Chapter 386


After destroying the Lord of Space, Feng Chen came to the source of the space and grabbed it.

Suddenly, the space vibrated, focusing on the origin of the space, with radiant light constantly venting towards the surroundings.

The blazing light instantly flooded the entire universe, and from this shining light, there was still an extremely rich breath of space scattered.

At this moment, everyone’s eyes are on Feng Chen.

Under everyone’s eyes, Feng Chen’s whole body was full of light, and it was enveloped in the light that looked like daylight.

Although Feng Chen cannot be seen, all beings can guess that the opponent is now devouring the origin of space.

Between the heaven and the earth, where the original spatial domain was, there were constant clashes of fighting.

Those are people who are still stubbornly resisting the spatial domain.

But soon, these fighting sounds stopped, mainly because the Slaughter Heavenly Sovereign and their strength were too strong. Even if they were angry and wanted to avenge the Lord of Space, they had to see if they had this strength.

As the battle ended, everyone’s gaze in the entire world was placed on that bright light.

Countless creatures want to see how far Feng Chen’s cultivation base can break through after absorbing the origin of the master of space.

“It’s probably at least the Third Stage of Origin Realm.”

“From the half-step origin to break through the origin realm, it is usually the Second Stage or the Third Stage, but everything depends on talent. Then Feng Chen did not fight on the road, but directly swallowed the origin of the Lord of Space, plus talent. Not weak, I feel that I can break through to the Fifth Stage of the Origin Realm.”

“It’s hard to say, after all, Feng Chen is too enchanting, and everything has to wait for him to swallow it completely.”

“Don’t forget, everyone, Feng Chen fought three time battles before, but in the end he did not become the original state. How do I feel that Feng Chen may not be able to break through to become the original state this time.”

“Who knows what Feng Chen’s physique is, but people have two avenues of time and space, so they are naturally different from ours.”

“As for whether he can break through and become the true origin, it all depends on how far he can absorb the origin.”


In the universe, countless creatures are watching and discussing with each other, looking at Feng Chen who is shrouded in light.

After all, it was the first time they saw a person who had two avenues of time and space break through. Moreover, when he was in the Chaos Battlefield last time, Feng Chen could become the Origin Realm according to common sense, but no one expected that, After Feng Chen fought three times on the Great Dao, his cultivation base did not break through the Origin Realm. Instead, it was still the peak of the Half-Step Origin Realm.

This breakthrough naturally attracted their attention deeply.

Under the eyes of everyone, the light where Feng Chen is located continues to rise, and there is a strong spatial fluctuation that continues to rise.

Click! Click!

The soaring space power scattered around, tyrannically shattering the space, countless creatures retreated one after another when they felt this terrifying space power.

In the bright light, Feng Chen’s devouring lasted for a long time.

As time went by a little bit, the people onlookers did not leave, but more and more creatures watched over.

After all, he is Feng Chen, the god son of Yan Luodian, and Yan Luodian is the overlord power of God today. The cultivation base of this god son has long been noticed by the people.

With the passing of a little bit of time, the space power in the universe surges.

I don’t know how long it has passed.


The strongest light was where Feng Chen swallowed, and a clear voice suddenly sounded.

The next moment.


The space was distorted, and instead, there was a bright divine rainbow directly rushing to the heavens and all realms, and the divine rainbow was mixed with the power of the dense space avenue.

Under such a vision, everyone felt their hearts tightened, and an unparalleled pressure was squeezed toward them from the bright spot.

At the same time, the light bucket turned, and Feng Chen’s figure flickered, floating directly in the universe under the gaze of countless eyes.

At this time, Feng Chen’s whole body is covered with a vision, and the enveloping light blooms, the surrounding space is constantly shattered, and at the same time, the power of the avenue of time is spreading.

In a flash.

Feng Chen opened his eyes suddenly.

At the moment when his eyes opened.


A loud noise erupted in an instant, and the bells and drums in the sky above the sky suddenly sounded, triggering the sky full of visions.

Looking at Feng Chen again, the silhouette of the sky and the earth at this time carried everyone’s eyes, and the squinting eyes made people dare not look at him.

It succeeded.

Feng Chen successfully swallowed the origin of the Lord of Space.

However, the surrounding sentient beings could feel the fluctuations in the breath emanating from Feng Chen’s body, but there were doubts on each other’s faces.

“What do you mean? Why is he still the cultivation base of the half-step Origin Realm?”

“Although I felt a strong pressure from him, the cultivation base is not the original state.”

“Doesn’t even the master who swallowed the space know that it is enough to make his cultivation base reach the original state?”

“It’s so weird. He didn’t become the Origin Realm in the Time Avenue before, and he is the same now.”

“It seems that Feng Chen’s two avenues of time and space are enviable, but his breakthrough requires some conditions.”

“Think about it carefully. After all, a person with two avenues, if the way we break through is the same as ours, it is indeed a bit too enchanting.”


Under the sound of a series of discussions, Feng Chen, who was shrouded in thousands of rays of light in the universe, blinked and scanned the surroundings.

When he glanced over, the sentient beings did not dare to look at him, and bowed their heads.

Feng Chen saw that the battlefield in the distance was over, and he said in a deep voice.

“Back to Yama Daoyu.”

The words sounded, and everyone left the universe at the same time.

Their departure made the sentient beings breathe out invisibly.

Looking at the people in the Yan Luo Temple at a distance from each other, their eyes were full of shock.

…. Trust.

Yan (well) Luo Dian.

“It seems that we have to hurry up.” The Lord of Samsara said as Feng Chen felt the cultivation base had not broken through the original realm.

Feng Chen nodded: “It’s getting closer and closer to the opening of the Weir of the Long River. The strangers who want to come are also preparing.”

“This time in the Chaos Battlefield, the appearance of the Primordial God Venerable has brought a strong shock to the weird race. I must use all their power this time.” The Lord of Samsara said again: “And their only one The method is the weird ancestor god, this time, they may take some extreme methods.”

“In other words, what we will face next time is likely to be the weird ancestor god who is resurrected.”

As he spoke, he couldn’t help looking at the prehistoric god: “I don’t know when this man is facing the weird ancestor god…”

He didn’t finish his words.

Feng Chen also understood, and immediately smiled: “There is no need to worry about this. What we have to do now is to wait for the Long River Weapon to appear.”.

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