
  Chapter 1230 is wrong.

Seeing that the robbery cloud is getting thicker and thicker, everyone does not dare to stay. One by one they flew farther. This is a soaring tribulation thunder, no joke.

And more importantly, they are now on the edge of Transcending Tribulation. They are afraid that when the time comes will affect each other, and Transcending Tribulation together, it will be really terrible.

It’s so easy for everyone to accept the fact that Xiao Guoguo is about to soar suddenly. It’s the fact that Xiao Guoguo has been showing strong and laid a solid ideological foundation.

fatty, they were removed from It was brought out from the space, and gradually became sober, watching the thunder and lightning roll in the air, for a while, I couldn't figure out the situation.

"I'm finally going to Transcending Tribulation, hahaha!" The salamander shouted and was about to run under the robbery cloud, but Mo Yu caught it.

"Don't get excited, your tribulation thunder hasn't arrived yet." Mo Yu said so, and the salamander saw that Xiao Guoguo was standing on the tribulation thunder and was preparing.

"Wait, that's the master, the master wants Transcending Tribulation?" the salamander asked puzzledly, Mo Yu nodded.

"No! Last time the main talent Transcending Tribulation not very long, has now passed the Divine Transformation Stage?" Salamander's mind is not quite clear.

"Don't be stupid, Master is going to ascend this time." Mo Yu said that, not only the salamander was stupid, but Wangcai and Fatty were also stupid.

"Is it so powerful? Isn't it just a spiritual power bead?" Fatty said this with disapproval. Don't think that anyone who hasn't seen the beads will eat more monster beast inner cores.

Mo Yu looked at the fatty, very speechless, are they ordinary beads? It had absorbed Heaven and Earth Essence, and it took ten thousand years to agglomerate one... Forget it, it told them this, and they couldn't understand it.

"Be honest, when the host Transcending Tribulation, you will also be ready for Transcending Tribulation." Mo Yu's topic span is too wide, and several Spirit Beasts have not figured out what it is saying mean.

"What do you mean, Boss? We are going to Transcending Tribulation with the owner! How can that work? That's too cruel!" The salamander didn't agree.

"Hey? We really have reached the stage of ascension!! What's going on, why don't I know when I was cultivation?" Fatty felt the spiritual power in her body, how could it increase So much!

"In one hundred and fifty years, although you slept for half of the time, you are still absorbing spiritual power. Therefore, you can also fly up now." Mo Yu finished speaking, look at them A few laughed.

A few Spirit Beasts looked at each other, they were ecstatic, just Transcending Tribulation together...fatty looked at Mo Yu and asked: "Boss, will you help us resist the tribulation thunder?"

"Boss, can you carry so many tribulation thunders together?" Wangcai also felt unreliable.

"In the past it was naturally impossible, but now, it is okay."

Mo Yu's speech has always been so profound mystery, they are actually not very able to hear and understand, but it doesn't matter. , The boss says it can do it, it will definitely do.

And Xiao Guoguo stood, looking at the tribulation thunder in the air, holding a sword in his hand, ready to resist, she didn't prepare anything anyway.

Although Xiao Guoguo has searched for a lot of treasures in recent years, the grades of those treasures are still not good, and the Thunder Tribulation is a bit weak... Xiao Guoguo will never admit that he is a stingy. She feels deep in one's heart, why waste it if you can save a little! Anyway, she can carry it by herself.

Xiao Guoguo didn't know that her Transcending Tribulation look at this moment was the same as Chi Xuan back then.

Chi Xuan stood like this at the beginning, with only some medicine pill, and holding a sword alone, he fought all the tribulation thunder. Although they never met, at this time, they made the same choice.

Qingyun daoist looked from a distance, this Xiao Guoguo didn't take anything out, is this really going to... just carry it?

"No, how did she prepare for Transcending Tribulation? No magic weapon, only a medicine pill!" Not only was Qingyun daoist puzzled, everyone was also very surprised, Xiao Guoguo was so surprised. Is it awesome?

"Perhaps she didn't expect to ascend when she came in? After all, she was a Divine Transformation cultivator at that time. Maybe she was not prepared for anything!" Cui Sect Master thinks this explanation is more reasonable, and his With real envy in my heart, this Xiao Guoguo is really good luck.

Everyone is also sighing in their hearts, but look at Xiao Han, who is a big brother, how can I not see how happy it is?

The Chinese and Golden Retriever of the crowd are very calm. They are sure that the boss is such a Transcending Tribulation, but it is not that what they said is not a magic weapon. Are you kidding me, the boss has come all the way, has he received few magic weapons? Obviously stingy!

It can save a little bit, maybe that's the idea, right? Sure enough, they still knew Xiao Guoguo too well.

"So Transcending Tribulation is really okay? I have two magic weapons for ascent here. Taking advantage of the tribulation thunder is not down, I will give Fellow Daoist Xiao an emergency... right?"

Cui Sect Master's words are not finished yet, ka-cha Dao Tribulation is down, come on, no one can help now.

"It's okay, we can still act by chance."

Wenwen is very calm, she knows Xiao Guoguo's family property, besides, Xiao Guoguo and Mo Yu are there, that Guys can swallow thunder. There are some concerns in everyone's hearts, but there is indeed no better way now.

Xiao Han frowned, that Lingshu held his hand tightly. Xiao Guoguo Transcending Tribulation, Lingshu is the most worrying one.

Compared with Wenwen and Jinmao’s trust in Xiao Guoguo, Lingshu is a mother's mentality. No matter how strong Xiao Guoguo becomes, he can't help but worry and worry.

But when the first Dao Tribulation thunder fell, Wenwen felt wrong. This tribulation thunder... why is it so weak?

"This tribulation thunder... why is it so weak? This is not the tribulation thunder of the ascension period, right?" Qingyun daoist also noticed that everyone is nodded, it really doesn't look like it!

"Is it because of their beauty that Transcending Tribulation is taken extra care of?"

Cui Sect Master always feels that Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan always have luck because of their appearance. Much better than the average person. This time he blurted out completely unconsciously.

Everyone: "..." You think too much.

Xiao Han is also frowned, and he can't understand why. And the red-clothed man said with a look of enlightenment: "I know! The cultivation base was too low when this Fellow Daoist came in, now is it...I have to make up for the Thunder Tribulation that was missing before!"

Everyone: "..." It's true, it can still be like this!

"Don't crow's mouth, hurry up pei pei pei!" The golden retriever looked angry and anxious, and the red-clothed man realized that he was hurting them.

"pei pei pei." After seeing the crow's beak of the golden retriever, the red-clothed man believed this a bit, for fear that it would become proverbial and would be beaten to death.

However, Xiao Guoguo also has this idea in his heart at this moment, extremely helpless.

Sure enough, cultivation cannot take a shortcut to sloppy-work. The cultivation base has been improved, but the accumulated Thunder Tribulation has also arrived. She even started to calculate in the heart how much Thunder Tribulation she owed this time.

(End of this chapter)

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