
  Chapter 1756 Avoidance

The two Princes looked at their Royal Father and didn’t know what it was like The situation made their Royal Father so worried and didn't dare to take a step forward.

That is their younger sister. If necessary, Royal Father sacrificed his life in order to save Huya. How could he be stopped by a gorge.

So, there must be something terrifying existence in this canyon, making their Royal Father and Sea Clan powerhouse so afraid.

"Royal Father, we brought a lot of experts this time, we will definitely be able to get in!" The Second Prince said so, the king is nodded, but still sighed.

"This is not something expert, but this place I didn't want to go in. But now for your younger sister, I don't care about anything. It seems we are really going to break here. "The king said so, Third Prince was very curious.

In the whole seabed, what else would their Royal Father find embarrassing? It's almost impossible, he is the most powerful person here!

"Royal Father, what on earth is there?" Third Prince asked, the king slightly sighed.

"Here is the remains of our Sea Clan, the treasure left by our ancestors." The King said so, and the Third Prince was extremely surprised.

"Royal Father! Didn't you say that those Treasure Maps have been lost? Didn't you say that they were not found? Why do you know that this is... Is it on purpose?"

Third Prince wanted to understand. His Royal Father has been deceiving the clansman, saying that the Treasure Map is gone and no ruins are found. In fact, he knows exactly where the ruins are.

"Why does Royal Father conceal such an important thing?" Second Prince asked inexplicably, lowering his voice, for fear that this matter would be heard.

"When you grow up a little bit, you will understand why I want to do this. Let's save your younger sister first. I don't know who brought her here and why! "

The king said so and looked down, Second Prince and Third Prince also found it unusual, after all, this is a relic, they don't believe that Huya would come here by mistake.

"Lao San, you stay and guard here, and I will take someone down with your second brother. If I can't come back...let your big brother be the king of Sea Clan!"

The king said so suddenly, but he was very frightened to the Third Prince. He is just a bit older than Huya. Although he has a high cultivation base and can be considered good at fighting, he still seems a little at a loss in the face of such an explanation.

"Royal Father, if it's so dangerous, I'll go down with you!" Third Prince said so, and the king fiercely glared at him. This child made him accustomed to being a little arrogant.

"If you go down with your cultivation base, you are going to make rations for the green trees. Stay here and wait for us to come back."

So the king said, Third Prince didn't dare to object, and besides the many people behind, he really needed his leadership to be stable.

"My son will wait for you and the second brother to come back with the younger sister!" Third Prince watched the king and the second Prince fly straight down. He didn't dare to say anything, he could only wait like this.

And the king only brought two people, both of whom are equivalent to Saint Realm cultivation base, which is also the most powerful warrior in their Sea Clan. The king came out this time with three Saint Realm powerhouses, one was left to the Third Prince, and the remaining five were taken away, and the king guarded half of the number.

The king's guard is six people, all of whom are Saint Realm cultivation base. He took three away, and the remaining half was left to his Queen of First Prince.

It's just that he didn't know that, after he left and not very long, his younger brother defected and severely injured First Prince, and put all Saint Realm bodyguards under custody.

Xiao Guoguo is right. Although there are not enough seapeople, the battle strength is really strong. The Feizhuo who followed Huya was also amazing, and the king's side guards turned out to be Saint Realm!

But their most terrifying thing is not that Saint Realm has a large number of people, but that they can drive Sea Beast. There are also many powerhouses in Sea Beast. So, if it weren't for the barrier outside the Deep Sea Abyss for both Sea Clan and Sea Beast, it would not be difficult for them to occupy the entire cultivation world.

"Be careful, everyone, these green trees will attack." The king shouted, and the surrounding bodyguards added protective barriers to the king and the Second Prince.

Their task is to protect the King and Second Prince, and, with their strength, these things want to attack them, it is indeed not easy.

Sure enough, the moment the green vines attacked, the guards took action. Pieces of green trees were directly destroyed, and there were no leaves left. They just flew like this, directly. A way was opened.

The two guards take turns to open the way, one replaces the other when tired. In short, you can't delay saving Princess. The king and Second Prince simply didn't do anything, and the four of them passed the trap that made Xiao Guoguo a headache.

And the king's expression is not easy, just because he is thinking of Huya in his heart, such a trap, I don't know how they got here? Or, did they really come here?

Looking at the bones on the road, the king clenched his hand tightly, feeling very depressed in his heart, hoping to get to the end quickly and see if Huya was there!

One day later, they reached the end of the green forest and saw a piece of white sand. The huge barrier flashed rays of light, and the King of Sea Clan was silent for a moment, still pressing his hand on the barrier, and then walking in.

The side guard and Second Prince didn't dare to hesitate when they saw this. They also walked into the barrier one after another. It is strange to say that there is no water in it, which makes them feel uncomfortable.

"Royal Father, you look at this place, it seems that there are traces of fighting." Second Prince looked at the ground, and it turned out that someone had fought here.

"They should be inside." The king said so and looked ahead.

This barrier is not that seapeople simply cannot enter. If there is a fight inside, they must have entered. Then, Huya must have helped, because she is the Royal Family of Sea Clan.

"Let's find it inside!" The king said so and no longer hesitated. Even if he didn't want to come to the ruins of the abyss, he had to take this trip for the sake of his Huya Princess.

Maybe this is an opportunity to completely cut off his Heart Demon over the years.

He has been avoiding this problem for half his life, and now it's time to face it. Then he went to see what the ancestors left for them in the ruins! Whether what is left behind is ambition and ambition, or caring, he will see clearly this time!

And Shiran looked at the water mirror in front of him, frowning fiercely. He didn't expect anyhow, he suddenly saw the arrival of Sea Clan Royal Family here. And looking at them, this is also looking for treasure?

But how can it be so coincidental that he only accepted the discipline, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan they just entered here not very long, Sea Clan’s Royal Family was here? Did they follow Chi Xuan entire group to find here?

(End of this chapter)

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