
  Chapter 1720 Test

The man slowly got up from the ground, looked at everyone, looked at The red beads in Xiao Guoguo's hands showed a greedy look on his face. That is the red sea flute that can only be owned by the Royal Family.

"Old man, what kind of classification does this sea flute have to pay attention to?" Xiao Guoguo asked curiously, the worry-free old man nodded.

"I don't know where the sea flute came from. I only know the levels of the sea flute. The average clansman only has the white sea flute, which is the lowest level and can only control the average The high-level clansman has a blue sea flute. It is not only the Sea Beast that can control the seabed, but also the monster beast, the human cultivator, which can also be controlled."

Said the worry-free old man. Xiao Guoguo was taken aback for a moment. In other words, if the man attacked them with the blue sea flute at the beginning, they would not be able to hold it.

So at the beginning, the worry-free old man took the shot so quickly. Simply did not give him this opportunity and immediately took away his sea flute.

"And this red is only owned by the Royal Family, and there are very few in the Royal Family. It can control everything and can hurt Sea Clan's clansman. If someone is disobedient, resist Royal Family will be punished, just like just now."

The worry-free old man said so, Xiao Guoguo looked at Xia, why was she so sad just now?

"My cultivation base is too low." Huya said with a sorry face.

"Only the man in the Royal Family can have such a red sea flute, and moreover, an adult man." The worry-free old man explained it this way, and Xiao Guoguo understood it.

At this moment, the Sea Clan man has moved on. He knew Xiao Guoguo would not give him the red beads, so why bother to look.

He has to reach the palace first, and then make them regret it! He is going to kill them before grabbing the red sea flute.

"But isn't this sea flute only available for Sea Clan? Why does it appear at the top of the great hall?" Xiao Guoguo asked curiously, and the worry-free old man looked at the great hall.

"If I didn't guess wrong, this sea flute is probably controlled by a machine."

"Mechanical? Sea Clan is good at mechanics?" Xiao Guoguo always thinks something weird. Seapeople are good at machinery, and worry-free elders are also good at machinery. What is the connection?

"Yes, seapeople are good at machinery." Huya said with a smile. This is the key to why she can escape from the hands of those cultivators. Normal cells cannot control her.

"So, whether this palace can enter or not depends on how powerful the mechanics is!" The worry-free old man said, slowly taking off the torn guard on his hand.

The worry-free old man has been dressed casually from the moment he met, and this handguard has been worn all the time. I never thought that he would take it off when he got here.

"Let's go." The worry-free old man led everyone forward. At this moment, Yinjun had reached the steps of the great hall. He raised his leg and walked up, and he felt the ground shaking.

Everyone naturally felt it, but Xiao Guoguo saw that the worry-free old man did not stop, and they never stopped. They wanted to see what special traps outside the great hall.

The vibration of the great hall turned out to be because the entire great hall was deformed. It seemed that someone was playing the Rubik's Cube. The great hall was split and reorganized in an incomprehensible way, just in the blink of an eye So it changed its look, the original great hall became a half circle!

Xiao Guoguo saw it, and it seemed to be hidden in the sand, with only half of the eggshell exposed. Golden, dazzling, arrogant eggshell!

"Seapeople's mechanical skills are really amazing." Xiao Guoguo sighed, and they flew over, wanting to see how this sound is going.

They saw that Yinjun was standing on the spot, his legs seemed to be trapped in the quicksand, unable to move a little. And in front of him is a sand table that quickly condenses.

Above the sand table is the reduced model of the great hall, which is constantly changing. Just like this great hall, the rumbling sound in the great hall has not stopped, and it can be seen that it is constantly changing.

"This is the test." The worry-free old man watched with breathlessness, and Xiao Guoguo and the others also watched.

They can see that this may be a condition for entering the great hall. If these machines are unlocked and the great hall is restored to its original appearance, they can enter. If you can't... don't know what kind of punishment is there?

Of course, if it is a single dismantling and restoration, it's okay to say, but this great hall is still constantly changing, it is difficult to untie it. Xiao Guoguo's Divine Consciousness is very powerful, and the computing power is even more amazing, but even so, it is not easy for her to quickly untie these by looking at the sand table.

Xiao Guoguo saw Yin Yun's sweat bead falling down his face, obviously he didn't have much confidence. Xiao Guoguo saw this faintly smiled. The treasure hunt has never been a simple thing. It is not certain whether the treasure hunters of nine deaths and still alive can go out. Wherever there are so many cheap good things encountered by him, it is useless to regret now.

Although this Yinjun was quite prepared for the trap outside, he even found a monster beast on the land and walked in by relying on a fire attack. However, he obviously has no power to respond to the attacks inside. If they were not there, he would be afraid of the previous level and he would be dead.

It’s just a little bit Xiao Guoguo still can’t understand, why when entering the barrier before, as long as the identity of Sea Clan can enter, but after entering, there are so many tests for Sea Clan?

This red sea flute is specifically for seapeople, and this sand table seems to be prepared for testing seapeople's mechanics. Do these settings want seapeople to go in, or do they not want them to go in for treasure hunting?

Xiao Guoguo thought so, and watched Yin Yun's hand move quickly, as if he had already begun to answer. It's just that although his speed is fast, it is not as fast as his body sinks. Xiao Guoguo can tell even if he doesn't understand mechanics, this sound is not good, his hands can no longer reach the sand table.

"no! I don't believe I will fail! Give me another chance, give me another chance!" Yin Yun shouted, Xiao Guoguo watched the worry-free old man walk over, and then all of a sudden Break up the sand table.

"old man! Don't mess around! My life is on this!" Yinjun shouted so anxiously, but the worry-free old man didn't care.

After the sand table was disrupted, he recovered quickly. Xiao Guoguo saw that the fingers of the worry-free old man seemed to be flying, simply could not see the track, and the building on the sand table was also changing shape. , It was as if the worry-free old man was shaping the palace just now with his hands, and that palace can already see its embryonic form.

Yinjun knew that this person was not saving him, but saving themselves. Because the area where the ground has fallen is getting bigger and bigger, Xiao Guoguo and their legs can't move either.

Xiao Guoguo felt that their legs seemed to be sealed in the sand, unable to move even a little bit. It's just that Xiao Guoguo didn't move, but waited for the worry-free old man, she believed he had this ability!

The man watched everyone end up like him. No one dared to struggle yet. He didn't feel so flustered anymore. Now everyone is the same. He can't be too scared.

(End of this chapter)

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