
  Chapter 1760 Threats

The worry-free old man knows the king very well, and he understands the heart of the king with just a look The idea is nothing more than Wujian Old Ancestor is too powerful, he suspects that they lied to Huya.

"I can testify about this. The senior came back because he encountered a powerful mechanical beast, equivalent to Saint Realm cultivation base. We were almost killed. This senior suddenly He appeared to save everyone."

As Huya said, the king is interested. Is the level so powerful? Is there a mechanical beast equivalent to Saint Realm cultivation base? It is not easy for them to get here.

"They came here relying on their true abilities. I can't pass those mechanical stages! Only Chi Xuan, whose innate talent is extremely high, has been taught by Shiran senior for several years. Only then can these doors be opened."

When the worry-free old man said so, the king seemed to suddenly understand why the Shiran senior wanted to block him from coming in. This is clearly toward his own discipline!

"Okay, then I'll talk to them later." The king looked at the seven-fold door, and he had to admit that he couldn't open it either.

Especially for this last heavy door, he doesn't know what the material is, how can it be opened, so even if he comes in, he can't get the contents inside.

If these two youngsters are really willing to divide the things they get into half of Sea Clan, then it would be a good way. After all, even if they have taken them away, he can't say anything. If he can get half of it back, he will be content.

"It opened, finally the door opened!"

Wen Wen said so, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan looked at each other and smiled, they looked at the Seventh Layer door slowly Disappeared, and everyone could clearly see the inside.

At this time, suddenly one person quickly entered inside, and at the same time a burst of rays of light shone, and a barrier appeared. Everyone was taken aback for a moment, looking at the man inside it was Yinjun. And the person holding Yinjun's hand was Feisha.

"Yinjun, what are you going to do!" Bai City Lord didn't expect, and Yinjun would betray when it was time. This is too fast, right?

"Haha, what do you want to do, naturally I left with these treasures!" Yinjun said, fiercely pinching Feisha's neck, as if he could kill him immediately.

Xiao Guoguo counted that Yinjun would make trouble, but didn't expect this guy to do it so early. What happened on earth made him anxious to such an extent.

"Tell you, now give me those mechanical beasts, and I will let him go, or I will kill him!" Yin Yun's hands are very strong, and Feisha's complexion is a bit ugly. But in the end, he didn't say a word, and he was unyielding.

"Do you think I will give you treasure for someone who has nothing to do with me?" Xiao Guoguo asked, calming his mind. She is very tired now, and the support of these three months is very exhausting of Divine Consciousness.

So Xiao Guoguo asked this while rubbing his forehead, and the Yinjun inside it coldly smiled and said: "I know you are cold blooded and emotionless, but there are people who are not like you, I said Right, my Huya Princess!" Yinjun asked, Xiao Guoguo looked back, and it turned out that Huya has returned to her original appearance, and the man standing next to her...not to mention Xiao Guoguo I guessed it, it is estimated to be the king of Sea Clan.

"This is the King of Sea Clan?" Xiao Guoguo asked Wenwen, Wenwen nodded.

"It's no wonder that this guy will be like this suddenly. This is because I can't hide his identity." Xiao Guoguo is not too nervous. Although this Yinjun caught the right person, he is sure I don't know the ability of this flying sand.

Although Feisha is not as good as this Yinjun, he is not bad either. Whether this Yinjun will lift a rock and hit him in the foot is uncertain. It's just that Huya is here, it's hard to guarantee.

"Elder sister, give him things, I promise to let Royal Father make up for you." Huya said this with an anxious expression, and she pulled Xiao Guoguo's sleeve and refused to loosen it.

Yinjun was very excited to see this. He had already noticed that the relationship between these two people is not simple. It's just that he never thought that this Sea Clan woman turned out to be the Princess of Sea Clan. If he had known it, he would have to have other countermeasures.

But now this trick is not bad, at least there is a hostage in his hand, and half of his request may be met. And he didn't believe that the king would be indifferent to Huya Princess' request.

The king is indeed the frowned of Fiercely, but he is more anxious about Huya's choice. It's not enough to be in danger for a Human Race man, and it's really sad to worry about him now. But if he doesn't care, he is afraid that the relationship between father and daughter will be affected.

"What does the king think?" Xiao Guoguo directly asked the Sea Clan king. Only then did the king focus on Xiao Guoguo, didn't expect at this time this woman forced him to take a step.

"Give it to him. I will compensate you." The king was very aggrieved and made such a concession for a Human Race man.

But it's okay for him not to speak. This woman forced her to choose this way. If he didn't give it, Huya would hate him. So, at the end of the day, it turned out that he wanted to give in. Thinking about it, he was really aggrieved.

"Since the king promised, I have nothing to worry about." Xiao Guoguo said and waved his hand, and saw three mechanical beasts appear. It was the three previous equivalent to Saint Realm. The cultivation base of mechanical beasts.

Everyone didn't expect Xiao Guoguo to be really willing. These three mechanical beasts are the best and the most powerful among all the mechanical beasts, so let them out?

"I want everything!" Yin Yun shouted, Xiao Guoguo faintly smiled.

"Do you think I'm stupid? Give you all? I don't care if I want these three." Xiao Guoguo said directly, without any room for discussion, let Yinyun gritted his teeth fiercely.

But even so, he has no room for objection. He is now a stake all on one throw. If he can't get anything back, it won't work. Therefore, he must take away these three mechanical beasts.

"You bring me in!" Yin Yun said so, Xiao Guoguo glanced at him.

"You barrier, I can't get in, so let's change someone." Xiao Guoguo said, and Yin Yun just remembered that this barrier Human Race can't get in.

"Change seapeople! Huya Princess, send it in!" Yinjun said so, the king frowned was very angry.

"Princess can't take risks, I'll give it away!" Fei Zhuo stood up, and there are only three seapeople present, except for him, no one is suitable, the king certainly can't let Princess take risks.

"Okay, it's you!" Before Xiuya and Yinjun objected, Xiao Guoguo nodded.

What is plot against Yinjun's mind? She knows better than anyone else, he wants more than just these mechanical beasts. If he can have Huya in his hands, he has a better chance of winning. Therefore, he definitely hoped that Xiuya would send things in directly, but how could Xiao Guoguo let him take advantage of this kind of advantage.

"Okay, I'm going." Feizhuo didn't feel wronged, but sighed in relief, fearing that Princess would impulse bad things.

(End of this chapter)

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