
  Chapter 1721 Trap

This man’s idea is very simple. They have made him so miserable, so he naturally wants to follow He was trapped here, and it was fair to lose his life! He never thought that if it weren't for Xiao Guoguo and the worry-free old man, he would have died a long time ago.

Xiao Guoguo did not move, and everyone did not move. They watched that Yinjun had been swallowed by the sand on the ground, and people began to panic. But he still didn't shout, just because he was afraid to disturb the worry-free old man. I have to admit that the critical moment only saw people's hearts. Compared to dying with Xiao Guoguo and the others, Yin Yun hoped to survive, so he didn't dare to interrupt.

And the worry-free old man seems to have fallen into his own world within the realm. He simply doesn’t know what’s going on outside. All his mind is concentrated on the sand table, and his fingers never stop a bit. , The rapid jog.

After another while, Yin Jun looked at his neck buried in his eyes. At this moment, he could no longer be calm, but began to shout loudly: "Haha, if I die, I will also Funeral with you!"

He started laughing heartily after yelling like this, with only one purpose to disturb the worry-free elderly. But he didn't know that the worry-free old man had already blocked the external Divine Consciousness, and simply couldn't hear any sound.

Xiao Guoguo watched with cold eyes that Yin Yun was buried, and the quicksand beside them had reached their abdomen, the situation was not very good.

"Boss, do we want to jump out?" Yuemu asked. At this level, they can still escape.

"No, there must be an ambush under this. If we move, we will lose our power." Xiao Guoguo said that while looking at the huge sandpit, it must be some kind of mechanical trap. They Moving, it’s hard to say that the sandbox is still there, and this Secret Realm can't get in.

"Then what shall we do?" Wenwen looked all around, and with their strength, he could escape now.

"Wait again!" Xiao Guoguo said that waiting any longer is not to let everyone die, but to wait to see if the worry-free old man can untie the sandbox. They are not yet alive and dead, and she is confident to save everyone out.

The spirit of the worry-free old man is all placed on the sand table, and he doesn’t even know that Xiao Guoguo is already in danger. He only tells himself, hurry up and hurry up, you can’t make mistakes, you can’t Make mistakes.

Seeing that the sand table in front of him has recovered a little bit, the heart of the worry-free old man is also lifted, until the last ding, the sand table stops, and the worry-free old man takes a deep breath , I just glanced at all around, almost not scared.

Xiao Guoguo, the sand on the side of several people has reached their chests, one by one looking at him sadly, and that Yinjun doesn't know where he is going.

"Why are you doing this? Are you okay?" The worry-free old man looked at the ground and started to recover. He didn't expect Xiao Guoguo entire group was also involved. This mechanical trap is really big.

"I said, his old man simply didn't know our situation, and he should really save himself!"

They were almost buried in the sand in this dry area of ​​Secret Realm. What kind of luck is this for them.

"Where is Yinjun?" The worry-free old man asked, and he was not seen everywhere. Is this person dead?

"It doesn't deserve sympathy for him to live or die, and to take us to die together." Yuemu replied.

As he was talking, I saw a person stand up from the pile of sand, walked slowly for two steps, and then took a couple of bites fiercely.

"Pooh, pooh! I was almost buried under a deep seabed!" Yin Yun said that he gave himself a dust-removal trick, and Xiao Guoguo watched a sandstorm rise from him.

Everyone: "..." Sure enough, this is really the performance of being buried underneath.

The cultivator system is stronger than the average person. This Sea Clan system is stronger than the cultivator. Just now this Yinjun was caught by a machine unable to move even a little bit, but even so, he can still be there. Living under the sand for a long time, but luckily it was just a moment.

"Did you really open this door? You actually opened it!" Yinjun couldn't believe it, the worry-free old man actually did it.

Although his mechanical skills are not considered top level in Sea Clan, it is also considered high level. Why is he not as good as an old man of Human Race? This is so weird, it all feels so weird.

"Let’s go, let’s go in." The worry-free old man said so, and walked in with everyone. Yin Yun didn’t care about other problems, and hurriedly followed in. He also wanted to take a look. What's in it?

"Boss, isn't this guy going to clean up?" Yuemu looked at Yinjun with sharp eyes.

"Wait and talk." Xiao Guoguo replied, Yuemu nodded, so wait and talk.

Walking into the great hall, everyone's heart is holding on the way, who knows if there are any traps outside the great hall, these two traps appeared a little unprepared.

"Be careful, the door must not be simple!" Seeing that the worry-free old man was about to open the door, Yin Yun said hurriedly. It didn't matter if they died, but he didn't want to die together.

"Don't worry, break the one outside, there is no mechanical trap outside." The worry-free old man said very confidently, and directly pushed the door open.

Seeing that the door was opened, there was still no change in this great hall, and everyone sighed in relief, and then saw the worry-free old man walk in, and then the worry-free old man disappeared in a cloud of fog .

"Didn't you say that there is no more?" Yuemu asked puzzledly.

"The old man said that the outside is gone, but he didn't say that there is no inside." Xiao Guoguo sighed.

"Then shall we go in?" Yuemu asked, and everyone looked at Xiao Guoguo, waiting for her to make a decision.

Yinjun had no idea that it was such a young woman who made the decision here. Is this woman special?

"Naturally, I want to go in and take a look, otherwise I'm not busy this time." Xiao Guoguo said so, everyone felt that the words were reasonable, and this treasure hunt was never an easy choice.

"I'm with the boss." Yuemu said this first, Xiao Guoguo laughed and never refused.

"It doesn't have to be anything after entering, everyone should be careful." Wenwen reminded Yuemu not to get overwhelmed.

Everyone doesn't know what's inside. They are not as good as the worry-free old man, but they don't want to give up this opportunity before them. So they are all ready to go in for a break.

"I won't go." Song Xing suddenly said, and everyone looked at him.

"Why not go, this treasure is right in front of you." Qingyun daoist had a good relationship with Song Xing, and asked.

"These mechanical traps are very difficult to deal with. If I go in, it will drag you down. I'll wait outside. I just want to see the ruins. The contents are of no use to me. Not going anymore."

Song Xing is telling the truth. As an ordinary person, he does not need these treasures. For him, his life is the most important thing. Xiao Guoguo didn't persuade him, just let him pay attention to safety.

"Then I won't go in." Huya said the same, everyone didn't expect, why didn't she go?

"I'll be here with Young Master Song." Fei Zhuo quickly stated his position, but said that he was with Song Xing, but everyone knew that he was to take care of Huya.

And Na Yinjun glanced at Xiuya and Feizhuo again, he was almost certain that these two were seapeople, but why are they like this?

(End of this chapter)

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