
  Chapter 1757 No Regret It is Sea Clan, it can even be said to be waiting for the Royal Family. But now, my own discipline is about to get the treasure of three layers, they just come. Isn't this waiting to take advantage?

Although Shiran is the Guardian of the ruins and the person who set up these mechanical cities, he does not take orders from anyone. Back then, he took the initiative to build this machine city because he was only interested. Therefore, after he accepted Chi Xuan as his apprentice at the psychological limit of breakthrough, in his heart, Chi Xuan's position is almost equal to that of Sea Clan.

In other words, he prefers Chi Xuan selfishly, so Shi Ran is not polite at all. He opened the first test mechanical trap to help Chi Xuan delay time.

"If you want to grab something from my discipline, let's go through the test first." Shiran said so, without feeling guilty at all.

And the King’s Divine Consciousness was released, only then did he discover the entrance, and he sighed looking at the entrance. It seems that someone has caught the early bird catches the worm, and only hopes that his Huya will be safe.

"Go in and be careful." The king said so, and the guards were nodded and said yes. Sure enough, they walked into this mechanical city, and they saw a pile of treasures in front of them.

Everyone: "..." What kind of test is this?

Xiao Guoguo didn't know that the king of Sea Clan had arrived, and Xiuya didn't know that her father is now in the first layer of the Machine City. They watched Chi Xuan open the door layer by layer. Two months later, the door has been opened five times.

Either Chi Xuan or Xiao Guoguo, I have always meditated cross-legged, and I haven't moved a bit in the past two months. Chi Xuan spared no effort to open mechanical doors and use his own spiritual power to melt these mechanical doors, while Xiao Guoguo guards Chi Xuan and will not be hurt by the trap of this door.

Even so, there have been two attacks. Fortunately, Chi Xuan and Xiao Guoguo have a high cultivation base, and their Life and Death Swords are even more powerful, and they have completely resolved these two attacks. .

Up to now, the worry-free old man can see that Chi Xuan’s weakness is the melting of the material. However, in the end, Chi Xuan had mastered the skills and know-how, and now, no more attacks have appeared.

As the fifth door melted, everyone looked ahead and another door appeared. Every door here is seven or eight meters thick. Chi Xuan wants to melt the whole door a little bit with his spiritual power. In fact, this is a very complicated process that requires patience and care. They lamented. In their eyes, this is simply suffering.

"Don't they need to take a break? I think they are too tired?" Han Meng asked the worry-free old man. He is the most proficient in mechanics.

"In fact, it’s good to take a break, to conserve strength and store up energy to restore Divine Consciousness. But you look at them, they seem to be cultivation, they are challenging their own limits, so that Divine Consciousness can change. To be stronger. As long as they don’t find it difficult, we’d better leave it alone.” The worry-free old man suggested so, and Han Meng understood.

Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan did this not because they couldn't stop, but because they wanted to challenge themselves and the limits of breakthrough, especially Chi Xuan, Xiao Guoguo was at best cooperation. This is really not a normal Junior Brother Junior Sister, Han Meng thinks she can't interfere with them, even if she is a little worried, let them go.

"You don't need to worry, the two of them are very tough. This difficulty can't help them." Wujian Old Ancestor looked at Han Meng's anxiety and couldn't help comforting her.

"You are right, I am concerned and messed up. The two of them are no longer in the past. Now they are very tough and can handle these things." Han Meng smiled openly, no sword Old Ancestor didn't expect Han Meng.

When Han Meng was protecting Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, sometimes he felt that Han Meng cared too much about the two Junior Brother and Junior Sister. But now it seems that watching Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan grow up, she also learned to let go, let them go and grow by themselves.

"I thought you would never let them go." Wujian Old Ancestor said so, Han Meng looked back at him, not sure, whether it was a compliment.

"How come? Didn't you see that Junior Sister can protect me and save my life?"

Han Meng looked at Xiao Guoguo said with a smile , She was guarded by Xiao Guoguo this time, and watching Chi Xuan open the mechanical door, she felt that Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan really didn't need to guard them by themselves. In turn, they already have the ability to protect her, which feels strange, but she is not disgusted.

"Speaking of this, your cultivation base is still too slow to improve, otherwise I don't want to take action this time." Wujian Old Ancestor said, Han Meng squinted at him, this person every time Chatting can always destroy the atmosphere at the fastest speed, leaving people speechless.


The king looked at the mechanical beast in front of him very helplessly. Although he hadn't done anything for some years, he was never afraid of this mechanical beast. He didn't use his own cultivation base to disperse these mechanical beasts, but cautiously removed the pink crystals from the mechanical beasts.

Look at the pink crystal king laughed in his hand. Now he is born. If he changes to the previous one, he can remove this one if he can take a few breaths.

But he didn't expect that what he once persuaded him to forget was used again today, and he simply didn't forget, but he didn't dare to think about it.

Shiran was also surprised. He had already seen that the person who came was the current king of Sea Clan. Although I don't know why he broke in suddenly, Shiran didn't expect that this king could actually dismantle the mechanical beast himself. He turned out to be a mechanic.

As time passed, Shiran saw the performance of the king and was silent for a moment. He had to admit that even this king was excellent in mechanics, but it was a pity that he was still far behind Chi Xuan.

If Chi Xuan didn't come, if he didn't meet Chi Xuan first, perhaps the ability of this person would be passed on to the king. But to be honest, although the king's ability is good, the innate talent is not too good. Finding such a discipline seems to be meaningless.

At this time, Shiran did not feel regretted accepting Chi Xuan as a discipline, but felt very fortunate.

One day passed, and the king looked at the mechanical beast in front of him faster and faster. He didn’t know when this level was going to be carried out, and he was even more worried about Huya, she was a little mechanical. Surgery will not.

As the mechanical beast in front of him fell, the king saw a rays of light and he walked in. He was the only person in the room, the Second Prince and the bodyguards were missing the silhouette, and there was an old man sitting opposite, looking at him with a little regret.

"Senior, Junior has bothered me a lot." The king said as he saluted Shiran. I have to say that such a king is much more thoughtful than Chi Xuan.

It's a pity, he is still a step late after all, and Chi Xuan, the discipline Shiran, is still very satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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