say? Could it be that he has someone he likes? He likes the boss?

Yuemu can think of the consequences of what she said. The boss will not beat him or alienate him, but she will refuse him seriously. Yuemu felt uncomfortable when he thought of this result, so he pretended to be peaceful.

"Boss, don't worry about this matter. The fate is here, and you can't stop it. The fate doesn't come, and it's useless to be anxious." Yuemu said that Xiao Guoguo can only be nodded, Yuemu It's not unreasonable to say that the matter of fate is extremely mysterious and abstruse, it is impossible to calculate at all.

"Come on, you just need to know it in your own heart. Wait for your fate." Xiao Guoguo said with relief. Yuemu only felt that all his mouth was bitter, can he wait?

One day passed, and the three fronts of the mechanical door were illuminated on two sides, which made everyone feel that their confidence was doubled, and the king and the worry-free old man were also very surprised

In fact, he didn't want to believe that Chi Xuan could open the door in one go. Someone could do this impossible. However, Chi Xuan did complete three faces, which made them feel blushed with shame.

Until two days later, Chi Xuan suddenly stopped, and this also made the three faces that had been lit lose their luster. Everyone knew that this was the first time that they were unsuccessful, and Chi Xuan fell into deep thought and fiddled with the parts in his hands again.

This time, everyone probably understands the complexity of mechanics. Chi Xuan has disassembled and assembled the model so many times, but it is still wrong. What happened?

Chi Xuan was also thinking, always feeling that he had overlooked something. After two days of deep thinking, Chi Xuan suddenly stood up and walked over. He looked at the door and was stunned.

Just standing there for a while, Chi Xuan sat down again, this time re-assembled parts. It's just that this time, instead of forming a cube, he reorganized half of a cube, only half!

"Is it only half?" The king doesn't believe it very much. If there is only half, wouldn't they think too complicated at the beginning?

Xiao Guoguo is also surprised, is it really only half? If so, the stone dyed senior must have done it deliberately and let them go astray.

"Haha, this kid, he guessed right at last. Surprise!" Shiran said, staring at Chi Xuan contentedly and being cheated by him once.

But Shiran himself knows very well that he can only lie to Chi Xuan this time, this kid will find out sooner or later, after all, a mechanic is best at analyzing problems. This time, Chi Xuan is right.

Who said that it must be complete, only half of them surprise them. They will understand that to break through mechanical traps, they cannot fix their minds, and they must dare to think.

"Can it be done this time?" Qingyun Daoist watched the little by little faces lit up, and followed in anxiousness.

But this time, Chi Xuan did not fail until the last face was completely lit, and the huge three-sided door in front of them suddenly began to dismantle itself. It was as if the switch was touched, and it started to split, and in a short while, it became a pile of parts, a pile of very huge parts.

Chi Xuan refuses to waste, so he puts away these parts directly, and can save them to build mechanical beasts in the future. Everyone saw it and didn't have any opinion, anyway, it was useless for them to ask for these parts.

"The younger generations will surpass us in time, it seems we are really old." The worry-free old man sighed so, although the king thought so in his heart, he could not admit it.

"hmph, it's just that you have more thoughts than others." If the king loses, he doesn't lose the battle, so the answer will not lose face.

"Haha, don't admit it. I think you will beg for someone sooner or later." Said the worry-free old man, and followed everyone forward.

Only this time, although they opened the door, there is still a barrier inside. Chi Xuan walked over and touched lightly with his hands, but found a strong rebound.

This power is so powerful, Chi Xuan took a few steps back to stabilize his figure. Really didn't expect, there is such a setting here, and this time is not a mechanical setting, but like a setting to verify identity.

"Is it to prevent the treasure here from falling into the hands of outsiders, is this the barrier set up?" Xiao Guoguo looked at the shining pink inside and analyzed it. It should be a lot of pink crystals. , In the end a little uncomfortable.

Who would have thought that these four layers hide a vein of pink crystals! No wonder Shiran was unwilling to let them in at the beginning, it turns out this is really rare treasure!

"This is a pink crystal vein, these can be enough for seapeople cultivation." The king was taken aback, and his mood was very complicated. Sure enough, the pink crystal vein was in Secret Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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