
  Chapter 1758 Reunion

The king looked at Shiran and did not speak, so he was silent, he There is only one person who knows that this Secret Realm will be left behind, and that is the maker of this Secret Realm. And this person in front of him should be the senior, the real maker of the Mechanic City, Shiran senior!

"You're late." Shi Ran said so, the king was taken aback.

He knew that he was late. Someone must have passed through the array in front of him, but he didn't expect that the stone dye in front of him would refuse him without the slightest hesitation. After all, he is also Sea Clan. The king.

"Senior, I am not here today for the treasure in the ruins! I am here to find someone." The king said so, Shiran didn't expect.

"You are not looking for treasure, but for someone? Then who are you looking for?" Shi Ran asked, and the king looked at each other with sincerity.

"I'm here to find my relatives, senior, but seapeople are the ones going in ahead?" the king asked, Shiran looked at him, and shook his head.

"The ones going in ahead are Human Race." Shiran said, and the king's heart lifted.

"Aren't there two seapeople? They didn't bring seapeople in, can you agree?" The king pointed to the point with a single sentence, and Shi Ran stopped talking.

What can he say? Said that he directly accepted a Human Race and used it as a discipline? cough cough, I always feel a little sorry.

"I built this mechanical city back then to protect the treasure of Sea Clan, waiting for future generations to come and fetch it, but unfortunately you came too late, I waited too long." Shi Ran pretends Speaking deeply, the king looked ashamed.

Over the years, he has indeed hesitated, and this hesitation didn't expect to let Human Race into the ruins. Although he didn't want to move the contents of the ruins, he didn't want to let Human Race take them away either!

"Senior, the treasures here are all left by Sea Clan's ancestors, why can't Human Race take it away?" The king said so, Shiran looked at him.

"I can give you a fair chance to play, as long as you can pass my test, then you can also fight with them." Shi Ran said that, the king was stupid.

Test? If he can't pass this test, wouldn't he be unable to look for Huya! Thinking about it this way, the king is unwilling. But letting Sea Clan's treasures be taken away by Human Race, he didn't want to be like that, it really made him embarrassed.

"I...I give up the test and only ask the senior to let me go in and find people. I don't want the treasure in this ruin. If Human Race has this ability, let them take it away!" The king did After choosing, I still value my child more.

And the king thought that Wenwen, they are Human Race, here is the test of mechanics, their Human Race is definitely not good at this, how much can they take away? He comforted himself so much, he felt like covering one's ears whilst stealing a bell.

"This is what you said, you don't want any treasure! In that case, go over." With the assurance of the king, Shiran let him pass. This can be considered and helped his own discipline. .

The king only saw the rays of light shining in front of him, and Shiran had disappeared. The king looked at the scene in front of him, this should be within Secret Realm. The king was right. There was a layer of Secret Realm here, but he slowly walked over, only to find that the doors of the great hall were opened and the magic weapons inside were gone.

"Did they bring the Array Master?"

The king was frowned, and didn't expect Xiao Guoguo. They are so powerful, and the treasure is gone. How could the king guess that Shiran took Chi Xuan as a dísciple, and Chi Xuan really had the ability to take everything away.

The king moved forward quickly, the treasures on the first floor were gone, and the king felt a little nervous. But since he agreed, he couldn't go back, he just wanted to take a look back.

Sure enough, the door of two layers was also opened, and the back of the door was empty, and it was cleaner than the first layer.

Although the king doesn't know what this layer and two layers originally contained, they must be the treasures collected by the ancestors of Sea Clan. Thinking about it this way, the king felt a little ashamed, he even agreed to let Human Race take away these things.

The speed of the king is fast, thinking about finding Huya quickly, he also has to see how powerful these people are and how they can open these doors.

And at this time, Chi Xuan opened the sixth door, and the last door appeared. Chi Xuan frowned, the material of this door seems to be the most special, and it should be the most difficult test.

However, Chi Xuan still didn't stop, his Divine Consciousness turned quickly, and all his energy was concentrated on this gate. And Xiao Guoguo is the guardian Chi Xuan attentively, and even the king of Sea Clan approached her and didn't notice.

Wujian Old Ancestor came out and stood in front of Han Meng. Han Meng turned his head to see a Sea Clan moving towards They came over, fast.

"Who is this?" Han Meng whispered, not daring to disturb Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, the sword in his hand was pulled out.

And Wujian Old Ancestor looks at the person in front of him cautiously. This person's cultivation base is above him, and he is also a powerful character if he wants to come to Sea Clan.

"Who is Wenwen?" Sea Clan King naturally felt their unkindness, but these were not important because he was eager to find someone. The jade slip held by the king allows Wenwen to confirm the identity of the other party.

"Father!" Without waiting for the text to move, Huya ran out quickly, but she was in front of the king in an instant.

"Who...who are you?" The king took a cautious look at Xia. It doesn't look like her own Princess!

"Father, I'm Huya!" Princess Huya was a little sad. Although she ate Yi Rongdan, she didn't even recognize her father?

"Are you Huya?" The king took a serious look. This is a bit similar, but is it really his child?

"Sea Clan King, your Princess has taken Yi Rong Dan, just take the antidote." Wen Wen stood up and explained, but did not let Wujian Old Ancestor put down his defenses. Who knows how the king would react when they open the door of Secret Realm.

So, there must be no harm and defensiveness. They are now in other people's territory.

"The antidote? Xia is really you?" the king asked, Xia Princess nodded, and then swallowed the antidote given by Xiao Guoguo.

The antidote Xiao Guoguo was given to them a long time ago, but Xia didn't dare to eat it in the past. Now that the king is here, Xia's heart is relieved. If you swallow the medicine, your appearance will naturally change.

"It's Huya, my child!" The king gave his Princess a hug, and saw Feizhuo coming over to plead guilty.

"The subordinate Fei Zhuo failed to protect Princess, the subordinate is a capital crime, please be punished by the king!" Fei Zhuo is very serious, he really feels that he is a capital crime. After all, he didn't stop Princess when she ran out, and only then came across these things.

"I'll calculate your account later! First take Princess back and talk about it!" The king said so, Fei Zhuo quickly nodded and said yes, he also knew that the top priority now is to bring Princess back.

"Royal Father, don't punish Feizhuo. He led away the enemy in order to protect me, and almost couldn't come back." Xia pleaded for Feizhuo.

(End of this chapter)

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