
  Chapter 1226 Forgot It seems to be rare.

The men and women standing in the air looked at Chi Xuan, always feeling that this person was not right. However, they have to admit that he is very tough, and they have all experienced this soaring Thunder Tribulation, and they have not seen who is so easy.

Moreover, his Thunder Tribulation looks like very difficult to deal with, and it is the first time they have seen such a powerful Thunder Tribulation.

"Junior Sister, do you think this is not right?" The man asked, looking at his Junior Sister, but didn't get an answer for a long time.

"Junior Sister, are you listening to me?" The man looked at the woman in surprise.

"Huh? Senior Brother? What did you just say?" The girl turned her head and her face was blushing. This Senior Brother was stunned. What's the situation, Junior Sister is sick?

"Junior Sister, are you uncomfortable?" the man asked, and the girl shook her head quickly. She didn't feel uncomfortable except for her hot face and accelerated heartbeat.

"Senior Brother, he is so amazing!"

When the woman said so, the man was also nodded. He also has to admit that the man in front of Transcending Tribulation is indeed very difficult to deal with. However, this is not what he wants to say, what he wants to say is...

"Junior Sister, do you think he might join us?" the man asked, the woman was stunned, and then her eyes lit up. .

"Senior Brother, I think he must be willing!" The woman replied with excitement.

Chi Xuan didn't know that when he was Transcending Tribulation, he had already been favored by others. He is now focusing on Transcending Tribulation, but he always feels empty in his heart, as if something is missing.

At the time of one day and one night, everyone looked at the tribulation thunder in the distance, but no one knew who was in Transcending Tribulation this time! This soaring Thunder Tribulation is too powerful for them to get close.

When the robbery cloud dissipated, everyone flew over and took a look. They saw a man and a woman guarding Chi Xuan, looking at the coming crowd coldly, as if they were very unhappy.

"get lost!" The man only said one word, and everyone felt a strong pressure.

They want to stay and see clearly, but the opponent's strength is strong, just a wave of hands, everyone is repelled one after another. They don't understand, what is the purpose of such a strong person coming here?

Chi Xuan sat on the spot, frowned tightly. He gritted his teeth, and darkness was spreading from the bottom of his heart. He seemed to have gone back to the past. At that time, his parents were killed. He could only watch and couldn't do anything.

And he was abolished the cultivation base and was a waste of hundreds of years, which made him very tormented. I know where the enemy is, but I can't reach them, and I can't kill them! That kind of anger, that kind of hatred, that kind of hatred for myself... Chi Xuan knows badly, Heart Demon is here.

Ascension cultivator, Heart Demon is very powerful. He used to be able to suppress Heart Demon, but now he seems powerless. In other words, he simply doesn't want to suppress it anymore, he thinks that maybe he becomes a demonic cultivator and he will become stronger.

As long as you can get revenge, is it a demonic cultivator? What does it matter? Chi Xuan thought so, but felt a little bit sad.

What is this disappointment? What is it that makes him still feel nostalgic and makes him want to be a good person?

With a sharp pain in his heart, Chi Xuan felt that he must have forgotten something, something that is important to him!

Why does the pain in my heart spread to the limbs and infect the blood! He felt pain all over his body, and the pain was unbearable.

Chi Xuan is sweating like rain at the moment, but the pain also made him have to give up the idea of ​​letting Heart Demon take root, and he became more sober from the pain.

Chi Xuan suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the falling spiritual power raindrops. Chi Xuan was very surprised. What happened? The pain just now was so deep, it was like a fire burning in his blood!

What on earth did he forget, why did he successfully soar as soon as he opened his eyes? Chi Xuan looked all around, but only saw a couple of men and women.

"Are you who?" Chi Xuan put away the confusion and looked at the two carefully.

"We? We are naturally the ones who come to you. Would you like to let us go?" The man asked. Chi Xuan looked at him. The powerful strength he showed just now was shocking.

"What's the benefit of walking with you?"

Chi Xuan smiled, it is very evil, if people who are familiar with him will see it here. This is not Chi Xuan, this is definitely not the gentle Chi Xuan!

"We can give you the most powerful strength!" The man saw the ambition in Chi Xuan's eyes, and this is what he wanted!

"Okay, I'll go with you!" Chi Xuan said, looking at all around, sure enough, he is still alone.

He is the dísciple of Flying Immortal Sect, yes, but he has never managed Flying Immortal Sect. He wants revenge, but he can't immediately return to Flying Immortal Sect.

"Look, your aura has come down." The man said so, Chi Xuan raised his head, and a dazzling light fell, shining on him.

"Chi Xuan!" With a sudden shout, Chi Xuan turned his head sharply, and saw an old man rushing towards him.

"Do you know him?" The man asked, looking at Chi Xuan, he saw Chi Xuan slowly shaking his head. He doesn't know this person.

"Then let's go." The man said and waved his sleeve again. The Li Dan Master was blocked by the wind. Looking from a distance again, Chi Xuan disappeared in place.

No, that's not Chi Xuan! In his eyes, he only saw indifference, no surprise, no entanglement, no reluctance, nothing!

That person is not his own disciple! Master Li Dan thought, wondering how to tell Elder Feng about this. Chi Xuan has ascended, but it seems that I don’t remember them anymore!

How should he tell Xiao Guoguo about this! Their relationship is very good, if you know that Chi Xuan is likely to be a different person, what should we do!

Master Li Dan was very sad, and he was puzzled by the fact that his disciple, who had been waiting for ten years to come out, turned out to be like this. At the same time, I am worried that Xiao Guoguo will not become like this too!

After waiting for ten years, Master Li Dan was very happy to see Chi Xuan ascending, but they were fanned by the mysterious man. Master Li Dan didn't worry, he didn't give up, he flew to see again, and then he was sure that something was really wrong!

How could Chi Xuan suddenly appear on the border? What about the others, what happened to them?

And at this moment, when the spiritual power rays of light fell, Xiao Qi, who was sleeping, was taken aback, with a look of surprise on his face. Something happened to the master!

At that moment, it felt a burst of spiritual power. The very powerful spiritual power made it wake up from its deep sleep. However, when it absorbed this spiritual power, it found that the owner had disappeared!

The master has ascended! He is gone, this is understandable.

But why the master refused to wait for Xiao Guoguo, and why it couldn't feel the master anymore, the spiritual connection between them was broken!

If so, something must have happened, it must be! The owner is outside alone, it's dangerous!

Xiaoqi struggled, trying to wake up from his deep sleep, but the power of the big tree was too strong, it didn't give them a chance.

Whether it is Xiaoqi or Qingyun Daoist, they have been continuously input energy by the big tree, and they will soon be able to Transcending Tribulation, but not now.

(End of this chapter)

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