
  Chapter 1231 Three Hundred and Sixty Paths

Nine in One Nine, Two 98 ... No, it should be It is twelve passes, one Transcending Tribulation, twelve Thunder Tribulation, then it is...... Xiao Guoguo did not calculate it clearly.

"There are a total of three hundred and sixty Thunder Tribulation." The text over there has been clear, and he looked at Xiao Guoguo in the distance with a sad look, while Qingyun Daoist was stunned.

"Should we throw something to her?" Cui Sect Master also felt unreliable.

That's three hundred and sixty Thunder Tribulation, no kidding. Although this kind of Thunder Tribulation is not as strong as the fairy Transcending Tribulation, it definitely catches up with the number!

Lingshu was also anxious when he heard this. Neither she nor Xiao Guoguo thought that this would be the case, but it was more than 300 Dao Tribulation Lei, what should she do!

"Calm down, I believe she will succeed!" Jin Mao's face is firm, Xiao Guoguo is invincible in his heart!

Everyone: "..." Who gave you the confidence, child!

But now, it seems that there is really no better way except to believe.

If they pieced together before Transcending Tribulation, they might be able to put together something to save Xiao Guoguo's life. But now... they can't bear the punishment of Thunder Tribulation. Who knows whether this Thunder Punishment standard is based on the ordinary tribulation thunder or the soaring tribulation thunder!

However, Xiao Guoguo does not seem to have too much worries. After all, it is not clear how many Dao Tribulation thunders he has to carry. Anyway, Lei came to the sword block, let the flow take its course.

Looking at Xiao Guoguo's state, everyone is relieved, her face is calm and comfortable, perhaps, she has become stronger during this period of time.

The spiritual power in Xiao Guoguo's body is constantly surging, and there is not much worry about dealing with thunder and lightning, after all, she is a Lightning Spirit Root.

And because she has been absorbing the spiritual power and suppressing the cultivation base, the spiritual power in her body is not comparable to the normal ascension period, even more than the level 1 of the fairy. If she is willing, she can even directly trigger the Thunder Tribulation of Fairy Level 1 now.

But, think about it, I still owe so many Transcending Tribulation, so much tribulation thunder...For the sake of my life, forget it.

At this moment, Xiao Guoguo’s body is changing, the dantian is constantly expanding, the spiritual power ocean is being formed, and the mountain peaks are emerging from the ocean... Xiao Guoguo feels that this inside of Dantian is like He became a Small World.

And above the world, the peak of the cloud is the spiritual power tree.

The huge tree is no longer the small sapling it used to be, it is growing rapidly. Over the past one hundred and fifty years, it has changed every day, the branches and leaves have become luxuriant, the branches have become sturdy, and now it has the appearance of towering ancient trees.

On the branch, seven Nascent Souls began to look up...

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Is this waiting to absorb the lightning?

No, Transcending Tribulation is all about how to carry the thunder and lightning. She still has to think about how to absorb some of them back.

"Don't worry, now I will carry some. The thunder and lightning will be fierce and I can't hold it. When the time comes, I will absorb it." Xiao Guoguo is a little bit self-deprecating, what can I do, there are seven in my body Eat food Nascent Soul, she has to absorb enough lightning to feed her.

Of course, Nascent Soul is the foundation of her Avatar, and there is nothing wrong with trying to absorb points.

However, the spiritual power vortex has begun again. This vortex has begun to absorb spiritual power frantically, as if it is competing with the Nascent Souls, and see who can absorb more lightning and go back.

Xiao Guoguo feels that everyone is living in a dantian, there is no need for such a strong desire to win!

The general cultivator Transcending Tribulation is afraid that the lightning will enter one's body, and when the time comes, it will hang up directly. There is a Lightning Spirit Root. I have no friends. People absorb tribulation thunder for body tempering and dantian, cautiously.

But when I got to her, it would be good if one-tenth of the lightning energy sucked out was used here, and the rest was injected into spiritual power vortex, or evenly divided by seven Nascent Souls.

Sometimes Xiao Guoguo feels that if his situation is known to other cultivators, he probably won't make any friends in his life, right?

She was right. Just now, everyone was worried and wanted to get some magic weapons for her to make her Transcending Tribulation smooth. But now... everyone is silent and confused.

There are dozens of thunder and lightning falling in succession. Although the formidable power is not too big, it is tribulation thunder. Thinking about how they were abused by the tribulation thunder back then, but still had to look forward to it coming again, I felt heartbroken. Isn't there something wrong with them?

But when the person of Transcending Tribulation became Xiao Guoguo, they only held a sword in their hands, the sword qi surrounded all around, a Dao Tribulation thunder fell, and she waved the sword qi... to hold it! A Dao Tribulation thunder fell, and she held her sword qi with a wave!

Up to now, Xiao Guoguo has no traces of scars on his body, just constantly swinging his sword. She didn't even stop to take a medicine pill to add spiritual power...It was simply unacceptable.

"I told myself not to be jealous, but I still couldn't help but want to say, can Transcending Tribulation do the same?" Cui Sect Master asked Qingyun daoist, thinking that the two of them at least have a common language , Feel together!

"You are jealous! You are the heart of a villain! You are narrow-minded!"

Qingyun daoist seriously accused the other party, his face was so serious. fool! Even if I think so in my heart, I can't say it. The relationship between Wenwen and Xiao Guoguo is really too iron.

It doesn't matter if you offend Xiao Guoguo, but because of this, it hurts the relationship between him and Wenwen, so it's not worth it.

"When did you...become such a polite guy!"

Cui Sect Master didn't expect, the little friend suddenly became smarter, it's not that he looks like him Are you extra stupid? Is it okay to abandon your companion like this?

"This is my truth, absolute truth! Don't want to slander me, don't want me to be you who have no pursuit, will only be jealous and jealous, don't want to improve themselves, and low quality people!"

Cui Sect Master: "..." I'll go! You can't underestimate anyone's IQ in the future!

Everyone ignored these two guys, they were actually shocked. It turns out that the sword cultivator is so Transcending Tribulation?

And the red-clothed man thought, it turns out that their sword cultivator can still do such a Transcending Tribulation? He has learned new knowledge this time!

From early morning to evening, most of the day has passed, and the thunder and lightning continued to fall. There were more than a hundred waves. Everyone looked at Xiao Guoguo's appearance, and it seemed that there was no effect.

She just ate a medicine pill that supplements spiritual power just now, and her attitude is very casual, as if eating or not has little effect.

Everyone was numb in their hearts, they thought, in this day, Xiao Guoguo was only one third in Transcending Tribulation, and all Transcending Tribulation was completed. Wouldn't it take two days and two nights!

"Are you hungry?" Qingyun daoist asked Wenwen, and Wenwen fiercely glared at him.

Everyone despise Qingyun daoist, now at this time, you ask the question of whether you are hungry or not! Can't you be a little nervous?

(End of this chapter)

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