
  Chapter 1722 treasure

Looking at Xiuya, Xiao Guoguo probably understands her mood, she will They were already embarrassed to bring them into Sea Clan's Secret Realm. If they followed them in to hunt for treasure, I was afraid that Sea Clan Princess felt guilty in her heart, so she wouldn't go in.

Xiao Guoguo's guess is correct, Xiuya has no position to stop Xiao Guoguo and the others, but she is not good to follow the External Race people into the remains of Sea Clan. If she didn't go in, Fei Zhuo naturally wanted to stay to protect her.

"I'll stay too." Feishaben came to protect Huya, so he didn't have much interest in this treasure, and was willing to stay outside and wait.

Xiao Guoguo didn't stop him when he saw the three of them, but was nodded, confessing that they were careful and walked in. Yinjun only felt that these were all idiots. Treasure wanted to go back empty-handed right in front of his eyes. He really didn't understand what these people were thinking. But that's okay, a few people compete with him, and he can get more hands!

The entire group walked in. A piece of white smoke blocked the sight of everyone outside. Huya was a little unsure whether they could come out safely.

"Princess don't worry, they are strong and they will be able to come out safely." Fei Zhuo comforted her, Huya was nodded, with a confused and helpless face.

Fei Sha looked at it and wanted to comfort Huya, but Fei Zhuo stood in the middle of them, not letting him come closer, Fei Sha looked at Fei Zhuo, and could only give up this plan.

Fei Zhuo's attitude towards him has changed since Huya was in danger because of him, from a close friend of the past to a lot of defenses now. He knew that his attitude had hurt Brother's heart, and Feisha was also in pain.

But when he thinks of his mission, when he thinks of the villagers who are waiting for him to rescue, he has to be cruel. This feeling is really uncomfortable. His heart seemed to be torn, not knowing where to go.

Xiao Guoguo and the others walked into the mist, Xiao Guoguo looked back again, and sure enough, a silhouette of the surrounding area was gone, and she was the only one left. Xiao Guoguo looked at all around, it was very empty, and felt interesting in his heart.

The size of this great hall can be determined from the outside, but the place she is entering now is clearly several times the size of the great hall. Is this really great hall? Or is it that although they entered the door, they did not enter the great hall, but entered the illusion?

Xiao Guoguo watched the smoke continue to dissipate, and the surrounding area unexpectedly showed jewellery. It is really jeweled, all kinds of beads cover the ground, big and small, all of them are Sea Beast inner core, and the treasure is the rays of light of various treasures, and there is even Spirit Stone in it.

These things are just thrown on the ground like this, as if they are worthless. Xiao Guoguo is used to seeing the world and has to admit that this is really scary! Low-key luxury... This is clearly high-key luxury.

"These are all good things." Xiao Guoguo walked around and never stepped on treasures. Xiao Guoguo only knew one thing, there was no reason for reap without sowing. I don’t know what the result will be if I move these things.

Xiao Guoguo just found a quiet place to sit, and wanted to take a look. But after she has been sitting like this for a day, there hasn't been any change here.

It's still that place, still those treasures, still there is no wind, no one has ever appeared. Xiao Guoguo thinks that she probably understands it.

"Although I am not bad for money, you must be so exciting. It seems that I can only laugh at it." Xiao Guoguo said, waving his sleeve gently, just as a tornado hits fast. Come, roll in all the treasures on the ground.

Xiao Guoguo didn't put all these things away, but gathered them together like this, she wanted to see if she moved these things, what would be the consequences.

Sure enough, after the hurricane gathered all the treasures together, the ground suddenly disappeared! The originally very smooth ground suddenly became all split up and in pieces, Xiao Guoguo stood up, and moved towards her as soon as he caught the tornado with his palm, and Xiao Guoguo put all the treasures in the storage bag.

The ground fell apart like a jigsaw and fell into the darkness. The treasures did not fall with Xiao Guoguo, but were collected in the bag.

"I knew, these all are bait! But, anyway, I caught the bait." Xiao Guoguo said, putting the storage bag on him. If it weren't for her cleverness, she would have suffered a lot.

Xiao Guoguo knows that these treasures are the buttons of mechanical traps. Once touched, they will trigger the traps. Xiao Guoguo originally wanted to pass the level directly, but after sitting for one day, one night, there was no change at all. She had no patience, so she decided to go through the level.

But she has never been willing to lose money. Since she has to break through the level and have no less bait, she let the hurricane sweep the ground and collect all the treasures, so that at least it won't lose money.

And not long ago, Yinjun, who was dazzled by jewels, made this mistake and picked up a Sea Beast inner core, which touched this mechanical trap. All the things on the ground Treasure is all gone. He regretted his anger, but to no avail.

Xiao Guoguo looked at the only floating piece of ground in midair, thought about it, and started to take up the challenge. When Xiao Guoguo's feet fell, the ground was lit up, as if a beam of light was shining on it.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Is this to enhance the effect?

The surrounding area is pitch black, and it is very bright here. It is a trap no matter how you look at it. This trap is so arrogant, it was designed by who after all.

Sure enough, the next moment, a piece of ground appeared on the opposite side, with a person standing on it, but this person was not the appearance of Sea Clan but the appearance of Human Race.

He slowly rolled his eyes and moved his limbs. Xiao Guoguo wanted to ask him, is it a human or a ghost?

"Are you not seapeople?" The man asked, Xiao Guoguo nodded, yes, she is not seapeople.

"If that's the case, you can't even save your life!" The man said, with a pair of knives in his hand, which looked good quality.

"Wait, you are not a seapeople either! You are not a seapeople, why do you say me?" Xiao Guoguo asked, the man was slightly taken aback, with a look of puzzlement.

"What do you mean by this?" The man looked at Xiao Guoguo dullly.

"If I didn't guess wrong, you should be a robot, right?" Xiao Guoguo asked. The man's expression was surprised, and then he thought about the problem seriously, slowly nodded.

"Yes, I am a robot!"

"That can be explained, I am not seapeople, shouldn't be here, you are a robot, shouldn't you be here? "The question of Xiao Guoguo baffled the man on the opposite side. He thought and thought, but he didn't say anything for a long time.

Xiao Guoguo smiled, the demo, a robot, dare to play this set with her.

(End of this chapter)

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