
  Chapter 1106 Zhou Family Infighting

She originally chose Liu Family to find a quiet place cultivation Sword Art. In order to be afraid of being disturbed, Chi Xuan Senior Brother still set up a barrier, but...this is also quiet and too obvious.

There used to be villagers walking around in front of their doors, full of curiosity.

Now, there is no one. Even the big pit in front of the door and the damaged buildings on the square were unattended. It's like what dragon's pool and tiger's den they are here, and they won't take a step closer.

"I said, you village chief doesn’t worry too much. If you don’t repair the square, aren’t you afraid of affecting the appearance of your Liu Family Village?" Xiao Guoguo asked, gnawing on the watermelon, Liu Jiang’s The body is paused.

What did you do, don’t you know?

Now let alone this square, the entire Liu Family Village is ruined, and they dare not come in and build it.

"The village chief seems to be very busy these days." Liu Jiang said so, Xiao Guoguo was surprised.

"What's so busy with the village chief? There are only so many people in a village. He thinks he is the chairman." Xiao Guoguo smiled.

"Sensible...what palm?" Liu Zhu asked if he didn't understand.

"I mean, the village chief shouldn’t be that busy, right? There should always be time to fill the pit."

Xiao Guoguo just asked casually, they still have to be there after all. Here for a while, I don't want the people in the village to treat them as scourges.

"They are all scared, afraid that they will be eaten by Spirit Beast when they approach this place. During this time, all the villagers who can run have ran away, and the rest have nowhere to go. They dare not approach here anymore. "Liu Zhu said heartlessly, but Liu Jiang was speechless.

"What nonsense! Too impudent!" Liu Jiang scolded for a while before Liu Zhu realized what he had said.

"Senior, I'm sorry, it's not your fault, it's because the villagers are too timid." Liu Zhu hurriedly remedied something.

"Hehe, don't blame them, the ordinary person is afraid to see the monster beast, this is normal." Xiao Guoguo, who was an ordinary person, felt that he could understand.

Even before, she met monster beast for the first time. Wangcai was also very scared. She was scared, let alone normal people.

"By the way, what's new outside now?" Xiao Guoguo asked boredly, and Liu Zhu, the inquiring about the news, came to his spirits.

"Speaking of which, now there is a major event in Zhou Family town." Liu Zhu was so excited that he finally had a chance to talk about it.

"What's the matter? About Zhou Family?" Xiao Guoguo asked, Liu Zhu was surprised that this senior guessed right.

"Yes, it's about Zhou Family. But senior, how did you guess it?"

"The expression on your face taking pleasure in other people's misfortune, really It's too obvious."

Liu Zhu: "..."

"Tell me, what's wrong with Zhou Family?"

Xiao Guoguo is very curious. , Even if Elder Zhou is locked up, Zhou Family will not fall so fast, right? After all, Zhou Family has a big business.

"Speaking of it, it's a big excitement. This Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady is seizing power!" Liu Zhu felt his hatred when he said it.

Xiao Guoguo was not surprised when he heard this news. Previously, Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady had resentment. This woman is definitely not a broad-minded woman. It is normal to bite Zhou Family back.

"It turns out that Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady has taken a lot of things from Zhou Family in so many years, and cultivated her own power secretly. This time, Elder Zhou was locked up, and Zhou Family suddenly disappeared. After losing the leader, the remaining children and grandchildren were ineffective, and they were subdued by the Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady.

Now it’s very fierce, saying that Zhou Family Eldest Young Master is incompetent, and now he has broken into such a big Misfortune, only Zhou Family will be implicated. It is also said that senior...I don't know which day I will come to the house to settle the accounts! If you want to keep Zhou Family, let her be a patriarch!"

Liu Zhu said in one breath When it was over, the expression on Xiao Guoguo's face really changed.

Yes, this Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady is just using the title to play, and even uses the senior to force Zhou Family to give up power.

"Is Zhou Family dísciple so easy to conquer?" Xiao Guoguo didn't expect, Zhou Family dísciple is so incompetent.

"Zhou Family Eldest Young Master was locked under the cliff of thought and couldn't get out, and the remaining Second Young Master was said to have been injured at the root, and he won't be able to have children in the future. "

Liu Zhu thought about it again and again before telling the news, and Chi Xuan fiercely glared at him as expected.

"Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady is looking for someone to plot against?" Xiao Guoguo felt that with the woman's cruelty, it was possible.

"No one knows this. Anyway, there is everything. Some people say...you made it."

Liu Zhu honestly said everything Liu Jiang looked helpless, but Xiao Guoguo liked to ask Liu Zhu questions, and he couldn't stop him.

"My hand? If I do, I will let them know?"

Xiao Guoguo asked, with a sneer, thinking about the Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady now, She dared to scream under her banner, it really owed to be cleaned up!

"It just happens to be okay, just find something fun." Xiao Guoguo said, Chi Xuan took a look at her, Junior Sister has been ignoring herself for a long time, and now she would rather do these boring things than follow He spoke.

Zhou Family’s power-grabbing drama made Zhou Family face disgraced.

Over the years, because of the existence of Elder Zhou, Zhou Family has been in the town that no one can surpass. Now that Elder Zhou has been locked up on the cliff of thought, Zhou Family is about to fall, and everyone naturally wants to watch the excitement.

Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady is standing in front of the door, but Zhou Family's door cannot be closed tightly. Obviously, the people inside are very jealous of her.

"Open the door, open the door quickly! Eldest Young Lady is outside, don't you hurry up to open the door to welcome you!"

There is a brawny man patted the door in front, a dozen behind him The guard, guarding the Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady in the middle, is in a big battle.

"Why do I think this Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady can't stand up? It's been sitting all the time?" Someone found something wrong. The Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady's legs seem to be inconvenient .

"It's probably an injury, a little injury. The cultivator will surely be able to recover sooner or later." Some people speculate.

"You said, can this Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady really win the Zhou Family?" The crowd murmured quietly, watching the show.

"This is natural, and Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady has taken care of how many things Zhou Family has done over the years. If she wants to seize power, who can hold Zhou Family? "A black-faced man said affirmatively.

"Yes, this Eldest Young Lady is doing big business now. It is said that there are her shops in this town and the next town. I didn't see it before!"

Someone sighs so much, this Zhou Family Eldest Young Lady has been in charge for these years, and it is estimated that she has not taken things in her hands less.

Everyone knows it well, but it's not easy to say it directly. Just like Zhou Family bullied them before, they didn't dare to speak out.

"But, Zhou Family is so messed up in front of you, don't you care about the dísciples of Elder Zhou?" An old man couldn't help but sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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