
  Chapter 1755 Supplementary Lesson

No Sword Old Ancestor even more do not understand, Han Meng as the predecessor Sword Sect Sect Master's daughter, who hasn't seen anything good, why suddenly became so interested in such a ball?

Besides, how does he feel that Han Meng and Chi Xuan are too close?

She has a good relationship with Xiao Guoguo, Wujian Old Ancestor can understand, but how can you look at the relationship between Han Meng and Chi Xuan? Wujian Old Ancestor can't understand why Han Meng is so close to everyone, except that he always keeps his face cold when he treats him. Is it because he has a problem?

"It's just a mechanical ball." Wujian Old Ancestor couldn't help saying so, causing Han Meng's string of eye knives to fly over.

"That's not a ball, it's a huge ball, a huge ball that can be put into sea water!" Han Meng said, Old Ancestor without a sword was speechless, and sure enough, women would make trouble without reason. .

Xiao Guoguo didn't say anything when she saw this. She couldn't intervene in such a thing. Let them make trouble on their own. This is called Huanxi Enemy. Sooner or later, they can figure out what they should do. Xiao Guoguo looked at Chi Xuan, saw smiles in each other's eyes, and remembered their past.

"Now, two layers are over, should we go to three layers?" Yuemu looked at Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan like this, and interrupted their expressions. , He can understand, but he doesn't feel well in his heart.

Now whether the boss or Wenwen, I have found someone I like, why is he the only one who eats dog food in the threesome? Why hasn't he found a suitable person after so many years?

"Let's go to three layers." Xiao Guoguo said that everyone went through two layers.

These two layers have been gone for a long time before they walked. Everyone sighed how big the space of Xiao Guoguo was, and they could even fit these two layers as a whole. But when it came to the gate of three layers, everyone was stunned again, because the gate of this layer was very different from the gate of two layers.

The gate of two layers is a huge gate with flower patterns on it, but the three layers is the opposite. It turned out to be a small gate, only tens of meters high and a dozen meters wide. Look This is much simpler than the last time.

And the pattern on this layer is different from the previous layer. The door pattern on the first layer is very beautiful, and this pattern, grotesquely shaped, is very puzzling.

"What shape is this?" Qingyun daoist looked at it and touched it with his hand before asking.

"It should be in the shape of an ore. The shape on this door looks like a kind of ore." Said the worry-free old man, Chi Xuan laughed.

"This is called multiple doors." Chi Xuan explained that, everyone was a little taken aback, what did that mean.

"In other words, several doors are independent of each other, but they need to be opened one by one. This is the first door we saw, and it may not be necessary to have a few more behind. Some are 3rd- The layer door, some are the 5th layer." The worry-free old man explained it this way, and everyone understood.

In other words, when passing two layers, Chi Xuan only needs to open one door, but now he has to open several doors. It will take more time. Of course, they believe that Chi Xuan has this ability.

"This is a seven-fold door, everyone back, I'm afraid there are mechanisms above it." Chi Xuan said that everyone backed away. They completely believe in Chi Xuan in mechanical arts, because he is an expert, and they can only be regarded as a fun watch

"You have to be careful." Xiao Guoguo said Chi Xuan nodded, Life and Death Sword. Flying up, sword qi surrounds Chi Xuan.

Xiao Guoguo was still not at ease seeing this, so he flew out his Life and Death Sword to guard Chi Xuan. If there is any change, he can guard Chi Xuan immediately.

Wujian Old Ancestor stared at the door without speaking, and didn't quite understand what the tests were. Of course, everyone can't understand it, only Chi Xuan knows that this level is far more difficult than the previous level.

These seven gates represent seven materials. Each of these seven materials has different attributes. He does not need to open the mechanical levels above, but needs to use different methods to melt these materials. .

These doors, he has to melt a little bit, and he can't touch the organs above. It's really not easy.

Chi Xuan knows that his strength is in assembling and disassembling machinery, but it is a little bit worse in melting and refining parts. It just so happened that this time the missing part was filled.

"Hehe, old man is smart?" Na Shiran looked at the mechanical beast in front of him and asked, and saw that the petite mechanical beast put down the item in his hand, and quickly applauded in agreement.

"hmph, it's not easy for him to learn parts refining, this time it is not necessary to complete this lesson!"

Shiran said that, he is not ordinary Master, he can’t allow his own discipline to lose his own people after going out. Therefore, these levels are tests of basic skills.

To tell the truth, his Master is forgiving enough, and his requirements are not comparable to those two guys. The mechanical stages laid by those two guys are really difficult!

"Look at how this kid passed this time." Shiran said, humming a little song, as if very happy.


At this moment, the king of Sea Clan looked at the green heart in front of him, and he couldn't believe it, how could it be here! No, it must be wrong, it must be just passing here.

"Royal Father, shall we go through? The rays of light are getting brighter and brighter, and the younger sister must be in front." Second Prince said so, but the king shook his head.

"Let's take a detour!" said the king, he didn't believe it would be such a coincidence! He kept hiding where he refused to come, Huya would be inside.

Second Prince and Third Prince were stunned by these words, impossible! They dared not delay a moment in rushing all the way, and now they are going to make a detour!

Where is this place, why even the Royal Father has to detour? They looked at the green in front and didn't think so.

"Detour!" Since the king made up his mind, everyone could only follow the instructions. Second Prince and Third Prince did not object, but followed the king across the hill and moved towards the front.

But a day later, they looked at the jade slip in front of them very surprised, because the light direction of the jade slip changed, pointing to their back.

This time, the two Princes also understood that their younger sister is in the green deep valley! What is going on here?

"Royal Father, is the younger sister in trouble?" Seeing the king's face so ugly, Second Prince was very anxious.

"Yes, she is in big trouble, and we are also in trouble." The King said as he looked at the green canyon in front of him, he only felt trembling in his heart.

Ruins, the ruins of their Sea Clan are here!

He had known the locations of the three ruins a long time ago, and they were deeply imprinted in his mind, but he didn't expect anyway, Huya would be inside.

(End of this chapter)

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