Chapter 387


Space distortions, ominous, chaotic, violent, killing, destruction and other complex auras continue to rise in this abyss.

A deep abyss of billions of feet, lying in the unknown part of the universe, surrounded by an extremely chaotic atmosphere.

And in the center of this huge abyss, surrounded by black rays of light, strands of immortal runes are intertwined into a large array, this large array gives people a very strong pressure, and people don’t dare to approach it at all.


Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking through the air in this abyss that had been calm for countless years.

A group of figures forcibly tore through the void, appearing in the distance of the abyss.

The head of the person is shrouded in endless darkness, and even pitch-black can’t see his appearance. The whole body exudes a strong wave of darkness. It is the Lord of Darkness.

Beside the Lord of Darkness, there is a group of weird powerhouses, exuding an ominous aura.

However, among the strong men of this strange group, there are four strong men of the origin realm of God.

“This is where the consciousness of the ancestor god was sealed.”

The weird clan, a powerful person in the Ninth Stage Origin Realm, looked at the endless abyss with solemn openings.

The Lord of Darkness also looked at the abyss solemnly: “This Ming Wushuang is really cruel, he will not hesitate to hurt himself badly, even almost fell, and will seal your ancestor god.”

When the words fell, the strong man was Tao.

“Now the rise of Yan Luodian is unstoppable, and there are many strong people. According to the sharp increase in the number of strong people like Yan Luodian, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be a transcendent level existence in the near future.”

“Also, Feng Chen of the Temple of Yama has become the pinnacle of the half-step origin realm of the two avenues of time and space. It only takes a long time to break through the origin realm, relying on his talent and possessing the two avenues. It’s hard to imagine how strong he will reach the Origin Realm after he acquires the Long River Weapon, and can’t wait any longer.”

The Lord of Darkness nodded: “The rise of the Temple of Yan Luo is indeed very fast, somewhat unexpected.”

“Besides, under the leadership of Feng Chen, Yan Luodian has expanded a bit too quickly. I want to know now how confident you are that you can revive your ancestor god.”

“After all, there is a half-step beyond the realm in the Yan Luo Temple, and only your ancestor god can deal with him.”

When the words sounded, the strong man of the Ninth Stage Origin Realm said solemnly.

“I have investigated, if you want to forcefully resuscitate the ancestor god, it’s just a matter of time.”

“But now that time is running out, we can only start an emergency plan.”

“Although the seal of Ming Wushuang is indeed terrifying, it is for our weird clan, because our weird clan has an ominous aura in it, and it is impossible to touch this large formation.”

“But you are the strong men of God, and you won’t be affected.”

After the words fell, he paused and said again: “According to my calculation, only three Eighth Stage people in the original stage can open a gap in the seal, and the consciousness of the ancestral god can return little by little.”

“However, because of the rapid development of Yan Luo Temple, many of our strong people in God have all turned against them. So I found four Sixth Stage original realms besides you, and I must be able to open the seal.”

Listening to the words of this Ninth Stage Origin Realm, the Dark Lord’s complexion flickered, and a deep touch of his eyes flashed.

He didn’t expect that the weird family had so many methods, and even so many of the source realm powerhouses in the heavens could control it.

But it’s obviously not the time to think about this right now.

The Lord of Darkness opened his mouth and said: “I only have one request. After your ancestor god recovers and solves the Yan Luo Temple, I need you to help me leave this chaos and go to other chaos.”

The person from the Ninth Stage Origin Realm nodded when he heard this.

“You can rest assured at this point. Although there is an unshakable hatred between the weird race and God, our weird race always speaks for itself.”

“As long as Lord Ancestor successfully recovers this time, you will not only be able to leave this chaos smoothly, but you will also be able to make a breakthrough in your cultivation base with the help of our weird race.”

The words fell, and the Lord of Darkness was silent.

Regardless of whether the weird race is keeping its promises or not, he can’t control so much.

Hearing this to the Lord of Darkness, the first thing to deal with right now is the Yan Luo Temple. After the Yan Luo Temple is resolved, how to let the strange people send him away from God, he has his own way.

“In that case, let’s start.”

The Lord of Darkness said, and the whole person flew directly towards the abyss.

At the same time, the four Sixth Stage Origin Realm powerhouses behind the Weird Clan also flew into the abyss at the same time.

Although the onlookers from afar could feel a very strong sense of oppression from the abyss, as they resolved it, they found that the original horrible sense of oppression had weakened a lot.

But it is like this, and it is still very terrifying.

The five people came to the periphery of the abyss in the blink of an eye, standing on the five corners of the abyss in the form of a five-pointed star.


“You only need to urge the instillation of the great power in your body and the center of the big formation.”

The voices of the people in the original state of Ninth Stage are constantly echoing.

After hearing the words, the five people of the Lord of Darkness followed suit and urged each other’s great power.

In the blink of an eye, five rainbow rays pierced through the void and condensed towards the center of the large array.

Seeing this scene, the faces of everyone of the weird race all showed thick smiles, and their eyes were all placed on the huge abyss.

And the powerful person in the Ninth Stage Origin Realm had a shimmering expression and a sneer on his face.

As long as the ancestor god fully recovers, the Yama Temple will cease to exist.

What half-step transcendence, what god son of Yama Temple, these people, in front of the real transcendence of the ancestor gods, are all ants.

As for the so-called Lord of Darkness, when the ancestor god recovers, his task will be completed.

When the five Lords of Darkness urged the avenue to instill in the center of the big formation, time passed by little by little.

I don’t know how long it has passed.



A fierce distortion of the big array instantly attracted the attention of everyone of the strange family.

At this moment, a strong look of respect appeared on their faces, and they looked towards the abyss like adoration.

And the Lord of Darkness also took a sigh of relief. While urging the power of the Great Dao, he knew that the consciousness of the strange ancestor god would be revived next, and he also began to make some small movements.


With the passage of time, everyone found that the consciousness of the imaginary strange ancestor god did not leave the seal, but from the center of the large array, thunder and magnetism rang, turning to condense on the top of the abyss.

The strong man in the Ninth Stage Origin Realm frowned when he saw this scene.

“It seems that the origins of the four Sixth Stages cannot be compared to the origins of the Eighth Stage of the two races.”

Perceiving this, the person from the Ninth Stage Origin Realm shouted.

“The consciousness of the ancestor god is slowly condensing, you must not stop instilling the power of the great road, as long as the body of the ancestor god is completely condensed, the consciousness of the ancestor god will return.”

When the words fell, there was another murmur.

“I hope that the consciousness of the ancestor god will recover quickly, and we must catch up with the emergence of the long river of time.”.

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