
  Chapter 1224 Forced Separation

How can't it be in her hand, she collected it all the way! Such a broken piece, if she weren't smart, could she simply not find it?

Moreover, this also attracted the attention of Dark Night Pavilion. I have to say that this is a very bad idea.

"Hehe, I bought it from someone else!" Xiao Guoguo looked at Bai Ye, and saw his face full of irritation.

"These spiritual dísciples are too stupid. I haven't found any such important clues! In vain, I even let the big tree out specially!"

He refuses to admit that there is a problem with his own method. Xiao Guoguo wanted to hehe. Such a stubborn, face-saving monster beast, will you let them go?

"Where are they? Did you get them out?" Xiao Guoguo asked, Bai Ye nodded.

"Yes, I closed this barrier ahead of time. They want to come in, and they can wait for the next hundred years." After Baiye finished speaking, she saw Guoguo quickly approaching her side, just watching Hit it in the face with a fist.

"Don't think I'm afraid of you, I don't care about you!" Bai Ye said, the silhouette disappeared again, no matter how much Xiao Guoguo beats the wall, he never appeared.

And Xiao Guoguo also discovered that with his own ability, it seems that he really can't get out. Xiao Guoguo felt very depressed, and didn't know what happened to Chi Xuan and Wenwen outside.

"Master, Bai Ye is very stubborn, otherwise, let's absorb spiritual power here." Mo Yu said, Xiao Guoguo glanced at it and said nothing.

Mo Yu knew that he was angered. But, is there any way? It indeed brought Xiao Guoguo and the others step by step along the way.

Because Mo Yu knows that there should be gains here. It's just that it never thought that it would meet Bai Ye and Lingyue Old Ancestor here.

Xiao Guoguo is not happy, Lingshu doesn't know how to make her happy. She also thinks that Baiye is too much, but she is used to a cultivation, but she is not too angry. For her, wherever cultivation is, it is cultivation.

"It's all my fault, you can't go out anymore." Ling Shu said reproachfully, and sat beside Xiao Guoguo.

"This has nothing to do with you, it's all Baiye's fault." Xiao Guoguo hurriedly comforted Lingshu. What she didn't want was that Lingshu felt self-blame. She is still injured and needs to recuperate, so she can't think too much.

"If it weren't for me to ask you to go in, maybe it wouldn't be the case." Lingshu felt guilty, and she seemed to have been sorry for Xiao Guoguo.

"Mother, I want to go in by myself, don't blame you. I'm just angry, this Baiye decides our affairs by himself. I am never controlled by others."

Xiao Guoguo said, fiercely took a look at the corner, and she also understood that if she didn't want to be controlled by others, she should work hard now.

"Are you really not angry with me?" Ling Shu asked in surprise, Xiao Guoguo nodded.

"Since we can't get out, let's find a way to cultivation first. You are also seriously injured. I will take you home."

"Okay, go home. "Ling Shu only feels touched, they still have a home.

Xiao Guoguo finished speaking, looked at Mo Yu, and then entered his space with Lingshu.

At least she can slow down the time within her space, so that the time between them will not be too long.

Just after Xiao Guoguo and Lingshu disappeared. Bai Ye walked out slowly, Mo Yu looked at it sighed, this time it was good, it was so miserable.

"The master is angering me." Mo Yu said so, Bai Ye did not sympathize with him at all.

"There is such a master, that is your life! Just like me, I chose Lingyue as the master, I will guard her here, and I will wake her up."


Bai Ye's words made Mo Yu very helpless, and Mo Yu looked at it with some sympathy.

"Why are you, she gave you freedom back then!" Mo Yu said, Bai Ye smiled bitterly.

"I don't need freedom, I just want to guard her! If there wasn't that man, she wouldn't have become what she is now!" Bai Ye said, turning around to leave, but was Mo Yu stopped.

"They, those people outside, have you really sent it out?" Mo Yu asked, and Bai Ye shook his head.

"Don't worry, they just fell asleep. Moreover, the tree gave them a chance, they should be happy." After Bai Ye said this, he disappeared, and Mo Yu kept watching Now, I watched it for a long time.

Back then, if it were not a man who shouldn't appear, their lives might be completely different, the spiritual family might still be there, or the Old Master might never have fallen.

Mo Yu knows that Xiao Guoguo will not be angry for long. She was giving herself time to let them meet, but, I have to say, now that she is alone in this room, she really feels lonely!


Outside the ruins, Master Li Dan is very anxious. Three months have passed and they have all come out, but Xiao Guoguo and them have disappeared.

Not only his disciples Chi Xuan and Xiao Guoguo, but also Qingyun daoist and Cui Sect Master, none of them came out, which made Li Dan Master very anxious.

At the same time, Elder Feng is also very anxious. It is his own discipline, so he can't find it naturally to worry about. However, their Life Source jade token is not broken, which makes him always feel that there is still a glimmer of hope.

Because of the disappearance of these people, several sect people did not leave. Several Old Ancestors of sect knew in their hearts that Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan didn't come out after they entered that strange place. They stayed here, just hoping for a result, but they don't know what happened to them.

However, such a guard, it is a year, and there is still no news at all. However, the Old Ancestors didn't have any plans to give up, they even just lived here and waited.

Among them, monster beasts are also waiting, but because of their strength, no one dares to provoke them, and they can only wait for them.

As for the demonic cultivator, I didn't see the silhouette of the demonic cultivator, as if it just disappeared.

No matter what contradictions everyone has in the Lingwu Mountain ruins, since they came out, they seem to have forgotten all of them, and never mention the grievances inside.

This is the cultivation world. When everyone is of equal strength, no one wants to initiate trouble. Of course, if one party suddenly grows stronger, it is hard to say. The annexation and fighting have never really stopped.

But, who would have thought that after ten years in a blink of an eye, everyone could not sit still. Are the people inside really alive? They won't have fallen inside, right!

As time goes by, everyone knows that several outstanding youngsters in the ascension period of the cultivation world are actually trapped in the ruins, and their life and death are uncertain.

Of course, everyone is just guessing who these youngsters are, and no one knows who they are.

Sometimes Hongyun Daoist would also think, if he followed along, would it be the same result? Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, Qingyun and Wenwen, what is going on!

(End of this chapter)

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