
  Chapter 1724 Test

At this moment, Chi Xuan is also resting, holding the Spirit Stone in his hand. He doesn't have the mighty strength of Xiao Guoguo, he used spiritual power to pass the test, but in his mind he was reminiscing about the steps that the mechanical beast took apart.

He disassembled several mechanical beasts a little bit from beginning to end. Naturally, he discovered that the pink stone was the power source earlier than Xiao Guoguo. And Chi Xuan’s mouth was smiling, and he was in a good mood at the moment. Although it was not easy to pass the level, he gained a lot. He piled up the materials removed from the mechanical beasts separately because he believed that he could put these mechanical beasts one by one. Restore directly. This is really interesting.

Of course, in addition to Xiao Guoguo, he can also understand Chi Xuan's preference. If anyone else is here, he will definitely spray his face. Where is it interesting? Where is it?

Although the others have passed several levels, except for Han Meng, who has a high cultivation base, the worry-free elders also have strong as an ox texts. The process for the remaining few people to pass the level is still very difficult. . Naturally, no one thinks these mechanical beasts are as interesting or even precious as Chi Xuan, and they store the materials separately!

Even the worry-free old man just exclaimed, and then directly scattered these mechanical beasts. Who would have thought that Chi Xuan did not dislike the trouble. He used his Life and Death Sword and sword qi as tools and consumed all his patience. He dismantled a mechanical beast from the beginning to the end, one part by one! This kind of perseverance is unmatched.

The time for everyone to break through the level is the same, and the time for each mechanical beast to appear is the same. It is as fast as the worry-free old man and Xiao Guoguo, and you have to wait after you finish playing. It's as slow as Qingyun Daoist, and the rest time is limited after the fight.

Mu Xiao and his two men who followed Xiao Guoguo had already lost a day ago. They were defeated, originally thought they would lose their lives, but they would be teleported out after seeing a blank piece of whiteness. They looked at the three of Song Xing and Xiuya in front of them, and they looked ashamed.

"How is it inside?" Song Xing asked curiously.

"Mechanical beasts, all of them are mechanical sea beasts. We only managed to pass seven or eight levels before we were teleported out." Mu Jia said this, but he didn't find treasure. Indeed. It's a pity, but this can be considered a good thing to save your life.

"It doesn't have to be too regrettable. This is the first test, and it will be even more powerful later." Song Xing was so comforting, and the three of them were nodded, and they all felt that Song Xing was a good person.

"Yes, it would be nice to save your life." Mu Ju said.

And Huya and Feisha didn't say anything, but sat down for the cultivation again. This is Secret Realm. Impossible is so smooth, and after the past, can they go to the next level smoothly?

At the beginning, the White City Lord proposed to come to the treasure hunt to delay time. In that case, they will wait. In short, Huya thinks that they may have to stay here for a long time, so it is better to have a good cultivation. really.

See Huya and Feisha like this, the rest of the people are also sorry to waste time, and even started cultivation here. But I have to say that the spiritual power here is very rich, compared to any place they have been to, the spiritual power here is actually an excellent choice.

Since Xiao Guoguo learned the secrets of the mechanical beasts, she kept the damage to the mechanical beasts to a minimum during the battle. Although she was clever and did not have the skills of Chi Xuan, it was impossible to remove these parts. Just punch one hole and take out the stone.

And even so, Xiao Guoguo also discovered that the next mechanical beast is bound to be stronger than the previous one. When it hits the 80th, Xiao Guoguo has the final say, they have been here for three months. .

In three months, the real battle against the mechanical beasts was only two or three days. The rest of the time she rests. Xiao Guoguo is not welcome, just meditate here, anyway. The spiritual power is very rich.

Although I think it’s a waste of time, Xiao Guoguo knows that this array is set in this way, but she has never understood it.

Xiao Guoguo is right. At this moment, Chi Xuan has to split more and more parts, and it takes longer and longer. The time Xiao Guoguo feels is boring, but he doesn't think so Enough.

He is getting more and more excited, because as the difficulty of disassembling the mechanical beast increases, he feels that his limits are constantly being challenged, and he understands more and more. It seems that he is absorbing knowledge, or Knowledge that made him feel very fascinated, so he didn't feel bored.

And the worry-free old man also laughed looking at the mechanical beast in front of him, and he has finally comprehended the significance of this pass. This is not only a test but also a study. The person who arranged this level does not seem to be choosing who can enter the next level, but seems to be teaching the discipline.

In other words, the person is not sure that someone will learn these things carefully. After all, people go through the barriers and want only treasures. If they are blinded by treasures, how can they learn? How to have the patience to learn and think?

Even he had never thought of this. At the beginning, these mechanical beasts were not difficult for him, and he could see it at a glance. Therefore, every time he directly used the mechanical beasts. The core part of the beast shattered. Until now, the worry-free old man realized that he was wrong. This mechanical beast did not exist for fighting, but for teaching.

The mechanical beast became more and more powerful, and he was curious to disassemble the mechanical beast to take a look. This dismantling found that the opponent's mechanical skills were very powerful, far above him. Only at this moment did he understand that this is the deep meaning of the people who laid out. This level is a test left for the descendants of Sea Clan, and only those who pass can be recognized.

This reminds the worry-free old man that when he started to learn mechanics, his Master once set up such a test for him. Every time the Master makes a mechanical object, he has to be little by Little's dismantling and then restoring is considered qualified.

Those days have been too long, he almost forgot, so immediately he did not react. And he was wrong from the very beginning, maybe he has missed this opportunity.

"I just don't know, no one can see through in the end?" The worry-free old man murmured to himself.

At this moment, there are more and more people waiting outside, and the White City Lord and Qingyun daoist have also been sent out. The last one sent out is Yuemu.

This guy has a cold look, no one ignores him, and there is no such casual and smiling face in front of Xiao Guoguo at all. Everyone dared not provoke him, this man is no ordinary person!

Now there are only a few people who stay inside, Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, Wuyou old man and Han Meng, Yinjun and Wenwen. These six people are also the most hopeful to stick to the end.

(End of this chapter)

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