
  Chapter 1759 Persuade

"He is your guard, and it is his duty to guard you. But Look at what you look like now, how can he say that there is nothing wrong? I can't give the rewards and punishments, right?" The king said so, trying to comfort his Princess, but Huya simply didn't listen to this.

"Then Royal Father should punish me first! If it weren't for my waywardness, I wouldn't be able to do the next thing, and I would worry you and your mother, the most important thing is to be punished!" Said that on the one hand it is to admit the mistake, on the other hand it is to protect Feizhuo.

Huya knew that she had done something wrong, but the king did not expect that this child would understand these principles when she came out. The expression was very sincere, with guilt and confession.

"Do you really think I won't punish you? When you go back, I will let your mother punish you!" Although the king said that, he was softened in the end. This time he went out, the child suffered, so he was really willing to punish him.

So, the three Princes who are often punished are very obedient. The only daughter, the king, is reluctant to punish her, but is bolder. This is the result of direct eccentricity.

"Royal Father, I was able to come back this time thanks to their life saving, Royal Father should repay my life saving benefactor." Huya said and ran to Wenwen's side, holding Wenwen's arm said so.

The king looked at this entire group, especially Wujian Old Ancestor laughed. Regardless of their purpose, they saved his daughter, so he will thank them.

It’s just this ruin. If it is possible, he would not want the contents of the ruins to be taken by Human Race, so he was thinking about how to stop them without directly doing it. After all, he agreed to stone dye. senior doesn't stop these people.

"Many thanks for your help, otherwise my Princess may not be able to return so smoothly, I will repay you well." The king said so, Wenwen stood up.

"We didn’t help Huya Princess come back for rewards, but we didn’t want to watch the battle between Sea Clan and Human Race. It would not be good for the two races. Now that Huya Princess is safe. After returning, I took the liberty to ask the King of Sea Clan not to anger the Human Race around Deep Sea Abyss."

Now Xiao Guoguo is helping Chi Xuan with concentrated attention completely, Wenwen can only stand up. This is the meaning of Xiao Guoguo, and the text naturally expresses perfectly clear.

"Human Race? Let them go?" The king looked at Wenwen frowned. Isn't this woman the Princess of the Juli clan? Why help Human Race?

"Royal Father, those who hurt me can't be let go! But let's forget the rest of the Human Race, they are also very innocent." Xia knew what Xiao Guoguo meant, and naturally helped They spoke.

"Well, since you even said that, I won't involve innocent people, but those who dare to detain you, I can't let it go!" said the king, Wenwen was also satisfied Anyway, as long as you don’t fight, it’s fine.

"Thank you Sea Clan King." Wenwen said, no longer asking, this made the Sea Clan King admiration.

"Haha, the king has been away for many years, and I never thought we would meet here." The worry-free old man came forward at this time.

The King of Sea Clan was also taken aback when he heard this voice, looking at the surprise on the face of the worry-free old man. No matter how I didn't expect, I actually saw my deceased here today.

"Worry-free brother, why are you here!" The king couldn't believe it.

"It's a coincidence, I ran into your Little Princess halfway, and escorted her back by the way."

Said the worry-free old man, look at the King of Sea Clan Look at Huya, I really didn't expect my own child. This is good luck, and it can also bring the worry-free old man back.

"Thank you so much. If it weren't for your help, we would not be able to meet our father and daughter yet!" said the king with gratitude.

He suspects Xiao Guoguo and the others are trying to send Huya back, but he trusts the worry-free old man very much, because he also saved the king's life back then. This is life saving benefactor, and the two of them often meet again, so they are more credible.

"I am a helper, mainly because this child is kind-hearted and willing to believe in us." The worry-free old man praised Huya so much, and the king was even more happy.

"The two of us haven't seen each other for hundreds of years, why are you so much older?" The king looked at the worry-free old man so, the two of us have really been missing for many years.

"Let's go, we used to reminisce about the past, I will tell you where I have been over the years." Said the worry-free old man, he took the King of Sea Clan away.

Looking at Wenwen, this worry-free old man is also a savvy, and he is also here to help them. Now Chi Xuan is at the critical moment when he opens the last door, and he can't be distracted. This is what this worry-free old man means to take away the king of Sea Clan.

It’s not that the King of Sea Clan doesn’t know the purpose of the worry-free old man, but he also has a word in advance and cannot directly stop Chi Xuan and the others, so he can only go down the hill. It's just that I feel a little bit chilling, this is the person he really regarded as a friend.

"Worry-free brother, are you helping them?" The king walked to the distance and looked at the worry-free old man and asked, the worry-free old man laughed.

"Sure enough, you can see that, yes I am helping them. Two of these people are juniors in my family. They are here for the first time and I want to see, How far can they go." The worry-free old man said so honestly.

"hmph, but it was my Sea Clan's Secret Realm that they ran into." The king was a little depressed.

"We naturally know that, but the stone dyed senior who guards Secret Realm has agreed to our entry, so don't stop it! Besides, Secret Realm, aren't you always reluctant to come?"

Worry-free old man can say this. It can be seen that he has a good relationship and friendship with the king, so I know that the king doesn't really want to break into Secret Realm.

"I won't come if I don't come, but I can't really let Human Race take away our treasures in Secret Realm, right?" The king also has his own position, even if he is a friend. Give in.

"It's not all taken away, you ask Huya, how did they discuss it." The worry-free old man said so, the king looked at Huya, is there anything he doesn't know in it matter?

Huya laughed, so she escorted Xiao Guoguo and the others back. When they encountered Saint Realm expert, she explained why they wanted to be in this Secret Realm, and why she wanted to help them. It's clear.

"Royal Father, without their help, I really can't come back. Moreover, they almost lost their lives for me. It was a Saint Realm powerhouse, but they didn't throw me away to survive. , How can I not find a place to hide for them?" Huya said that, the king didn't expect that they ran into Saint Realm powerhouse on the way.

But the king looked at Wujian Old Ancestor. If he reads correctly, this man is also a Saint Realm. Did they really not strengthen to contend with each other?

"You don't need to read it, that one was sent through the array. We have all reached the two layers here, and he only appeared."

(End of this chapter)

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