
  Chapter 1761 was arrested.

Yinjun wanted to stimulate Huya, but looked at Huya Princess actually heard the king's silence, he knew it, and it was useless to play tricks. Although I regret not being able to catch Huya, which is more valuable, I can only accept it like this.

It's okay to fly to exchange, at least this person is easy to deal with without a word.

Yinjun feels very depressed when he thinks about this. These Human Races don't know where they come from. Each of them has such a strong offensive power and so treacherous. He is really afraid of them.

Xiao Guoguo put the mechanical beast into the storage bag and handed it to Fei Zhuo, and Fei Zhuo passed through the barrier and walked in front of Yin Yun. He lifted the storage bag in his hand.

"You let the people go, we can't beat you." Fei Zhuo said so, Yin Yun slowly let go of his hand, and at the same time, Fiercely grabbed the storage bag and turned to think Want to run.

It's just that he didn't expect that Feisha would attack him as soon as he turned around, and the angle was very tricky. This angle is the experience that Fei Sha has summed up after a long fight.

"no!" Xiuya is very worried about Feisha, because Yinjun's cultivation base is really high, and she is afraid that something will happen to Feisha.

But now Yinjun only wanted to escape, how could it be possible to fight Feisha, while retreating quickly, while smashing the teleportation jade talisman in his hand, he didn't plan to fight.

This Teleportation Talisman was originally obtained from a Human Race cultivator. He tried it. This teleportation is very powerful. They will definitely not be able to catch themselves.

Yinjun suddenly disappeared, which made Feisha very unwilling. Those are three powerful Saint Realm mechanical beasts, they can't fall into Yinyun's hands like this! However, they didn't know where the other party sent it to, and how to chase it.

When Fei Sha and Fei Zhuo were upset, they saw a rays of light shining, and then Yin Yun's silhouette appeared in front of them again. All three of them are stupid, what's the situation?

"no! How is this possible!" Yinjun didn't believe it. It was obviously a very useful transmission jade slip. How could it suddenly fail? If you can't leave, won't you be arrested?

"Very good!" Feisha was very happy. He simply didn't consider the difference in the cultivation base between the two parties, and desperately wanted to keep Yinjun.

The king quickly entered the barrier. Since there are no hostages, this farce should end. He walked into the barrier, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, Yinjun was lifted by him. The king's hand was open, and he had never touched Yinjun, but Yinjun in the midair seemed to be pinched by the neck and couldn't resist.

"The King!" Yinjun was already very scared at this moment. This is their King, Saint Realm's cultivation base.

"I remember you, didn't you get expelled?" The king said this with a face of doubt, this man had some impressions.

Feizhuo and Feisha also walked out with the king, and saw that Yinjun was arrested, Huya sighed in relief, the most important thing is that Feisha is fine.

"No, it's impossible, why can't I send it away? Did you move something?" Yin Yun asked strenuously, and he felt more and more unable to breathe.

"I paid attention to you a long time ago, how could I let you leave here." Xiao Guoguo said, Wenwen faintly smiled, yes, she just blocked the space.

"So you knew I couldn't run away, so you were willing to give me the mechanical beast!" Yin Yun asked, but Xiao Guoguo didn't answer him. This guy, at this time, still thinks about instigating discord, so she won't be fooled. Whether she will give it or not is not important, what matters is that she has already given it.

"Who are you from?" Xiao Guoguo asked Yinjun directly, and saw Yinjun's face stiff, but this question made him successfully shut his mouth.

Everyone didn't expect Yin Yun to say that, and the king frowned fiercely and said: "This guy has been expelled because he broke into the forbidden area of ​​the clan, why did he get here?"

"I don't know, we first found this Secret Realm, but he arrived before entering here. He seems to be familiar with it, and he also knows how to pass the level, and there are hidden in each layer What treasure."

Xiao Guoguo said that the king was surprised. He looked at Yinjun and couldn't believe it. How could an ordinary clansman know this? The king is subconsciously unwilling to believe it.

"This is impossible! Apart from me, few people in Sea Clan know about this Secret Realm!" said the king, Xiao Guoguo faintly smiled.

"Then you should think about it, who else knows besides you Sea Clan." Xiao Guoguo's words made the king's heart tremble.

If so, doesn't it mean that a traitor has appeared in Sea Clan! Why are they looking for Secret Realm? What's the idea? He must know these.

The king looked at Yin Yun, his eyes became fierce, and Yin Yun trembled. He is not afraid of Xiao Guoguo and the others, because he still has some hole cards, which are enough to make people's hearts excited.

However, facing their king, any hole cards are useless, and any treasure can't move him.

"Are you going to say it by yourself, or am I forcing you to say it?" The king asked, and Yin Yun knew that he was afraid that he would suffer today.

But in order to survive, Yin Yun refused to open his mouth. He knew that he would have no way to survive. The king saw Yin Yun smile like this, this guy is really stubborn, since that's the case, he can't be polite.

"I'll be back in a while." The king said that as Huya was nodded, Xiao Guoguo and the others never said anything. The king of Sea Clan was not easy to intervene in dealing with matters in the clan.

They don't know what method Sea Clan the king used. When he reappeared, he had disappeared. Yinjun was the only one who walked back. His face was very ugly.

"Let's talk." The king said so, Xiao Guoguo nodded, Chi Xuan followed Xiao Guoguo, and the three went to two layers together.

No one followed this time, and Princess Huya wanted to follow them but was blocked by the worry-free old man.

"Don't worry, they won't have any conflicts." Said Wuyou old man, Huya was still a little worried, she didn't want her father to be embarrassed, and she didn't want Xiao Guoguo to suffer. This is difficult to choose.

"Don't worry, my Junior Sister is never a person who is willing to lose." Han Meng said. Although curious, she never talked to the past, Xiao Guoguo has never been relieved when negotiating.

Wujian Old Ancestor looked into the distance. He thought that Xiao Guoguo had found Sea Clan’s Secret Realm so quickly. This is a good thing, but he was caught by the king when he was opening Secret Realm. This should be considered a bad thing. If it weren't for this Sea Clan Princess to deal with, I'm afraid they have already played against each other now.

"The two saved my life of Sea Clan Princess. They are very kind, so please feel free to ask if you have any requirements." The king said so, Xiao Guoguo looked at him and smiled.

Xiao Guoguo did not speak, but slowly took out a small notebook from the space and handed it to the king. The king is puzzled, what does this mean?

"The above is to save your Princess expenses. You should settle the bill first." Xiao Guoguo said that, and the king was stunned. It was the first time he saw someone who settled accounts with him like this.

(End of this chapter)

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