
  Chapter 1107 Spreading News

This sigh made the scene a bit cold, but they It's to watch the excitement, but not to judge right and wrong.

"The old saying is good, the wall is down and everyone is pushing, those dísciples are not bad if they don’t hit a person when he's down, what else can they help! Besides, how can those dísciples take care of the Master’s affairs? It doesn't sound good!"

Everyone also felt that there was some truth in what the black-faced man said. This cultivator ignores mundane matters, even more how is the housework of the Master’s family. There is no benefit if you take care of it, so it is better to leave it alone, so as not to say that they are plotting wrong.

"Furthermore, Zhou Family Eldest Young Master was locked up and can no longer get out. Elder Zhou will not be able to get out within a hundred years. Now Zhou Family has no head family, and Eldest Young Lady came back to be the head of the house, it was justified, who would dare to object!"

Everyone heard what the black-faced man said and got a general understanding of the Zhou Family. They felt that Zhou Family became the Eldest Young Lady’s. What's in the bag.

"Furthermore, Zhou Family Eldest Young Master offended someone. Maybe this Zhou Family was killed when someone came to the door!" The black-faced man said this, and he heard someone around him. Coughed twice.

"That... I'm just the same question, how do you know everything? Are you also Zhou Family?"

A woman asked a black-faced man, and some of the black-faced men asked Dumbfounded. This is where a demolisher came!

Only this time around, he was startled. The woman was wearing a mask on her face and there were a few people around him.

"How did I know, none of your business love!?" The man replied irritably. Today, he finally found a job to spread the news, but he couldn't mess it up.

"It's none of my business? I just want to tell you that you expected something wrong. Someone will take care of today's affairs." Xiao Guoguo said, walking out, followed by Chi Xuan and Liu Family. Three people.

Actually, seeing Xiao Guoguo and the others come out today, everyone in Liu Family Village also wants to follow. However, they didn't dare to think about that Xiao Guoguo side Spirit Beast, their legs were soft and they could only watch them come to Zhou Family to play happily.

Everyone looked at the few people who came out, and their eyesight trained by contact with the cultivator all the year round made them retreat simultaneously. Look at the lively circles, which quickly expanded a lot.

Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady turned her head and saw Xiao Guoguo, her eyes were panic, her face turned pale, her legs hurt even more!

Her broken leg has started to heal, but she didn't dare to give her own bones, so she could only let the broken bones grow like this. I don’t know if she can walk in the future. .

"Senior!" Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady didn't expect no matter how, Chi Xuan and Xiao Guoguo will appear here.

Aren’t they retreating? Isn't it okay not to go out? How is it different from the legend!

Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady was really afraid of Chi Xuan and Xiao Guoguo. When the two came out, they wanted to run away. But, she can’t run, this legs does not raise.

Xiao Guoguo looks at Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady, you’re welcome, the old account between them has already been calculated, but she shouldn’t Use them to compete for the position of Zhou Family patriarch.

"I heard that you found someone to spread a lot of rumors?" Xiao Guoguo asked, Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady was in a cold sweat, she didn't expect, this woman would know this.

What about expert, shouldn't you concentrate on secluded cultivation? Besides, they just offended Ling Cloud Sect, so they just came out and wandered, is it appropriate?

Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady left too early, and I don’t know Xiao Guoguo’s relationship with Ling Cloud Sect.

Those who knew were asked by Sect Master Tang not to say a word. Everyone only knows that Elder Zhou made a mistake and offended two cultivators, but no one knows who offended him.

"I dare not!" Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady's attitude is extremely respectful, with fear in her expression, which makes everyone very curious, guessing the identities of Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan.

"Don't you dare? I think you are very courageous." Xiao Guoguo stretched out his hand, and the black clothed man who just wanted to run was tied up.

When everyone looked back, they saw the terribly black-faced man who was in the crowd just now, tied up by the green vine, and sent directly to Xiao Guoguo's feet.

Everyone: "..." It seems to suddenly understand that these are who!

How can this be so similar to the two people who had learned the lesson of Zhou Family Elder fiercely during this period of time?

Domineering, cold, unreasonable, and diverse!

Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady looked at the black-faced man, her face suddenly changed. She arranged this person, and she arranged more than one such person.

She wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of Elder Zhou being locked up, and quickly swallow Zhou Family! That's right, it was swallowed!

Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady originally thought that she had to endure some time to let Zhou Family relax and find a chance to destroy Zhou Family. Wherever I thought, Elder Zhou was locked up.

She guessed at the time that the man and the woman must not to be trifled with, which made Elder Zhou stumble.

Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady is very excited to hear this news. She feels that Zhou Family is undergoing tremendous changes now. Without being a family member, it is naturally the best opportunity.

She wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to capture Zhou Family and was surprised. And the rumors about Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan are nothing more than her unwillingness.

She dared to fight for this Zhou Family, but Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan, she didn't dare to come to the house to settle the accounts, so she could only use these rateless methods to plot against one or two.

Where did I think that expert likes to inquire about gossip so much, so that insignificant little things are known. They are simply unfathomable mystery.

"I was wrong, I shouldn't say something untrue! It was her, she gave me the Spirit Stone, and I did this!"

The black-faced man is really unreliable , Before Xiao Guoguo said anything, he didn't even start, so he sold Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady directly.

When everyone heard this, their hearts were suddenly unhappy. This Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady, isn't this Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady taking advantage of them?

Ordinary persons are sometimes very stupid, and they believe whatever they say. However, sometimes they suddenly become shrewd. For example, now, I immediately understand that Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady is trying to use them.

"Bah! I thought she was a good woman, she was also a vicious-minded woman!" The onlookers had long seen Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady displeased, and suddenly uttered nasty words.

"When we are fools, what she says makes us believe." Someone said dissatisfiedly.

"Yes, you see wearing a veil all day long, don't you look bad, right?" Someone sneered deliberately.

Suddenly, the direction of the wind changed. The image of Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady was dropped a thousand zhang in one fall. The angry ordinary person looked at Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady one by one, how? Can't look down on it.

And their words make Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady very uncomfortable. She had good looks before, and she was wearing a veil pretending to be mysterious. She also felt that this stupid ordinary person was not worthy of seeing her looks.

But now, her face has been ruined, and she dare not remove a scar on it. Naturally, you have to wear a veil to hide your ugliness.

(End of this chapter)

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