
  Chapter 1108 Who are you?

She thought, waited until Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan left , He treated his legs and face, but, who would have thought that these two people not only did not leave, but also looked so rampant.

Sect didn't punish them? Didn't embarrass them? !

"I don't know who this person is, and the two seniors don't want to believe in such a villain." Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady said very aggrieved, but never dared to look at Chi Xuan again.

"Don't believe him? Then who should I believe? Do you?" Xiao Guoguo asked, and the black-faced man hurriedly took out two Spirit Stones from his body.

"Expert, look, this is Spirit Stone, how could I have it, I'm just an ordinary person! Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady really asked me to say it."

When the black-faced man said so, Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady was very angry, but she had nothing to do, and Xiao Guoguo did not dare to do anything.

"It seems that the lessons I have taught you are not enough. You still have the guts to take advantage of us!" Xiao Guoguo said, Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady trembled all over, and her body started to hurt again.

"I dare not, I... was wrong." Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady suddenly did not dare to argue, and hurriedly admitted her mistake.

"hmph, after using us, I just want to forget it, have you paid for the use?" Xiao Guoguo looked upset.

Everyone: "..." What do these words mean! Is this expert asking for money now?

Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady is dumbfounded, but think about it, this is really Xiao Guoguo's style! So he gritted his teeth and took off his storage bag.

"This is all the belongings I have accumulated up to now." Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady gritted her teeth with distress, very regretful, why she can't think about it so much, and dare to provoke this woman!

"How many are there?" Xiao Guoguo asked curiously, Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady's face turned blue.

"Two hundred thousand middle grade Spirit Stone." Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady felt that her heart was bleeding.

"Oh, not much. However, for your sincerity, I forgive you." Xiao Guoguo said so, Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady was about to vomit blood.

Is she still sincere? Does she dare not be sincere? !

"However, why are you so embarrassed to fight for Zhou Family patriarch? Didn’t you cut off from Zhou Family in front of Elder Zhou?"

Xiao Guoguo said, Everyone took a deep breath, did the truth turn out to be like this? This Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady has cut off from Zhou Family, and is not a member of Zhou Family!

So, why is she so embarrassed to be Zhou Family patriarch! Isn't this just playing with them?

Xiao Guoguo said, Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady clenched her fists, she didn't expect, Xiao Guoguo was so excessive and cut her last back.

Not a member of Zhou Family, what else is she here! A successful businessman? Without the backstage, anyone can rob her of her business. This is why she wants to get Zhou Family.

"I... I just can't let Zhou Family go in my heart." Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady said pitifully, and the Zhou Family door was suddenly opened from inside.

"Bah! Shameless things, what are you, you can't let go of Zhou Family! You said, did you harm my son!" A man rushed out instantly, holding a sword in his hand, obviously It is also a cultivation base.

Xiao Guoguo understands only after seeing this, this Zhou Family patriarch is not a good thing, and can be so cruel to his own daughter. The father and daughter are evenly matched on vicious and merciless.

"Father, it wasn't me who caused it! It is obvious that the younger brother was disappointing and caused the consequences." Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady felt that she couldn't argue.

"Bah, it must be your slut!" Zhou Family patriarch just refused to believe it.

"This... she didn't lie. The whole thing is really your son's own death, instigating Elder Zhou to come to the door to make trouble, otherwise Elder Zhou will not be implicated by him. Cross the cliff."

Xiao Guoguo finished speaking, like a thousand waves, the Zhou Family who was behind Zhou Family patriarch suddenly stopped doing it.

I didn’t know what Elder Zhou had made before. Only Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady knew what she said. Naturally, she said what she said.

However, it is different now, they only now know that this Elder Zhou was actually implicated by the people of the main branch! Their Zhou Family has just reached where they are today!

After hearing this news, how could the remaining Zhou Family members have no other ideas?

"It turns out that your main branch is involved in Elder! Big brother, why are you embarrassed to be a patriarch!"

Suddenly, Zhou Family became a mess, all kinds of accusations Go with Zhou Family patriarch.

Now, Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady face deathly pale, she finally understands what Xiao Guoguo is going to do? She wants the entire Zhou Family, all split up and in pieces, to disappear completely.

"Wait, I don't care whether you quarrel or split up. But before that, I still have problems to solve. You'd better be quiet."

Xiao Guoguo's voice came, Zhou Family everyone was silent, and Zhou Family patriarch looked at the few people in front of him, and he was a little bit unsure whether these people were who after all.

No one dared to spread the news about Xiao Guoguo, and Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady didn't dare to say it. Naturally, Zhou Family patriarch didn't know the identity of Xiao Guoguo and Chi Xuan. .

"You two, who is it?"

Zhou Family patriarch asked angrily, his battered and exhausted were caused by this woman. Looking at Xiao Guoguo, Naturally, there is no good temper.

Everyone looks at Zhou Family patriarch like this, fiercely sighed in their hearts, is this person a patriarch? Is this a misunderstanding of the word patriarch?

They all understand that these people are clearly the ones who cleaned up Elder Zhou and Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady! Even now I dare to be arrogant in front of others. Isn't this just death?

"You... don't know who I am?" Xiao Guoguo was also shocked. Is it really that stupid? No wonder Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady is not convinced, she is several times smarter than this patriarch.

"Should I know who you are? How dare you say that my son did it by himself!"

Asked by Zhou Family patriarch, the rest of the Zhou Family members are very It was helpless. They probably also understood Xiao Guoguo's identity, and they withdrew one after another, not daring to annoy her.

"Hehe, let me put it this way, Zhou Family Eldest Young Master and Elder Zhou, they went to us to settle their accounts at the beginning, and they were locked up to think about it, do you understand?" Xiao Guoguo said so directly , Even he can understand it no matter how stupid he is.

"You, it turned out to be you!" After saying these words, Zhou Family patriarch stepped back directly, hiding behind the crowd, and didn't dare to come out.

Xiao Guoguo: "..." When encountering such a strange flower, I always feel helpless and always seem to be too domineering.

"Speaking of business, I asked for the account at the door today. Elder Zhou promised to pay 1 million middle grade Spirit Stone at the time, and now there is still a difference of 500,000. He asked me to find Zhou Family, and the patriarch don’t hide it. Now, give me the money.” Xiao Guoguo took out the token given by Elder Zhou, and asked for the money without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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