
  Chapter 1723 Mechanical Beast

Does artificial intelligence know? Do you know about high-tech? A simple version of the robot, dare to challenge her! She felt that she was bullying the robot like this.

"Then what should I do?" The man asked Xiao Guoguo dumbly.

"What are you going to do to me?" Xiao Guoguo asked, the man thought for a while and said: "Exterminate!"

"That's right, if you follow this logic , You should kill yourself first, and then kill me. Isn’t it compliant?"

Xiao Guoguo asked, the robot froze again, thought for a while, and then slowly Raised his hand and patted his abdomen fiercely. I saw the mechanical parts shattered to the ground, and the robot was completely motionless.

"Is this the end?" Xiao Guoguo asked. The robot fell to the ground by himself, as if he simply didn't understand what was happening. He stopped talking.

After the robot fell, the next place lit up. Xiao Guoguo thought that he had passed the first test.

Xiao Guoguo flew onto the site of the second test. This place is much larger than the first test. Could it be that what big guy came out this time?

Xiao Guoguo watched the ground slowly rise on the opposite side. It was a huge Sea Beast. This time Xiao Guoguo understands that this level is a bit more difficult than the previous level. I think the more you go to the back, the more powerful it is.

Where is she going through the barriers now? This is obviously to help others evaluate mechanical traps. Seeing Sea Beast on the opposite side chattering and talking a lot, Xiao Guoguo smiled.

"Tell you, I don’t understand Sea Beast language!" After Xiao Guoguo finished speaking, she simply didn’t use spells to attack, and Life and Death Sword was also put away. She just used her fist to face the opposite. The mechanical Sea Beast hit it.

I don't know what happened, Xiao Guoguo's instinct told her not to show up.

This place looks strange, so it's better to hide a little bit of strength first, after all, she doesn't really need to fight this mechanical beast to the death, just use a little bit of strength.

No one saw this scene, Xiao Guoguo punched it down with one punch, and the mechanical beast was broken up by little by little, leaving a bunch of parts in the end.

Xiao Guoguo took a look at it, and the parts are also good things, they can’t be wasted! The attack power of this mechanical beast is so strong that it certainly can't be made of ordinary materials. Although she doesn't understand these mechanical beasts, Chi Xuan is very rare. She plans to take it back and let Chi Xuan study it.

"These are all good things." Xiao Guoguo's diligence, thrift and housekeeping are unmatched, even the floor under his feet was taken out and taken away, and the floor was cleaned almost spotlessly.

After this second test, the third test appeared, and the mechanical beasts of level one were bigger and more powerful. And when Xiao Guoguo picked up the parts, he even felt that these parts seemed to be getting higher and higher.

In this way, Xiao Guoguo found that these mechanical beasts had adjusted their attack methods, instead of attacking with spiritual power, they attacked with power instead. This shows that these mechanical beasts are still learning and growing!

Xiao Guoguo is very curious, which ghost set the trap to create such a mechanical beast, which has reached a level that makes people feel unimaginable.

If this person is still alive, she must go to see this great power, it is really amazing, it is almost on par with those top array Masters. Although this trap is mostly a masterpiece of seapeople, Xiao Guoguo still admires it.

The huge mechanical beasts that appeared in front of me were squeaky and crooked, Xiao Guoguo simply couldn’t understand, and there was no way to communicate one or two. I could only continue to beat them without error, and Xiao Guoguo suspected that these mechanical beasts The source of power has been discovered by him.

Because of dismantling too many mechanical beasts, Xiao Guoguo discovered an unusual place. Each mechanical beast is composed of many parts, some of which are even duplicated parts. What shines in front of people is a pink stone, inside the belly of the mechanical beast.

It is not a Spirit Stone, but a pink stone, which she has never seen before. Every mechanical beast has a piece, so Xiao Guoguo is so suspicious.

Therefore, this time Xiao Guoguo deliberately slowed down, she played slowly, just want to see when this mechanical beast can beat her, and whether the pink stone has changed. Use this to verify your guess.

However, Xiao Guoguo also didn’t expect that this mechanical beast could actually fight her for five hours without repeating the attacking movements. The skill is getting higher and higher, and it is becoming more and more flexible. Obviously it is learning and growing.

Xiao Guoguo once again marveled in his heart, these mechanical beasts can still learn in the battle, it is terrifying. Fortunately, they are not real Sea Beast. If they are real Sea Beast, it is simply worrying.

But mechanical beasts need power, Xiao Guoguo does not believe it will continue to fight. Sure enough, the action of the mechanical beast became slower and slower in the end, as if the stamina was insufficient.

Xiao Guoguo hit a fist directly on the belly of the mechanical beast, and the mechanical beast shook. Xiao Guoguo made a few more punches and saw the place where the pink stone was hidden.

This discovery made Xiao Guoguo very excited. The man who made the mechanical beast must also be a guy with a rib. Otherwise, why is the location of the power source of each mechanical beast the same? Isn't it easy to be discovered? As soon as she stretched out her hand, she directly took the stone down, and the mechanical beast in front of her stopped moving.

Xiao Guoguo thought for a while, and put away the mechanical beast. This is the most complete one put away so far. In other words, as long as she puts the pink stone back, the mechanical beast can continue to fight.

It's just that the stone in front of me is not so bright anymore. The rays of light have dimmed. Obviously, the energy consumption is almost the same. Xiao Guoguo therefore inferred that the fist-big stone on the mechanical beast should be able to support the mechanical beast against humans for five hours. Xiao Guoguo already knew the formidable power of this stone.

Xiao Guoguo now has more than twenty pink stones in his hands. Although I don't know if these stones can be absorbed by humans, they must be collected correctly. And Xiao Guoguo is very curious, where did these pink stones come from? seapeople know what this is?

"No matter what it is, it can't be wasted anyway." Xiao Guoguo's thoughts are delicate and he can live his life again. He was planning to break up the mechanical beast and take the parts out. But now I suddenly discovered that the power source can be completely preserved when the power source is dismantled. How can I dismantle the power source and just pull the stone.

Xiao Guoguo wanted to understand this and began to meditate and cultivation. Although she has never consumed spiritual power, this array is very particular. Every time she passes a level, she is allowed to meditate on the cultivation, giving them plenty of time to rest.

Sometimes Xiao Guoguo really feels that this is just holding them as testers.

(End of this chapter)

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