
  Chapter 1232 together

In fact, let’s not say that Qingyun daoist has no nervous emotions, even the people around you There is no tension anymore. Transcending Tribulation was one third, and more than a hundred thunder and lightning fell, which made people... how nervous.

Moreover, Xiao Guoguo seems to be indifferent. This is so heart-wrenching... They all feel that they are not in Transcending Tribulation, they are practicing swords.

"According to the truth, a part of the tribulation thunder is left behind. Shouldn't it stop for a while and let someone rest for a while?" Jin Mao was a little dissatisfied.

Although the boss has stepped up a few steps as the cultivation base, this tribulation thunder has to be made up, and they have nothing to say. But after one stage of Transcending Tribulation is completed, people should take a break, right?

"I think this tribulation thunder should be regarded as a punishment, so it is this kind of splitting method that does not give a way to survive." The red-clothed man sighed, and the golden retriever was even more reluctant .

"My boss should be punished for doing something wrong? In terms of punishment, who set up the barrier to prevent the tribulation thunder from coming down! This matter should punish the culprit."

Jin Mao's attitude is very firm, this matter is not Xiao Guoguo's fault. This prevents tribulation thunder from feeling that their array is not set by Xiao Guoguo.

The red-clothed man was dissatisfied, but the probability that the crow's mouth was accidentally injured by the golden retriever was too high, so he should be honest. The red-clothed man hurriedly changed his words and said, "Yes, what you said is correct. It is indeed time to find someone who set the barrier to settle the account."

Xiao Guoguo didn't know this, and she didn't feel tired. Instead, the more fights the more brave is, she wants to see how far this tribulation thunder can be!

And because it is too far away from the exit area of ​​the ruins, it is an abnormal thunder and lightning, and the people and horses at the exit still did not feel it.

The night darkened gradually, but the thunder and lightning on this side were still roaring. Originally there were monster beasts in the surrounding area, but at this time, they ran away a long time ago.

Monster beasts are also very shrewd, and they don't want to understand what Xiao Guoguo's Transcending Tribulation is about, and they are afraid of being implicated when they escape.

In case, if this cultivator offends Thunder Tribulation, or does something serious, then it is Thunder Punishment! They don't want to be implicated. When the time comes and lose their lives, it is most reliable to run farther.

In this night, the black night sky and the dazzling thunder and lightning are far more clearly seen than during the day. Therefore, more and more monster beasts are fleeing from the surrounding area, and they all feel a powerful threat.

They are either hiding in the hole**, or staring tremblingly into the distance, wondering when will they end.

And those cultivators who dared to break into here are even more shocked. What kind of situation is this? In this Transcending Tribulation, there are still more than two hundred Dao Tribulation thunders dropped at once!

They did not dare to move all night and witnessed this tribulation thunder. At dawn, the cultivators who were so scared that their legs were weak did not dare to stay and moved towards the outside quickly. They really shouldn't be greedy and shouldn't come here to try.

At dawn, Xiao Guoguo slowly opened his eyes, staring into the air, his heart tightened slightly. It's here...this time is really here, the real rise of Thunder Tribulation.

The expressions of everyone are getting more and more worried, but looking at Xiao Guoguo's appearance, it seems that there is no problem, and he looks comfortable.

One of the most feared things during Transcending Tribulation is the exhaustion of spiritual power.

Although the cultivator Transcending Tribulation will prepare medicine pill for itself, it takes time to absorb medicine pill.

No one can take medicine pill right away and immediately replenish blood energy. This takes time. Therefore, once the spiritual power is exhausted, it will be very terrifying.

The second is that the magic weapon is not enough. The cultivator can use the cultivation base to carry the tribulation thunder, but it is absolutely impossible to carry it with the body. Cultivators have high attacks, poor protection, and low blood energy... It is really unlikely that they will survive a continuous hit by the tribulation thunder.

But Xiao Guoguo has eaten three medicine pills even now, which has refreshed everyone's cognition. This has been Transcending Tribulation one day one night continuously. Not only did she fail to see her spiritual power failure, she only ate three medicine pills, and she was just like a okay person.

"Such a Transcending Tribulation, it is really handsome, if I can be so handsome."

As Jin Mao said, everyone couldn't help but look at him. Not only is he thinking so, everyone thinks so, but he is the only fool who can say it.

"I'm just curious, how much her spiritual power is! After all, sword qi also needs spiritual power to support, how can she support it till now?" The red-clothed man looked into the distance, very much Puzzled.

And Lingshu only feels very proud, this is her daughter, this is the future patriarch of Lingjia. Being so powerful, she is not only proud, but also relieved a lot.

Xiao Guoguo still has plenty of spiritual power in his body at this moment, and the changes inside of Dantian are still going on. Inside of Dantian Many mountains have appeared, the mountains are vigorous, the ocean is majestic, and there is Life Power.

In fact, Xiao Guoguo doesn't know what his dantian looks like, but Xiao Guoguo feels very satisfied when his dantian has become like this.

And the seven Nascent Souls may have waited for a long time, and could not wait for the thunder and lightning to enter. The spiritual power is nourishing, so they flew around in the dantian boredly, and at the same time dispersed their own power here. In the mountains and rivers.

The seven Nascent Souls are the seven spiritual powers. Their power is the source power of the world in Xiao Guoguo's body. This surprised Xiao Guoguo very much. At the same time, he felt that he had made a profit this time. .

It is precisely because of the addition of the seven Nascent Souls that the world in this dantian has become larger and more energetic. Xiao Guoguo refused to let the lightning absorb the body prematurely, but used spiritual power to shape the mountains and rivers until the mountains and rivers were almost formed.

Everyone doesn't know the reason, just watch Xiao Guoguo one day one night has passed. Every time the thunder and lightning fell, Xiao Guoguo waved his sword qi out, repeating this way, without even unnecessary movements, just making people feel bullish!

When the mountains and rivers were formed, the Nascent Souls seemed to be tired, and they returned to the embrace of the spiritual power tree and began to recuperate. They actually fell asleep like this.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." Well, wait until they wake up?

Xiao Guoguo feels a bit too much, but it's all for the good of everyone. After all, this is soaring Thunder Tribulation. It is only once in this life. Why not take advantage of the opportunity to tidy up his dantian.

And Mo Yu looked at Xiao Guoguo like this and smiled proudly. This is their owner. At the beginning of Xiao Guoguo's Thunder Tribulation, Mo Yu spoke.

"Everyone, let's start, we are going to ascend together with the master."

As the boss said, none of the Spirit Beast objects, although there is a voice in his heart Keep reminding them that this is death! seek death.

However, no one can stop, and no Spirit Beast flinches. They really went out and walked to the opposite direction of Xiao Guoguo Transcending Tribulation.

Moyu stands in the middle, and the remaining Spirit Beasts are evenly distributed around Moyu. Find a place to stand.

"What are they going to do?" Golden Retriever always feels that his eyelids start to jump, and they are jumping a bit harder. This is absolutely not right.

(End of this chapter)

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