Chapter 388


The wind swept across the chaotic space turbulence, Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, shattered stars, and shattered palaces, flying horizontally in this space turbulence.

However, no matter what kind of treasure it was flying horizontally, when it encountered a glass-shaped, gray ball of light, it was directly shattered by the powerful destructive force emanating from the ball of light.

This sphere of light, wrapped in the aura of destruction, moved with the turbulent flow of space.


A crisp sound appeared so harsh in the turbulence of this space-ears.

There was a sound.

The next moment.


A loud noise erupted, and the entire spatial turbulence instantly became chaotic, and an endless aura of destruction erupted frantically from the spatial turbulence.

The aura is full, and countless Heavenly and Mortal Treasures are smashed to pieces, and the extremely terrifying power spreads towards the surroundings with the light ball as the center.

At the same time, the light rose, and the flaming light turned into an endless rainbow, covering the shattered ball of light.

It was under such multiple visions that the ball of light shattered, and a figure with a sword eyebrow star came out from it.

The whole body of this figure exudes monstrous fluctuations, and a pair of eyes blinking, as if looking at the world, even though what emanates from him is only a half-step cultivation base of the Origin Realm, but the power even exceeds the level of the Origin Realm. .

This person is named Ye Tian.

Ye Tian blinked his eyes, looked at the turbulence of the surrounding space, and turned the corners of his mouth slightly upwards.

“Finally still dead?”

After a word fell, his eyes slowly closed, seeming to perceive something.

next moment.


A brilliant light burst out from his eyes, tearing through the space violently, breaking through the heavy plane.

In an instant, Ye Tian turned into an afterimage and disappeared directly into place.

And the place he went was the chaos where God was.


Enveloping rays of light rose, Immortal cranes mingled, and above the azure sky, waterfalls rose high, like waterfalls connected from the sky.

And around the waterfall, there is an extremely large island that intersperses the waterfall.

At this moment, in the very center of the island, in that extremely majestic palace.

“Huh? Tian’er wakes up.”

Above the throne, a majestic body slowly spoke.

Majesty was written on the fortitude of his face, and this short sentence resounded in the ears of everyone in the hall even more like a thunder.

“Ten thousand years have passed, and the Son of God has finally woken up.”

“I think it should be because of that person’s fall.”

The man on the throne showed memories on his face.

“Tian’er, this child has been stubborn since he was a child. Although he is extremely talented, he cannot become the original state because of the constraints of the rules.”

“At that time, I persuaded him to change his way.”

“But it’s a pity that Tian’er is so persistent that he directly chooses to seal himself and wait for the day when that person falls.”

When the words fell, voices continued to be heard in the hall.

“The Son of God has his own ideas, and it’s not bad now. Although he has been self-proclaimed for thousands of years, the Son of God has finally waited.”

“As long as the son of God swallows that person’s origin, he will surely enter the origin realm.”

“That’s right, and relying on the talent of the god child is at least the existence of Fourth Stage’s origin realm.”

“As long as the god child becomes the original state, with the god child talent, it will not take long to join the front battlefield.”

The man on the throne nodded: “I hope Tian’er can grow up faster, otherwise, the battlefield ahead will not be able to support it.”

“Old Chen.”

“Elder Wang, let’s go both of you.”

The two figures walked out of the hall in response, exuding horrible aura fluctuations, and they were both half-step beyond the realm.

Looking at the two, the man on the throne said again: “Although it is only a lower realm, your cultivation base has also been suppressed to a certain extent. Don’t be careless, you must ensure the safety of Tian’er.”

The two elders nodded together: “Please rest assured.”

“Returning again is the matter of the Son of God becoming the Origin Realm. Please sit back and wait for the good news.”

The two of them said a word, then disappeared in the hall.

Seeing the two leave, the man on the throne’s complexion changed, and he remembered again.

Back then, if it hadn’t been for the existence of rules, he would have already killed the Dao Origin Realm powerhouse who organized Ye Tian.

How can you wait until now.

If it were to be killed at that time, Ye Tian might have already touched the threshold of transcendence.

The battlefield ahead will not be so tight.

Looking back, the man on the throne sighed.

· ···Find flowers···········

“Grow up quickly.”


“My lord, so far, nearly 90% of the forces in the entire God have chosen to join the Yama Dao domain.”

In the domain of Yan Luo, in the temple of Yan Luo, Sword Sovereign Chaos looks at Feng Chen’s report.

“As for the remaining 10%, either because it is too far away, or because of poor strength, there are some former hostile forces that are unwilling to join, as well as the darkness of the Dao, and the destruction of the Dao.”

Listening to the report, Feng Chen nodded: “Destroying the Dao Realm will directly send someone to destroy it.”

“You don’t need to go to these little things, just let those who join the Dao realm go.”

“As for the dark realm, is there news from the Lord of Darkness?”

Facing the question, Tyrant Dao shook his head: “The Lord of Darkness seems to have left the dark realm. For the time being, I don’t know where he went and haven’t found it yet.”

“Dark Daoyu first let go, and wait until the Lord of Darkness returns.”

“First send someone to regain the rest of God’s forces.”

Sword Sovereign Chaos and Ba Dao nodded at the same time.

Feng Chen opened his mouth again: “These are all secondary, and the most important thing at the moment is the weapon of time.”

“For some reason, I have a hunch, it seems that the Long River Weapon will appear in advance.”

Listening to Feng Chen’s words, everyone in the hall condensed their eyes.

They have always believed in Feng Chen’s hunch, plus the previous hunches, every time it came true.

In other words, this time the long river weapon is really likely to emerge early.

They all know that the weapon of the long river of time is of great help to Feng Chen.

At this moment, he secretly made up his mind to grab the weapon of the long river no matter what, even if the opponent is a strange family.

After roughly arranging the affairs of Yan Luo Daoyu, Feng Chen fell into thinking.

Now all my thoughts are on the tool of time, and there is no time to think about other things at all.

Click! Click!


When Feng Chen thought, a cracking sound swept across the sky and turned into an endless wave, instantly enveloping the entire Yan Luo Dao domain.

The violent breath of destruction was scattered all around, locking the Temple of Yama.

“Come live!”

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