
  Chapter 1225 Secretly

Although most people feel hopeless, it is very likely that these people are already It fell inside, but Cui Family Old Ancestor and Ling Old Yun felt that things were not that simple.

And they are willing to wait until the children come out. Otherwise, there are too many enemies outside this ruin, I'm afraid they can't handle it. However, they also didn't expect that they waited until the change.

The remains of Lingwu Mountain have not disappeared since the appearance of the barrier. The monster beast inside cannot get out, and the cultivator outside can only get in on a regular basis. This is the rule, which has lasted for so many years.

But suddenly one day, all this changed, and the ruins opened! When everyone saw the huge barrier dissipate, they were suddenly stupid...How could this be possible! In the end what happened? !

But before they could think clearly, they saw one after another robbery clouds, so many, so thick, sweeping!

"Not good! This is the monster beast in the ruins, they are going to Transcending Tribulation!"

The Old Ancestor of the Chi family shouted, and everyone woke up like a dream. At this time I just want to understand that the monster beast in the ruins is going to be Transcending Tribulation!

This ruin is not an ordinary ruin. Back then, so many monster beasts were trapped inside. After generation after generation, they could not ascend, but now they can ascend suddenly, how they should be fanaticism.

Many monster beasts are stuck in the ascension period. Who would have thought that one day, when the rules changed, they could rise.

So, as soon as so many monster beasts take off, this land will become scorched earth... No, it is scorched earth originally. If it doesn't, this spiritual mist mountain range will disappear completely.

At this moment, everyone only thought of this result. At the same time, the monster beasts in the barrier were crazy, and they hurriedly made various preparations for the ascent of Thunder Tribulation.

I have been waiting for too long, and now I finally realize my wish, no matter whether it succeeds or not, they have to try!

And above the big tree, the sleeping people were a little uneasy, as if they felt threatened. Among them, Chi Xuan's face was hot, he seemed to be suppressing something, but he couldn't suppress it anymore.

The tree stretched out his branches and continuously lost the surrounding spiritual power to Chi Xuan's body, as if it was helping him break through. And Baiye laughed watching all this.

Isn't he waiting? It does not give him a chance to wait!

The medicine pill that suppressed the cultivation base in his body, it helped him break it! See how he waits for Xiao Guoguo, how can he not soar.

In order to get Chi Xuan to leave, it has tried so hard, and even removed the barriers it had set up over the years. This has created a good enough opportunity for him to make him soar.

Of course, if this Chi Xuan can't ascend successfully, I can't blame myself, I can only blame him for not having this ability!

Bai Ye looked outside, Xiao Guoguo didn't know that when he was cultivating, Bai Ye had already made plans to send Chi Xuan away and cut the connection between them.

In Bai Ye's view, Chi Xuan shouldn't exist. His existence is a hindrance to Xiao Guoguo! At the same time, it is also a hindrance to saving the master!

Seeing that Chi Xuan was about to wake up, a white fruit in Bai Ye's hand flew out and fell directly into Chi Xuan's mouth. It is a clear fruit, which seems to be full of energy.

"Eat it. After eating, go on your own way. I am worthy of you."

After Baiye finished saying that, she turned around and didn’t look at it. The fruit melted and fed into Chi Xuan's mouth.

After one day and one night, the entire Lingwu Mountain relics roared with thunder and lightning. It was the ancestors of Ling Old Yun and they did not dare to wait here. They hide far away, afraid of being carried by Thunder Tribulation.

This is soaring Thunder Tribulation, even if they can't hold it, let alone so many soaring Thunder Tribulation falling together, it is crazy.

At this time, people in the sky were watching here, and they only thought it was very strange. How come there are so many monster beasts suddenly taking off? It's really interesting.

However, they did not fall. Instead, watching, watching, watching the monster beasts one by one, either the ascension succeeds, or the ascension fails.

Suddenly, they saw a man who seemed to be a human cultivator. He was sitting on the ground with his eyes closed, surrounded by a protective cover made of spiritual power to protect him from Thunder Tribulation.

"Senior Brother, that person, seems very strange." The woman in the sky said so, looking at Chi Xuan, frowned on the ground.

"Let me go down and take a look, don't act rashly!" The man said so, the woman was nodded, still looking down.

The man fell down and looked at Chi Xuan. His browsing tightly frowns seemed to be in big trouble. Looking at the thunder and lightning that kept falling around, the man took out a magic weapon and placed it in Chi Xuan’s Overhead.

Chi Xuan is safe, and the man sighed in relief, but half a quarter of an hour later, a thick layer of thunderclouds gathered. The man looked at it, and was very surprised in his heart. Could it be that this man's Thunder Tribulation has arrived!

Chi Xuan slowly opened his eyes, looked at the strange man in front of him, and froze for a moment. Who is this? where is he?

The man looked at Chi Xuan unharmed, sighed in relief, and pointed to the air. Only then did Chi Xuan realize that his Thunder Tribulation had arrived! Is this his Thunder Tribulation? How come there is Thunder Tribulation all of a sudden!

Could it be that he...is going to ascend!

Chi Xuan felt that everything was so unreal, but it happened again. He couldn't understand everything in front of him, as if there was some important memory, which he had forgotten. Didn't he abolish meridian? How can it soar!

But now, Chi Xuan has no time to hesitate, because seeing Thunder Tribulation is about to fall, the man also flew away.

The man took away the magic weapon of protection, Chi Xuan also put away the protective cover, he smoothly took out the medicine pill from his storage bag, and felt that this medicine pill was very familiar and should be used for healing of.

Then, as soon as he stretched out his hand, a long sword appeared in his hand. Chi Xuan looked at the long sword and felt very cordial. This should be his magic weapon. It's just that the level of this magic weapon turned out to be Immortal Artifact, where did it come from!

The man and woman in the sky looked at Chi Xuan, and the magic weapon in his hand was also very surprised. It was clearly a fairy sword. Where did this man get it?

The thunder and lightning fell violently, Chi Xuan concentrated one's mind, and felt the majestic spiritual power in his body. He wanted to shatter all the imprisonment, but he didn't even leave it at all. So easy, so simple.

Transcending Tribulation so that's how it is simple? Chi Xuan felt that it was not real, and the long sword in his hand was dancing, and a thousand sword lights faced Thunder Tribulation, which immediately shook the two in the sky.

Where is the sword cultivator that popped up? It is so powerful! They have never seen such a soaring cultivator. Isn't it a bit crazy?

At this time, Chi Xuan has completely calmed down, one after another thunder and lightning fell, and one after another sword light greeted him. Chi Xuan himself feels something is wrong, when did he become a sword cultivator! What time is it!

Moreover, this is a soaring Thunder Tribulation, why is it so simple? He seems not to be afraid at all, he seems to be able to do well, and the spiritual power in his body seems to be inexhaustible. This is really weird!

(End of this chapter)

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